The Hermetic Hour

Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. ”Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!” ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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Thursday Jun 14, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday June 14th, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the influence of Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy on western occultism and magick. This a broad subject because Blavatsky's impact on all areas of western esoteric theory and practiced is vast and pervasive. We will begin with her Egyptian connection with The Brotherhood of Luxor, and French Masonry, her mid-19th century connection with American Spiritualism, her first opus "Isis Unveiled," which was essentially Hermetic. The meeting in England with her future Eastern Master "Mahatma Morya" (Ranbir Singh). Moving her Theosophical Society to India under the secret sponsorship of her "Mahatmas." Her professed Buddhist philosophy and the development of her universal religion featuring spiritual Darwinism and Aryan Solarism. "The Secret Doctrine" and "The Stanzas of Dyzan." Her anti-Biblical, anti-Christian bias. The German offshoots of Theosophy: Rudolph Steiner's Christian Anthroposophy, and the proto-Nazi Ariosophy. The American cults: the Ballard's "I AM," Elizabeth Claire Prophet, The "New Age Movement," and Richard Shaver's "Mystery." We will also discuss the Hermetic reaction to her successes which resulted in Anna Kingsford's Hermetic Society, and The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. So, if you want to glimpse Blavatsky unveiled, tune in and get Theosophized.

Thursday Jun 07, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday June 7th, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the life and work of Hermetic philosopher Manly Palmer Hall. We will trace his life through the early years on the east coast where he became interested with the esoteric at very early age, his remarkable capacity for learning and teaching, his 1920s-1930s Southern California success, his steadfast adherence to the principals of ancient and classical philosophy in contrast to the New Thought Movement so popular in esoteric circles at the time. His support of Theosophy and the esoteric Freemasonry of Albert Pike. We will look at some of his stranger adventures with friends such as Houdini, Bela Lugosi, and others. Like Houdini, Hall was a crusader against occult fraud and helped bring down a very powerful cult, even at the risk of his own life. And yet, in later years he was apparently the victim of a sinister plot by a trusted business manager. He died a horrible death which the LAPD investigated as a homicide. Our reference book for this report is "Master of the Mysteries" by Louis Sahagun, and my own Masonic association with Ill. Bro.Manly P.Hall, 33 -- Tune in and we will review the life of "The Maestro."

Why Did John Carter Fail?

Thursday May 31, 2012

Thursday May 31, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday May 31st, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the current mystery behind the U.S. failure of the major film "John Carter." This film was a resounding success in Russia, Europe and Latin America. Why did it flop in the U.S.A.? To understand this we must also ask why the U.S. space program has been virtually shut down, and why the rest of the world knows more about the planet Mars than Americans do. We will review the work of Richard Hoagland, and Andrew Basiago, and the current article on "True Mars" in the latest Atlantis Rising. Mars has water, vegetation, atmosphere, life, and ancient ruins. Concepts of time travel and teleportation will be explored in relation to the John Carter screenplay. The John Carter DVD will be released June 5th. Keeping our speculations in mind, you can have another look and wonder why this excellent and provocative motion picture was poorly edited, ineffectively advertised, and badly reviewed. So, tune in and we'll voyage to the real Barsoom.

Thursday May 24, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 24th, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the life and works of Israel Regardie. We will focus on Regardie's contributions to the modern occult revival starting with his early book "The Tree of Life," his experiences acting as personal secretary to Aleister Crowley, his membership in the Stella Matutina (Golden Dawn) his subsequent publication of their material, his support for the revival of the O.T.O. in the 1970s, and the G.D. in the 1980s. Having known Regardie personally, and having a long association with Regardie's chosen successors, host Poke Runyon is able to resolve the question uppermost in minds of many who seek to fathom the enigma of Regardie's personal philosophy: was he a Thelemite, or was he a Rosicrucian? The answer is he was one or the other, depending on what he thought you needed -- but he never recommended mixing the two systems. So, if you want to meet the real Israel Regardie, tune in be enlightened.

Thursday May 17, 2012

This Thursday, May 17th, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. The Hermetic Hour will present a book review by host Poke Runyon of the newly released "Inside the Solar Lodge, Behind the Veil" by Frater Shiva. The Solar Lodge was the legendary psychedelic era magical group in the Los Angeles area that flourished from the mid-1960s until it was driven underground by a anti-occult witch hunt following a tragic fire at its desert commune near Blythe in 1969. Regardless of whatever criticisms could be made about The Solar Lodge -- and most were grossly exaggerated -- it was the most magically powerful, focused and cohesive magical organization since the early days of The Golden Dawn. The true story of its fascinating origin, development and eventual decline is finally told by the man who was the Solar Lodge's chief executive officer under the command of Thelemic Avatrix Jean Brayton. And who better to tell the story. Frater Shiva and his lady will call in during the second half of the show, and give us their personal views on the subject. -- So, if you really want to know about the magical revival in California, tune in and we'll lift the veil.

