
Thursday Oct 07, 2010
Thursday Oct 07, 2010
On Thursday the 7th of October, 2010, the Hermetic Hour, hosted by Poke Runyon, will present a lively review of magical fiction and films. We will go from "The Saragossa Manuscript"(1841) through Dion Fortune's "Moon Magic", Somerset Maugham's "The Magician" (novel and film), Chambers "The King in Yellow", Lovecraft's dream cycle, Merritt's lost worlds (that influenced Shaver), Jack Williamson's "Darker than You Think" (Jack Parson's favorite), Clark Ashton Smith dream-maker extraordinary, his imitator Jack Vance (from which we got Dungeons &
Dragons), "Valis" by Philip K. Dick -- just to name a few. Then the films: Orson Welles' "Black Magic" on Cagliostro, Jean Cocteau's "Orpheus", Merrian Cooper's "She", "Simon King of the Witches," "What Dreams May Come," "Crowley," and Jodorowsky's "The Holy Mountain." A smorgasbord of mind-benders. Tune in and feast on it!

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
This coming Thursday, September 30th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. host Poke Runyon will review our past 23 shows, describing what we covered in each one. We have tried to give a full picture of magick, from the first century to the modern era. All of these shows are archived, and can be listened to at any time. They are actually an informal course in Hermetic magick and its related arts. Please call in with questions on any of our previous shows or topics. We will also discuss our Associate Member program, its concept and goals. Tune in and find out where we've been and where we're going.

Thursday Sep 23, 2010
Thursday Sep 23, 2010
On September 23rd, 2010 at 8:p.m. the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will lead a discussion on Angel Magick (good spirits too) with an emphasis on crystal ball scrying techniques, training, equipment, and talisman construction and charging. We will discuss the recent books recounting Dr. Thomas Rudd's 17th century work in this field, and relate some experiences we've had in the circle doing this work. This will be call-in night, so have your questions ready on any topic we've covered. Tune in and get Theurgerated, or Thaumatergified.

Thursday Sep 16, 2010
Thursday Sep 16, 2010
On Thursday evening, September 16th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on magical astrology. We will begin with the prehistoric origin of the Zodiac in the Age of Taurus -- "Bull's Eye Astrology" -- and explain how this began the symbolism of the Zodiacal signs (the 12 Labors of Heracles). We will delve into Alexander's emphasis on Aries, and the establishment of horary astrological doctrine by Ptolemy. We will touch on the Orphic-Hermetic doctrine of the soul's descent and return, the geocentric model still used in Hermetic magick, the Mansions of the Moon, the Decans, and astrology's influence in geomancy, tarot, the Tree of Life, the kabbalah, and alchemy, and the concept of "Elective Astrology." Tune in and get proGnosticated!

Thursday Sep 09, 2010
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
On Thursday evening September 9th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour, hosted by Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the Hermetic art of alchemy, its history, its mystery and its philosophy. Poke does not claim to be an alchemist, and so his presentation will be based on his extensive notes from a seminar on the ancient art taught by the late Hans Nintzel, who was considered one of America's foremost alchemical masters. Our call-in guest will be Art Kunkin, author of "Alchemy Revealed" and the foremost alchemist in Southern California. Tune in and help us find the Philosopher's Stone.

Thursday Sep 02, 2010
Thursday Sep 02, 2010
On The Hermetic Hour for September 2nd, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. host Poke Runyon will be joined by Jo Carson for a discussion about the life
and work of surrealist painter, poet, Neo-Pagan philosopher and ceremonial magician Frederick Adams. Fred, with his consort Lady Svetlana, founded "Feraferia" in 1969. Feraferia was the first, and still the most elegant, expression of Goddess worshiping, Nature focused, Neo-Pagan religion in America. Jo Carson's recently
released film "Dancing With Gaia" features Fred giving instruction in land-form yoga, and also displays his marvelous art work. Fred Adams
was certainly a master magician. He and Svetlana recreated the ancient Greek Eleusinian Mysteries and perfected a joyous round of nine Seasonal Ceremonies. There would be no O.T.A. Seasonals without the original inspiration of Feraferia. Tune in on Thursday and connect with this beautiful and vital expression of modern magick.

Thursday Aug 26, 2010
Thursday Aug 26, 2010
On Thursday the 26th of August, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour, hosted by Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on "The Dark Side" of
Hermetic magick. We will explore the works of the 20th century's most erudite and accomplished diabolist, Kenneth Grant and his "Typhonian
Gnosis", tracing his sources through Crowley, the occult artist Austin Osman Spare, and back to the fin d' secle decadents of the late 19th
century. We will touch on Grant's adoption of the "Cthulhu Mythos" of fantasy writer H. P. Lovecraft and his fictional "Necronomicon." We
will read deliciously evil snippets from Grant's books, and our own lovingly crafted satire "Beyond the Nostrils of Nuit" from the forthcoming Seventh Ray. This really ought to be our Halloween show. Tune in and we'll descend into the Tunnels of Set.

Thursday Aug 19, 2010
Thursday Aug 19, 2010
On this coming Thursday night, August 19th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour will have "call-in night" led and monitored by host Poke Runyon. As a main topic we will discuss the magical attributes and detriments of "The Naughtiest Man in the World," Aleister Crowley. Of course this topic is specifically chosen to get you to call in. We expect a 'spirited' response, especially from Thelemites. Poke will read selections from Crowley's poetry, review the recent "Crowley"
movie, also the Somerset Maugham novel and film, "The Magician." We'll discuss The Book of the Law in relation to The Enochian Key of the Thirty Aethyrs, and offer some droll Crowley antidotes. If you don't like Crowley we'll defend him. If you do like him, we'll attack him: all of which he would enjoy immensely -- and so will we! Don't miss it. 93 skidoo!

Friday Aug 13, 2010
Friday Aug 13, 2010
On this Friday the 13th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. (Templar Memorial Day) The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will lead a discussion on Hermetic Philosophy, from ancient Alexandria through the Renaissance, and into the modern era. We will look at the early work of Empedocles and Pythagoras, the Pomander and the Asclepius, the Emerald Tablet, and the Chaldean Oracles. We will consider the Gnostic connection, and how the kabbalah arose from Greek, Assyrian, and Gnostic roots, and how it joined with Hermeticism in the Renaissance. We will establish why astrology is so important in the magical art. Most importantly we will look for The Great Secret of Hermetic-kabbalistic philosophy. This is the "Why" of Magick. This is the Holy Grail that we search for. This is the reason we dedicate our lives to an art that destroys the fools, and makes the wise immortal. I doubt that you have ever heard anything like this before. Tune in and we will open the pathway to enlightenment. Nosce te Ipsum -- Tu es Deus. Remember: this week we are on Friday evening, not Thursday. Please call in "on the topic."

Thursday Aug 05, 2010
Thursday Aug 05, 2010
This Thursday, August 5th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour will feature a talk by host Poke Runyon on Magical Pathworkings. These are
hypnotic guided tours of the astral plane, "inner plane projections," intended to introduce the magical students to deeply significant symbolism from mythology and traditional occult correspondences. The kabbalistic Tree of Life is the road map. The central idea here is that the student confronts the symbol or archetype and receives personal knowledge he or she might not obtain by conscious study. They are astral initiations. We will look at the history of this type of working, the Eastern version that influenced the O.T.A.'s pathworking system, and we will even take you on a mini-pathworking, so you can experience some of the effect. This is an important part of traditional magical lodge instruction that is not well understood. Tune in and take the journey.