The Order of 1734 in America

Thursday May 10, 2012

Thursday May 10, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday May 10th, 2012 will feature a discussion, moderated by host Poke Runyon, on the origins and the establishment of the "1734" Witchcraft tradition in the United States. This was an American version of Roy Bowers' (Robert Cochrane's) "Clan of Tubal Cain" that surfaced in England in the 1960s as a rival to the Gardnerian Craft. Bowers' claimed to belong to a hereditary tradition more indigenous and authentic than Gardner's popular version of "The Craft." While Gardner drew from Margeret Murray's "Witch Cult in Western Europe", Bowers drew from Robert Graves "The White Goddess." Bowers' American correspondent Joseph Wilson received numerous letters from Roy, forming an enigmatic, mystical corpus of material from which the talented Joe Wilson fashioned the American version called "1734" from a cypher included in the manuscripts. Like Johnny Appleseed, Joe Wilson seeded 1734 covens across the nation. Some of these groups still don't know where their Book of Shadows came from. As featured guests we will have Ann and Dave Finnin of the Roebuck, a "Clan of Tubal Cain," who are perhaps the most knowledgeable elders of the tradition. Ann is the author of "The Forge of Tubal Cain." We will cover the strange life and stranger death of Roy Bowers, the mysterious symbolism of the St. Uzec Menhir (1734's Stele of Revealing), the meaning(s) of "1734," the shamanic talents and prankster antics of Joe Wilson, and other tales of high adventure on the inner and outer planes -- so, if you want to know which witch is which, tune in and we'll lift the veil.

Thursday May 03, 2012

On Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on one of the books most influential on the revival of Paganism, Witchcraft, and Magick in the post World War Two era: "1948's "The White Goddess" by poet laureate Robert Graves. The book is difficult read even for those well versed in myth-lore, and classical literature. Graves takes a poet's magical, and even whimsical, approach to what at first appears to be anthropology -- even though he warns the reader that he is not dealing with history as it was, but rather as the ancient and medieval bards imagined it to have been -- which is just as important as how it really was. His argument is that behind all true poetry lies the inspiration of a haunting, primordial muse: the prehistoric Moon Goddess of birth, youth, death and the phases of nature. He is a cultural diffusionist, spinning off from Frazer on a wild ride from ancient Greece to the Druids, tying together the whole warp and woof of Western esoteric lore from the Bible to the troubadours. The White Goddess had a major influence on Fred Adams and Svetlana's Feraferia, with the Tree Alphabet being a central element in Feraferian structure. The book was also a very strong influence on Roy Bowers Order of 1734, and the Roebuck of the Finnins. It has also had some influence on the O.T.A., and many other Pagan and Magical groups. So, tune in and plumb the mysteries of the Druid's Handbook, and the thinking Witch's Bible.

Magical Cults and NeoPaganism

Thursday Apr 26, 2012

Thursday Apr 26, 2012

On Thursday April 26th, 2012, The Hermetic Hour, host Poke Runyon, will review his 1980 master's thesis in cultural anthropology at Cal State, Northridge, titled: "A History of Magical Cults and the Rise of NeoPaganism in Southern California." This work has never been published and contains what some might consider "sensitive" material. It briefly reviews the history of the Western Esoteric Tradition starting in first century Alexandria, up through the 19th and 20th century magical groups, concentrating on the modern rise of Magick and "Wicca" in England -- and immigrating to America. Magick first in the 1920s, followed by witchcraft in the 1960s. The rise of nature oriented NeoPaganism in Southern California, through the turbulent psychedelic era, and the new "Coven model" organizations. I saw this phenomenon as a cultural revitalization movement I referred to as "NeoRomanticism." It is a sad fact that most contemporary witches and magicians know very little about the actual history of their "traditions," especially in relation to other earlier traditions, and groups they may not be aware they are related to. We will open a time capsule and go back 35-40 years to the thrilling days of yesteryear. Tune in and we'll ripe the veil of mystery from our history.

Magick and Politics

Thursday Apr 19, 2012

Thursday Apr 19, 2012

On Thursday, April 19th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on Magick and Politics. This is a controversial, difficult and delicate subject, but one of crucial importance that needs to explored and understood by everyone who belongs to a magical group, lodge, coven or order -- or is considering joining such an organization. We will cover the influence of Theosophy, and its distortions that influenced Nazism. The anti-occult, anti-Neo-Pagan bias that followed WW II, the danger of being tagged as a "racist" group, the problem with illegal drugs, and under-age sex in connection with occult-pagan activities. The problem with "Satanism" and the great 1990s Satanic Witch Hunt. The problem with raising children in Pagan homes. The problem of diminishing privacy and personal freedoms, especially the freedom of association. We will look beyond "Right Wing-Left Wing," "Democratic" buzz words into the reality of our diminishing freedoms under both liberal and conservative administrations -- and how we, as magicians can preserve our traditions and our practices in a "politically correct" world. Tune in and find out how to avoid what no one expects.....The Spanish Inquisition!

Thursday Apr 12, 2012

On the Hermetic Hour Thursday, April 12, 2012, host Poke Runyon will introduce Professor Curtis Shumaker who teaches English literature at Cal State and specializes in the study of science fiction. Curtis is also an occultist and a Masonic scholar. He will discuss the recent book on occult writers in literature "The Dark Muse" (recently reviewed in The Seventh Ray) and the concept of the "Weird" as a manifestation of an incomprehensible, irrational universe, as opposed to a "supernatural" universe where everything follows the rules of magick -- which seem reasonable in their own context. We will touch on Lovecraft's scientific/magical mythology, moving on to the later writers in the Lovecraft cycle: Fritz Leiber ("Our Lady of Darkness"), Matheson, Charles Beaumont, Jack Williamson ("Darker Than You Think") and even a Jungian perspective on GD/Crowley type magick. -- So, get your note books ready to write down some books you'll want to read.