Thursday Jul 29, 2010
Thursday Jul 29, 2010
On the upcoming episode of The Hermetic Hour for July 29th, 2010, host Poke Runyon will discuss the background behind the 2007 cult film "Beyond Lemuria" which he wrote and produced for C.H.S. Productions. Beyond Lemuria is a feature length science fiction/occult drama that was filmed in the ancient ruins of Nan Madol in the Pacific, inside an O.T.A. temple in Pasadena, high on the slopes of Mt. Shasta, and deep in the lava caverns under America's holy mountain. The film features leading occult figures in the roles of the Mt. Shasta Avatars. Lon Milo DuQuette takes the role of Hermes Trismegistus, Paul Clark is the Master Jesus, Merrick Hamer is Phylos of Atlantis, and Frater Solomon is Samyaza, the Fallen Angel from "The Book of Enoch." The dark side of the drama involves "The Shaver Mystery," a 1940s revelation of a secret underground realm of Atlantean-Lemurian survivors who possess the super-scientific weapons of the ancients. These evil "Deros" offer their secrets to the black magicians in the film, while the white magicians (played by the same actors) seek the wisdom of the ancients up on the Holy Mountain. Beyond Lemuria is available on DVD from Amazon, and is occasionally shown to select audiences; most recently at Hop Louie's bar and restaurant in L.A.'s Chinatown for a group of college art students. Tune in and get a "behind the scenes" run down on a controversial cult classic.

Thursday Jul 22, 2010
Thursday Jul 22, 2010
At eight p.m this Thursday, July 22nd, 2010 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will answer your call-in questions on our last show about European magus Franz Bardon. In between calls we will discuss the oldest, most famous (or infamous) of magical grimoires, "The Aim of the Sage", more popularly known as Picatrix" (Picatrix, not pick-up-sticks, and other books of dirty tricks!) This once forbidden tome ( at least in English ) is now available, translated from both the Arabic and the Latin medieval texts. We will discuss the Harranian Sabian contribution, and the Spanish connection--and if this sounds like Greek, it's that too. So tune in and find out how to get scorpions to sting themselves, and how to grow smart plants from human skulls, along with some profound Hermetic philosophy, and astrology that fights back.

Thursday Jul 15, 2010
Thursday Jul 15, 2010
At 8:00 p.m. on Thursday July 15th, 2010 Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on the magick of Franz Bardon, the 20th century
European alchemist and magician. Bardon was the author of three books on magick, and one semi-autobiographical novel. His Eastern style
methods of training, owing much to raja and tantric yoga, have had a considerable influence on modern Western practice. We will discuss each
of his three books in sequence; where his information came from, and what his philosophy was. You will learn about "fluid condensers,"
"volts," "elementals," magnetic and electric fluids, and magick mirrors. His debt to P. B. Randolph will be mentioned. We will discuss
the origins of his myriads of spirits, the way he derived his sigils, his unique concept of Kabbalah. Bardon's background as a professional
hypnotist, alchemist and healer will be compared to his mundane life and problems. The Master was an over-weight chain-smoker who died after
eating a bacon sandwich---but he was still "The Master," and we should appreciate him all the more for the faults that made him human. Tune in
find out why Simon, King of the Witches kept saying "Magnetic-Electric," while having fun with the D.A.'s daughter.

Thursday Jul 08, 2010
Thursday Jul 08, 2010
This coming Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., the Hermetic Hour is going interactive. The emphasis will be on your call in questions based
on any of the subjects we've covered on the preceding broadcasts. Remember, they are all archived, so you can catch up on any you've
missed. Please keep your questions centered on our subject: Hermetic Magick and it's related fields. In between calls I will be reading
material from the new forthcoming issue of or Seventh Ray journal. The following Thursday, July 16th, we will discuss the work, and the works,
of the European magus Franz Bardon.

Thursday Jul 01, 2010
Thursday Jul 01, 2010
On July 1st, 2010, Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on "The Hermetic Qabalah." First we will define what Qabalah, or Kabbalah, or Cabala, or "Q.B.L.," is, and then we will present a very simplified version of the basic principles -- sort of a "Qabalah for Dummies." Then we will move on into what we can do with it (that's the fun part). I once said that "hypnosis is the tactic of the magician, and qabalah is his strategy." We can define it as a software program, an operating system, or a schematic for the mind which enables the left brain (the rational part) to access and control the right brain (the intuitive part). We will get down to the magical nuts-and-bolts. We'll define the four dimensions, the Tree of Life, the Cube of Space, what the astrological connection is, where the angels and demons live, and how we use the qabalah to communicate with them. Tune in and let us gently bend your mind.