Hermetic Geomancy

Thursday Apr 05, 2012

Thursday Apr 05, 2012

On Thursday, April 5th, 2012 Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the ancient divinatory art of Geomancy, which is a little known but very important part of the Hermetic magician's tool kit. We will review the history of the process, comparing it to it's ancient Chinese counterpart the I-Ching, and the Tarot. Geomancy is divination by the figures of Earth, but very much related to astrology. Most of our practical knowledge of the process comes from Agrippa's 16th century treatise, but it is far more ancient, probably dating back to the paleolithic. We will discuss our own unique reconstruction of the most ancient method, involving huckle bones (the earliest dice) and flourite crystals (the Biblical Urim and Thummim). We were recently surprised when one of our members on duty in Iraq informed us that the Yezidis were using something similar. Geomancy also figures in the medieval Grail epic Parsifal. Tune in and find out about Western magick's own very ancient version of "casting the runes."

Thursday Mar 22, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, March 22nd, 2012 will feature a discussion led by host Poke Runyon, with Ed Fitch, and Rustee Wizzerd, calling in, on the marriage of Paganism, Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick seen in the revival of the 1970s Order of the Temple of Astarte in the 21st century. We will talk about how this all got started, what our original goals were, and what influenced the O.T.A. to attempt a modern synthesis of Victorian era Gnostic and Rosicrucian magical systems with the more shamanic and earth-oriented Neo-Pagan Movement. This will be an eye-opener to newbies who often have no idea what the real differences between Wicca and Magick are, or how much one owes to the other -- so, tune in and find out what's going on in strange, dark blue rooms in California, Texas, and Georgia. It's Magick!

Thursday Mar 01, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, March 1st, 2012 will highlight our C.H.S. Associate Member's program. It will also be call-in night, so let's hear from you. Our call-in number is: 374-857-1830. We will be previewing our forthcoming video, now in production, "The Pathworkings of Magick." This is going to be the first time that anyone has attempted to actually do traditional inner plane projection operations over a computer or on DVD home theater. We've already shot the live temple footage and we will post stills on our website. These Pathworking DVDs will go out to our Associate Members as part of their instructional program. Tune in an learn how you can take magical journeys at home. 

Thursday Feb 23, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday the 23rd of February, 2012 will present a report by host Poke Runyon on the recent PantheaCon convention in San Jose, California (from the17th through the 20th of this month). This gathering of NeoPagan tribes, magical lodges and Wiccan covens was attended by 2000 colorful characters with nearly a hundred events, lectures, ritual presentations, and handcrafted treasures for collectors of the exotic. We attended as part of the Feraferian entourage and helped Feraferia's leader Jo Carson to present an enchanted Oimelc rite that featured talented dancers, musicians and an experienced cast of ritualists.  Lady Jo will be calling in discuss this event with us and her upcoming book on Feraferia. We also attended lectures and classes given by our friends Chic and Tabatha Cicero, and Lon Milo DuQuette. We touched base with Ed Fitch who was promoting his forthcoming book Pirate Magic -- or is Pyrate Magick? (Arrgh!) A great time was had by all -- so tune in and we'll share the magick with you.

Thursday Feb 16, 2012

On February 16th, 2011 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a lively discussion of the great anti-Masonic hoax of the late 19th century, the "Order of the Palladium," allegedly founded by General Albert Pike, 33rd, and conferred, through secret sex magick rites, by the mysterious beauty Diana Vaughan. This French-based tabloid serial was the creation of a self-admitted journalistic "prankster" Leo Taxil, aided by his attractive female secretary Diana Vaughan, and a certain "Dr. Bataille". Working together they concocted the fantastic memories of the high priestess of an international luciferian masonic sex magick cult which sought to secretly initiate the leaders of the Western World in a demonic conspiracy. The repentant Diana Vaughan was said to have converted to Roman Catholicism and to be hiding somewhere in a undisclosed convent. When the Pope asked Taxil if he could visit her and bestow his blessing, Taxil knew that the jig was up. He called a press conference and made an outrageous public confession of the whole affair. The transcript of his confession -- complete with laughter and insults -- has been translated into English and would make a hilarious one-man stage show. Up until recently many anti-masonic conspiracy buffs still believed the Palladians were the real deal (David Icke still does) and there is even a Palladian Skull and Bones chapter at the University of Arkansas. We have a special connection to this mad adventure through our late senior adviser Louis T. Culling, who claimed to be "the Last Palladian." So, tune in and we'll unveil the secrets of the Palladians.

Thursday Feb 09, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday February 9th, 2012 will feature a discussion, led by Poke Runyon on the psycho-philosophy of Carl Gustav Jung and its relation to the Hermetic Tradition. We will set forth the basic tenants of Jung's psychology, how it differs from that of Sigmund Freud, and how Jung's theory of the "Collective Unconscious" matches up with the Hermetic theory of the "Universal Mind." We'll also consider how the Jungian "archetypes" and "the shadow" relate to angels, spirits and demons. Jung's interest in Alchemy will be mentioned, along with his notion that UFOs might be the medieval angels returning in modern times. Our reference text will be "Modern Man in Search of a Soul" and "The Red Book," which was Jung's personal diary of his own spiritual quest. So curl up with your anima (or animus) and we'll get analytical.

Thursday Feb 02, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday February 2nd, 2012 with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the life and times of America's most famous and notorious ceremonial magician John (Marvel) Whiteside Parsons. You don't have to be "a rocket scientist" to understand the secrets of magick -- but Jack Parsons actually was a rocket scientist, and he not only established the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA's JPL) in Pasadena, but also ran the Agape Lodge of the O.T.O. from a mansion on Orange Grove that members called "The Ghastly Gables." Parsons has a lunar crater named after him -- on the dark side, of course. We will trace Jack's fantastic career from the depression years through WW II, and the the post war era. Our references will be John Carter's (Warlord of Mars?) book "Sex and Rockets" (1999), our own conversations with Lou Culling and Cameron Parsons, our own 1976 Seventh Ray publication of Parson's "Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword." We'll discuss the "Babalon Working," and the Cal Tech drama department's recent stage play "Pasadena Babalon." Launch time: 8:00 p.m. Thursday -- five, four, three, two, one...Blast Off ! (Io Pan !)

Thursday Jan 26, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, January 26th, 2012 with host Poke Runyon, will feature a discussion on the mystical science fiction of Philip K. Dick. For those unfamiliar with his writings this will hopefully serve to introduce you to a writer now considered to be in a class with Jorge Louis Borges, Kurt Vonnegut and, in my opinion, James Joyce. Several of Dick's novels have been made into films, such as "Blade Runner", "Minority Report", "Total Recall" and "The Adjustment Bureau." He transcended the 1960s' drug culture with concepts and themes that went deeper and more universal than the temporary insights of flower-power. He rides a pale horse through the night of a thousand brains in a race against sanity that will keep you confused and enlightened at the same time---and time itself may run backwards if necessary. So get out your Perky Pat layout, take some Can-D and  settle in for an hour of Divine Madness -- especially if VALIS calls in....

Thursday Jan 19, 2012

This Thursday, January 18th, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present an in-depth interview with the distinguished author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell. We will focus on his 2007 book "The Philosopher's Stone, Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter" from Feral House. In this work, Dr. Farrell traces the course of Alchemy from possible antediluvian secret science, through classical NeoPlatonist-Hermetic concepts, exotic medieval formulas, to modern quantum mechanics functioning on different model than Einstein's Relativity. We'll discuss the American Alchemical gold, the mysterious Russian "Red Mercury", the Nazi atomic bomb -- which they may have had before we did -- and the Tortion theory of quantum physics behind the awesome Nazi "Bell" project. This is a show that will bend your mind, and set you to wondering about the real history of history... Don't miss it.

Thursday Jan 12, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for this Thursday, January 12th, 2012 will feature a discussion, led by host Poke Runyon, on magical films and films of interest to magicians and pagans. We will start with the silent classics, and work our way through to the latest offering from HPLHS (the Lovecraft Historical Society) which is Whisperer in the Darkness. This will not be a detailed history of weird films, but rather a selection of what we consider the best, such as Cocteau's Orpheus, Orson Welles Black Magic, Bergman's The Seventh Seal, and others we consider artful and provocative. Please call in and offer your selections. So, tune in and we'll review "weird cinema."

Thursday Jan 05, 2012

This Thursday, January 5th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will feature a show on our new year, 2012 and the predictions, ancient and modern, concerning the end of our cycle, and, hopefully, a new beginning. We'll discuss the Mayan calendar, its relation to other cyclic predictions, and the whole range of prophetic predictions --
 from he return of  Planet X to the alignment with the center of the galaxy and what that portends. We will try to balance the negative and positive aspects of all this, telling you what we think you ought to have in your survival kit, along with what spiritual resources we think you should try to cultivate. On the cynical side we'll review the history of Millenarian doom's day cults and have a chuckle over our "Doom-of-the-Month-Club." You get a free extra doom when you join.
Currently we are offering the "Chinese Duck Poop Doom" as a freebie when you sign up. The Yellowstone Caldera Doom is this month's offering. And you should take the "Zombie Apocalypse" seriously because Homeland Security is using it as a training film. So, tune in and get ready for the last year you may ever enjoy!

Thursday Dec 29, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for December 29th, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will feature a wrap-up of the years' shows, highlighting some of our best that you might want to listen to again. We will also venture a preview of some special shows coming up next year. Topics will include Carl Jung and his influence on modern magick, the science fiction philosopher-mystic Philip K. Dick and his Gnostic visionary writings, the PantheaCon event in San Jose with Feraferia and Jo Carson, J.R.R. Tolkien and the recovery of western folklore, to name a few -- and Frater  Limbeck has suggested Jack Parsons, and Julius Evola -- both
fascinating subjects. We will also discuss the next year's Associate Member course, which will include our Pathworkings, so be sure and tune in for what's coming up in 2012 (before Planet X in December).