Thursday Jun 24, 2010
Thursday Jun 24, 2010
This Thursday, June 24th, 2010, on the Hermetic Hour, host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on Hermetic Yoga. Poke will discuss the chakras
in the etheric-plane Hindu tantric system, and the variations in Tibetan tantra. The kundalini in Hindu, Tibetan and Taoist procedures will be discussed. We will then differentiate between the etheric Hindu system, and our astral arrangement that follows the "lightning Flash" on the Western Tree of Life. The philosophical importance of the Western arrangement will be compared to the Eastern system's alchemical correspondences. We will discuss the origin of our system, from the Golden Dawn's Middle Pillar exercise, to its full development now used by the O.T.A. in its magical operations. The mantras and affirmations will be demonstrated and explained. Tune in and we'll
meditate our way from Omega up to Tau, and beyond.

Thursday Jun 17, 2010
Thursday Jun 17, 2010
On June 17th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour will present a lecture on the 1770 Crata Repoa system of magical initiation. I will briefly describe this 18th century German (and later French) recreation of an ancient Alexandrian mystery tradition on a Masonic initiatory
model. The Crata Repoa was a structural outline for a magical order that precedes both the O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn's Cypher Manuscript by 100 years. We will discuss the original authors, what they were trying to accomplish, and the considerable influence their creation had
on subsequent magical traditions. I will recount how I literally stumbled into a French version of the system in 1963, and adapted it to the fledgling O.T.A. in 1969 --- Carrying the story on into the 70s, 80s and 90s as we found out more about the system and expanded our program along the lines laid out in Crata Repoa. Tune in and we'll explore this baroque version of the secrets of the ancients.

Thursday Jun 10, 2010
Thursday Jun 10, 2010
On Thursday evening, June 10th, 2010, The Hermetic Hour will present an introductory lecture on Enochian magick. Your host, Poke Runyon, has been practicing this system for forty years and has some personal insights into its effectiveness, how it works, and what one can expect from it. We will begin with a brief history from John Dee and Edward Kelley in
Elizabethan times, through the Golden Dawn's amplifications, Crowley's contributions, and the present day developments, including the work of
Lon Milo DuQuette. We will discuss Terrestrial Victory, and how it became the modern system of the Thirty Aethyrs. We will recount some Enochian visions, and even deliver an Enochian Call --- You can close your eyes and see what kind of visions arise in your mind's eye. So, tune in on Thursday at 8:00 p.m. and we'll visit the Enochians.

Thursday Jun 03, 2010
Thursday Jun 03, 2010
On June 3rd, 2010 The Hermetic Hour will discuss the origin, history, and content of the Golden Dawn's Cypher Manuscript, that mysterious and controversial document that was the foundation of the Victorian era's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. We will cover this subject in depth, explaining Wynn Westcott's creation of "Fraulein Sprengel," the fictitious Rosicrucian adept who was actually a pseudonym for two real women on the occult scene. We will examine the manuscript itself, and the secret knowledge it reveals about the qabalah, tarot and the Tree of Life. We will recount the notorious "Horos Affair" which nearly
destroyed the Golden Dawn, and show how it was related to the Cypher Manuscript. We will briefly discuss Aleister Crowley's connection to the Order, and the difference between his Thelemic philosophy, and the Rosicrucian philosophy of the Golden Dawn. Tune in at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and return with us to the thrilling days of yesteryear, when out of the inner sanctum comes the cry of the Kerux: "Hekas, hekas! este bebeloi!" The Golden Dawn rides again!
ISBN-10: 097727652X Available from Amazon.com