Thursday Dec 15, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday December 15th, 2011 with host Poke Runyon will feature a discussion on our Winter Solstice pageant Baal Samin, from  the Neo-Canaanite tradition. We will also mention Winter Solstice in the Feraferian Neo-pagan seasonal round. We offer an invitation to our regular listeners, and especially our new listeners, to call in and question or discuss any topic we've covered this year -- and to suggest ideas for next year's shows. What guests would you like us to interview? What  aspects of magick would you like to hear more about? We'll also review our Associate Member program, and up-date you on it's progress and its benefits. Now that the year is drawing to a close, we want to hear from you. Our listening audience is steadily growing, and we need to get your reactions, and suggestions. So, tune in, call in and interact.

Thursday Dec 08, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday December 8th, 2011 will purify the air after our Necronomicon show with a discussion on the Golden Dawn and Regardie's Middle Pillar ritual. We will trace its origin back to Felkin's Stella Matutina  (second generation Golden Dawn) in the early 1920s, then Regardie's expanded meditational version published in 1932. We'll mention the 1991 edited version compared to the original. We will compare this Sphere based system to Paul Case's chakra system based on the Golden Dawn's Path attributes. The Middle Pillar was the inspiration for our 1970s' Hermetic Caduceus, the fully developed Sephirotic chakra system based on "The Lightning Flash" upon the Tree of Life -- so tune in and let's bring down The Light.

Thursday Dec 01, 2011

Following our show on Chaos Magick, The Hermetic Hour for Thursday December 1st, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will feature a discussion on the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and their influence on modern magick, especially that of the Kenneth Grant, and Chaos Magick traditions. We will summarize the "Cathulu Mythos" and the history of the fabulous "Necronomicon." Although both are essentially fiction, we will discuss Lovecraft's dream recall method, and the idea, purposed by Kenneth Grant, that Lovecraft actually created  what must now be considered a genuine mythology. Lovecraft's demons, loved and feared by millions, have become as real as those of the Goetia -- at least in the subjective realm of magick. We will recount some humorous episodes involving Necronomicon fabrications, and we will read from the most complete text of the Mad Arab's hellish book, the alleged "John Dee Translation."  So, tune in and shudder at the blasphemous ravings of Abdul Al Hazred.

Friday Nov 25, 2011

The Friday following Thanksgiving, November 25th, 2011 -- on a Solar Eclipse -- the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will explore the history, the philosophy and the methods of Chaos Magic(k). Our special guest will be Maestro Andrieh Vitimus, author of "Hands-On Chaos Magic"  from Llewellyn Publications. We will trance the origins of the Chaos tradition from Crowley, through Austin Spare, Kenneth Grant, and Peter Carroll, who formally launched the modern Chaos tradition with his classic "Liber Null." Without making value judgments we will try to define what the Chaos system offers in comparison to more traditional forms of magick. We will discuss its relation to Thelema, shamanism, yoga and astrology. We'll discuss the use of nuerolinguistics, and Freudian psychology in comparison to the Jungian orientation in modern Hermetics. The unique sigil and talisman techniques will be mentioned, and the influence of Bardon, Crowley, Grant and Lovecraft will be discussed. So, if you want to learn what the Chaos Illuminati are doing, and how they are doing it, tune in and get your Eschaton Immanentized.

Thursday Nov 17, 2011

On Thursday, November 17th, 2011 the Hermetic Hour, with host poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the relationship of the Hermetic Tradition with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This topic was suggested by one of our listeners who wanted to know "Where does Jesus fit in the Hermetic scheme of things?" A very good question. The
Hermetic Tradition interpenetrates, incorporates, may have influenced, and certainly enhances the mystic and philosophical aspects of all three of the great religions --- and especially the tradition of Freemasonry. The Hebrew Kabbalah is especially compatible with Hermetic concepts and Gnostic cosmology. Alexandria in classical times, a
hundred years before the "Common Era" saw the birth of the Hermetic tradition, and may even have influenced Jesus -- more so than Buddhism, which was not familiar to the Greco-Roman world. The similarities between Christian and Hermetic philosophy led to the popularity of the Hermetic writings in the early Renaissance, and their brief acceptance
by the Roman Church. Christians, Jews, and Sufi Muslims who are not prisoners of their dogma, find no problems working systems such as the Golden Dawn. If one can abide Freemasonry, one can enjoy the Way of Hermes. We will discuss early forms of Christianity that fit well with Hermetic doctrine. And we will discuss Jesus' teachings in relation to Hermetic philosophy -- So, tune in and we'll Witness for Hermes, and -- to quote Reverend Bobby-John: "We'll all be saved!"

Thursday Nov 03, 2011

On this Thursday's Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will welcome Wor. Frater Osiris, P.M. from Georgia, one of our Associate Members who recently staged an O.T.A. seasonal rite there. Mike will tell us just how he went about it, and how it was received. We have another Associate Member in Texas, Frater Heracles, who has also staged a seasonal, and will call in with his comments. This warms the cockles of my heart!  We've been putting on these delightful pageants four times a year, on the solstices and equinoxes, since 1974, and we are so happy to see the tradition spreading out across the country. Mike and John have been able to do very effective rituals by following the scripts and details in our Seasonal Book, and using their own ingenuity in the staging. This is very important because we have gotten more elaborate at Montsalvat and Rivendell over the years, and we need fresh talent to do it their own way -- like Wagner in modern dress. Same words and music, but a fresh, new look. Mike has even translated our musical theme, scored in the book, on a synthesizer, which he will play for us. This will be a fun and inspiring evening. Tune in and find out  how you too can turn your back yard into a Sacred Grove and honor the Lord and Lady in the most ancient of modern seasonal rites.

Thursday Oct 27, 2011

On the 27th of October 2011 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion of Halloween from the Hermetic perspective. Actually this is more of a Pagan holiday  but we Hermetics are Pagan as well as Biblical, so we celebrate anything we want. Our sister lodge Feraferia had a Samhain ceremony -- which I will briefly cover -- and
since they departed for Northern California, we have developed at Samhain rite of our own, evoking Mot,  the original "Grim Reaper" Himself. We will also recall the 1974 and 1975 Tom Snyder Halloween Special on the old NBC Tomorrow Show, featuring Fred Adams, Ed Fitch, Issac Bonewits, and your host, in which we aired Feraferian and O.T.A. rites filmed by the distinguished Pagan film maker Jo Carson. I'll mention my strange adventure atop the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico on the Day of the Dead in 1988, and we'll give a preview of this years "Dark Mother of All Halloween Parties" coming soon to a National Forest
near you! (if you are in Southern Califoirnia). So, tune in and get Trick-or-Treated.

Vampires, Then and Now

Thursday Oct 20, 2011

Thursday Oct 20, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for October 20th, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on Vampires, then and now. We will look at the vampire legend from ancient times up to the 18th century when it took on its present form: somewhere between a ghost, a monster, and a seductive incubus. We'll look at the magick of the blood and its power,
 from ancient human sacrifice to the mass animal sacrifices in today's religions. We'll discuss vampire-like personages in the past: Gilles d' Reis, Countess Bathory and Vlad Dracul. Victorian age fascination with vampires, and the present vampire craze among the gothteens. We'll discuss those unfortunates who really do have a disease that mimics some vampire symptoms. The spiritual aspects of the vampire mythos: a very dark immortality. We will carefully mention a modern form of  vampirism we suspect is going on today -- so join us for an hour with the undead.

Thursday Oct 13, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday the 13th of October, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will be a lively and controversial discussion on a recent aspect of the magical revival called "Old School Magic(k)." This is a development that came about after the 1990s revival of Solomonic Magick following the publication of Donald Kraig's "Modern Magick," and our book and video on the source of the evocation methods Craig described. Steve Savedow's "Goetic Evocation" came out at the same time, representing a more medieval approach to the same operation. In very simple terms we
 can say that we were reviving Solomon's ceremonial magick on a Renaissance neo-Platonic Hermetic model, whereas Steve Savedow, Stephen Skinner, and Joseph Lisiewski seemed intent on reviving it on a Judeo-Christian model, attempting to recreate a medieval dualistic mindset. You will super naturalize yourself in the course of this work, but you can choose 500 years ago, or 1000 years ago. We should recall that the Hermetic writings were not available to the medieval magicians -- and yet Renaissance magicians, steeped in Hermetic monist-solipsistic philosophy, were intent on reviving medieval ceremonial magick, but  where the medievalists had conjured in smoke, the Renaissance magi preferred crystals and dark mirrors. We are going to delve into these different approaches and perhaps discover that "The Old School" has a good point to make: in the middle ages they believed in God, and miracles. So that is a very effective mindset for ceremonial magick. You might also join the SCA and enjoy an idealized revival of medieval culture, otherwise we'll see you at the Renn Faire. Good morrow, Lords and Ladies!

Magick and Romanticism

Thursday Oct 06, 2011

Thursday Oct 06, 2011

On October 6th, 2011, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will air a discussion on the revival of Magick as the supreme expression of a new Romantic movement in the second half of the 20th century. We will examine the original 18th century Romantic Movement in art and philosophy as a spiritual and intellectual rebellion against the dehumanizing aspects of the industrial revolution, carrying this on through the Victorian age of what we now reprise as "steam-punk"
romanticism, to the death of all dreams and visions of beauty in the depressing horror of World War One. Then the cynical, jaded pseudo-romanticism of the "lost generation," typified by Aleister Crowley's visions of decadence. We will explain what romanticism is, and how Nazis, Bolsheviks, and devout Christians can all be equally "Romantic." We will look at the Faustian archetype, the Luciferian idea, Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and the little-understood
philosophy of solipsism so important to the hermetic individuation process. This is going to be a feast of ideas, so tune in and savor the mind food.

At Long Last, Atlantis!

Thursday Sep 29, 2011

Thursday Sep 29, 2011

This Thursday September 29th, 2011, at 8:00, your Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will reprise the National Geographic Channel's special "Finding Atlantis."  This time it looks like we've finally got it, and pretty close to where Plato said it was. So we are devoting an hour to Atlantis in the Hermetic (Western Esoteric) tradition, from Plato to Francis Bacon, to Ignatius Donnelly, and beyond. We'll reveal archaeological and historical information you've probably never heard, and discuss why the real story of Atlantis has been suppressed. It may surprise you to learn that more ancient writers than Plato wrote about it, and more artifacts and evidence have been recovered than you've been led to believe, especially in southern Spain where the latest discovery has been made. We will discuss ancient Tartessos, the Minoan-Phoenician connection, the theories of De Santillana & von Dechend, Hapgood, the Ice Age, and the very ancient origins of the zodiac and the alphabet. You may come to suspect  that Atlantean architects and engineers  built the Great Pyramid (how and why we still don't know) --- but  human history is about to be overturned, so tune in and get the latest insight on the most ancient source of what we call Western Civilization. 