Thursday May 27, 2010
Thursday May 27, 2010
This week, May 27th, 2010, the Hermetic Hour will deal with the fascinating subject of Masonic-Occult conspiracy connections. We will discuss the actual and fanciful history of Freemasonry in relation to occultism, radical politics, and "The New World Order." We'll go from the Illuminati, the French Revolution, the Morgan Affair, the Palladian hoax, Fabian socialism, to Marxism. We'll reveal just what the "Great Secret" of Freemasonry really is and why the Masons are hated and feared by the fanatics and true-believers of the world's great religions---and the followers of radical political philosophies. We'll briefly review Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol." If you have a friend who believes that Masons are the secret agents of some shadowy world
government, or satanic conspiracy, ask them to tune in. We will take calls, but this is a highly charged subject, so make your questions brief and reasonable. Tune in at 8:00 p.m. and, at the sound of the gavel in the East, we will seek the Light.

Thursday May 20, 2010
Thursday May 20, 2010
This Thursday, May 20th, the Hermetic Hour will feature the conclusion of Prince Aqhat and the Magick Bow, preceded by a brief synopsis of the
story thus far, and followed by a brief commentary. We will then take calls (if any) and answer questions about Prince Aqhat, or magick in
general. In the last quarter of the hour Poke Runyon will read excerpts from various articles that will appear in the new Seventh Ray, number
three, "The Green Ray." That will be published some time this summer --- So, tune in (at 8:00 p.m.Thursday), turn on, and get magick!

Thursday May 06, 2010
Thursday May 06, 2010
Tune in to hear Poke Runyon read the second of three installments of his historical novelette, "Prince Aqhat and the Magick Bow."

Thursday Apr 29, 2010
Thursday Apr 29, 2010
For our next show, Poke Runyon will read the first of three installments of his historical
novelette, "Prince Aqhat and the Magick Bow." This is a modern rendition of an ancient Canaanite legend that dates from the time of Melchizedek
(1500 B.C.) and is based on the scribe Elimelech's version written down on clay tablets before Moses brought the Hebrews out of Egypt. The O.T.A. performs four seasonal ceremonies each year based on these ancient Canaanite pre-Biblical myths. Prince Aqhat is a great way to
become familiar with Canaanite-Phoenician mythology which has so much bearing on the magick of old King Solomon, and his Phoenician ally King
Hiram of Tyre. This is an exciting story, full of magick, mystery and wonder---like a tale from the Arabian Nights, and Poke will give it a dramatic reading. Tune in and get Magick!

Thursday Apr 22, 2010
Thursday Apr 22, 2010
This Thursday the Hermetic Hour will present a lecture by Poke Runyon on Dark Mirror Evocation and Angelic Invocation that was first delivered at a symposium sponsored by Paul Clark's Fraternity of the Hidden Light in 2002. This talk will reveal the philosophy, the techniques, and the effects related to these "grand operations" of ceremonial magick: how to summon spirits, and call down angels. Poke will discuss this subject in depth, and give the psychological, spiritual and traditional background behind our most dynamic form of modern urban shamanism. This talk will be directed toward those sincerely interested in this subject. It will be dense with facts, techniques and practical instructions. It may be too heavy for parlor room 'fluffy bunnies,' but if you want to outgrow your fluff, tune in and find out how the boys and girls back in the dim-lit, blue-painted garages do it.
Good Magick!

Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Introduction to Hermetic and Solomonic ceremonial magick, as taught and practiced by The Church of Hermetic Sciences and The Order of the Temple of Astarte (O.T.A.). We will outline Hermetic philosophy and its history, drawing a distinction between Hermetic magick and witchcraft and satanism. We will discuss the principles of invocation (calling down angels) and evocation (calling up spirits), and the aspects of astrology, kabbalah and alchemy that bear upon Hermetic magick. We will describe the inner workings of the magical visionary process, explaining the hypnotic and subjective nature of this phenomenon, while maintaining the inner spiritual reality of the human imagination.