Maestro Steve Savedow on Goetia

Thursday Sep 22, 2011

Thursday Sep 22, 2011

On The Hermetic Hour, Thursday September 22nd, 2011  host Poke Runyon will have as his featured guest a fellow Solomonic magician the distinguished author, scholar and magus Steve Savedow. Steve is the author of "The Magician's Workbook, volumes one and two -- the second volume of which is entitled "Goetic Evocation." This is a hair-raising account of a series of Goetic evocations carried out in Florida in the 1990s. Steve and his hardy crew went about their operations in a scrupulously medieval manner, authentic in every detail including their determination to conjure to visible appearance with nothing but their knowledge of the Art, their faith in God's power, and their will to succeed --- and they did it. Whether it was a good thing to do it this way is debatable but it was a significant and memorable accomplishment regardless of consequences. Steve went on to translate the important Solomonic grimoire  "Sepher Rezial Hemelach," which is one of the most important ancient texts of kabbalistic magick.  So, tune in Thursday afternoon and we'll meet one of the few modern magicians who really did it the old fashioned way.

The Occult Private Eye

Thursday Sep 15, 2011

Thursday Sep 15, 2011

On Thursday, September 15, 2011, The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will feature an exploration of occult methods and magical practices involved in the realm of private investigation. Our featured guest will be "Lady Aurora," a professional private investigator of considerable experience and ability, who discreetly employs her psychic
talents and magical techniques to aid in investigation, and solve her cases. We will discuss the nature and use of "invisibility," of "astrology," of divination -- especially radiathesia (use of the map and pendulum), and protection against psychic attack. Although we cannot reveal her identity or be too specific about her cases, we will visit with someone who is about as close to the fictional "Shadow" as
you will find this side of Hollywood -- "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Tune in and find out.

Thursday Sep 08, 2011

On Thursday September 8th, 2011, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on ancient Egyptian magick, and its later Gnostic and Hermetic variations. We will establish the very ancient Egyptian concepts of the immortal soul, in comparison to the early Mesopotamian and Hebrew peoples who had no concept of personal immortality, or life after death. The Egyptians developed the idea of man's internal and spiritual connection with divinity, which gave them a road map to paradise, if they lived a good life, and hope of greater glory to come -- this eventually became the core belief behind
Gnosticism and its simplified variation, Christianity. But people who are close to The Gods, can also be powerful magicians --- and they were! So tune in and we'll get all wrapped up in Egyptian Magick!

Thursday Sep 01, 2011

On Thursday the 1st of September, 2011 the Hermetic Hour, host Poke Runyon, will present an hour long discussion on the nature of "evil," and the theory and practice of "Black Magick." We'll avoid popular "goth" role-playing, and steam-punk vampires, to get down to the real history, and actual practices of the black magicians and serious satanists (fortunately the role-players are in the majority). We'll make it very clear that summoning, and commanding Dark Powers by the Power of the Light, for worthwhile purposes, such as personal development, is not "Black Magick," and was not even thought of as "Black Magick, and no magicians made "pacts" with demons or the devil until the advent of the Faustian School in the 18th century. Actually Black Magick can be done in white robes, calling on Jesus, and the Archangel Michael. We'll discuss the oft-maligned Church of the Final Judgment (The Process) and the wide-spread obsession with
authenticating H.P. Lovecraft's "Necronomicon." Some of what you hear may be disturbing, not because of what Black Magicians do -- but rather who they are, and why they do it. So tune in and we'll shed some Light on the Dark Realm.

Thursday Aug 25, 2011

This Thursday, August 25th, 2011, the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon, will have as his featured guest Cerridwen Fallingstar, a distinguished teacher, and facilitator in the Northern California Goddess-centered NeoPagan community, whom we met at the recent Feraferian conclave north of San Francisco. Of special interest to our Hermetic magical process is the inspiration behind  Lady Cerridwen's magical historical novels. She channels them, recounting her own adventures from past lives -- but she also does very good research, and has a professional novelist's style and story-telling flair. Her first novel was "Heart of Fire," recounting the life of a Scottish witch. She then moved to medieval Japan for a two-decker saga "White As Bone, Red As Blood."  We are especially interested in the methods she used to recover these memories --- so, tune in and we'll find out how to go way, way back, and live it up!

The Magick of Nature

Thursday Aug 18, 2011

Thursday Aug 18, 2011

This Thursday, the 18th of August, 2011, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon,  will feature a discussion on "The Magick of Nature." We begin by explaining that the Hermetic Tradition, unlike Gnosticism, is a blend of Natural and Transcendental magical perspectives and methods -- therefore we can include such subjects as sacred landscapes, land forms, flora and fauna, and humankind's relation to the eco-system as an integral part of our philosophy and our workings. The best example of the nature-oriented Western magick is Fred Adam's Feraferia,
which we will again visit in our discussion. We will cover Lay Lines, sacred sites, and the connection of celestial aspects with seasonal changes, connecting the greater universe with the sphere of nature, and the earth-sky-love body of the Goddess Herself -- known to the Renaissance magi as the Anima Mundi. Tune in and we'll go outdoors for inspiration this time.

Thursday Aug 04, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, August 4th, 2011 with host Poke Runyon, will focus on Feraferia, and recent DVDs, books and ceremonies in that wonderful Pagan-magical tradition. Our very special guest will be Feraferia's avatrix (that's a female avatar) Jo Carson calling in from her northern California woodland retreat where she and her Feraferians have established a beautiful, rustic Feraferian library. Jo describes "FiFi" thus: "Although a small group, Feraferia has been a founding inspiration in the resurgence of Western paganism since the 'sixties. Fred Adams and Svetlana Butryn created Feraferia to be , in their words, "a Paradisal Fellowship for the loving celebration of Wilderness Mysteries with Faerie style, courtly elegance, refinement and grace... The Great Work of Feraferia is the lyrical unification of Ecology, Artistry, Mythology and Liturgy. Feraferia offers a Poetic Liturgy and Altruistic Theurgy of Holy Wilderness" Feraferia has been featured in many books, which may seem surprising since it is such a small group. Feraferia is primarily a faerie faith, meaning the Earth, embodies as the Magic Maiden, or the Merrie Maiden - a youthful girl goddess whose time has finally come."
--- So, tune in and find out how Goddess-worshiping Neo-Paganism got started in America, and how it is still going. Evoe Kore!

Thursday Jul 21, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for July  21st, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on Advanced Pathworkings. Pathworkings above the four lower spheres, Specifically  Tiphereth, number six, the Sphere of Transformation. In these higher Paths and Spheres we have found it effective to create a magical vehicle (both a physical model and an astral construct) to enable the inner plane voyager to fly over the lower Paths and Spheres he has already "walked" in the first three sessions: i.e. the 32nd, the 31st, and the 29th Paths. We call this device "Kusor's Boat," after the Canaanite craftsman god (Tubal Cain), who was credited as the inventor of the fishing boat. Our boat is shaped like an ibis, black on one side, and white on the other. It was also influenced by Abraham Merritt's "Ship of Ishtar" which was derived from Assyrian mythology. So tune in and prepare to voyage onward to evening isles fantastical -- and also symbolical, we can't forget that.

Poke Runyon’s DRELL MASTER

Thursday Jul 14, 2011

Thursday Jul 14, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for this Thursday, July 14th, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on how to write a "magical novel." Poke's very special guest will be himself ( who actually did such a thing, and even published it -- and a few people even bought it and read it). The novel, which was released in 2001, is called DRELL MASTER, and is still available from Amazon. It is a 1940s style mixture of sword-and-sorcery and science fiction, set on a post- apocalyptic 'Barbarian World' which has inhabited aerial floating islands, sailing airships, saddle-dragons, wizards, ancient scientific super-weapons, and (of course) Naked Amazons-- all the kind of stuff I loved from the pulp magazines when I was a kid in the 1950s. However, to give the story esoteric and philosophical value, I added Enochian Magick (why not?), Sex Magick (of course!), yoga and even an anti-globalization, environmental not-so-hidden agenda. My mentor on this monumental exercise was Fantasy Grand Master Lin Carter, whom I had grown up with back in Florida. One of the best features of the book is his long, instructive letter to me on the inner secrets of "Imaginary World Creation." So, if you want to learn how to exercise your imagination, tune in and we'll journey to a strange world called "THOON", where almost anything can happen, except the ordinary.

Origins of Hermetic Magick

Thursday Jul 07, 2011

Thursday Jul 07, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for July 7th, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the origins of Hermetic Celestial Magick, pulling together several threads from ancient and classical times, and bringing the it up through the Renaissance to modern times. We will deal with the Greek Orphic tradition -- its possible Central Asian roots --
Alexandria,  Ptolemy  and astrology, the Gnostics and the Greek Qabalah, which actually may have preceded the Hebrew Kabbalah. We'll mention Marcus and the "Soma Sophia," the Gnostic "Aeons" and Enochian (both Ethiopian and the Dee and Kelley version). And of course Macrobius and the Music of the Spheres. Much of this background has been ignored by modern occult students who tend to get
their cosmology third hand from writers following Levi and Blavatsky. It is good to get back to our roots -- so, tune in and we'll journey back to Alexandria and find out how it got started.

Thursday Jun 30, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, June 30th, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., with host Poke Runyon, will feature as its call-in guest speaker, one of the most knowledgeable and talented authors of books on magick and the occult (also one of the most prolific!). Lon Milo DuQuette. Lon is an "International Treasure." He has probably introduced more serious students to magick than any writer since Aleister Crowley. Lon's books on modern magick, include Solomonic, Qabalistic, Enochian, the Crowley Tarot, his own Tarot, and a marvelous magical autobiography "My Life With the Spirits." His "The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed ben Clifford," is the only Hermetic Qabalah book you'll ever need - and the only book of its kind that is as entertaining as it is profound. Lon is also a talented musician, a folksinger and song writer. He will be performing Friday night, 8:00 p.m. in at Piazza's in Long Beach. We'll give you directions - so, tune in, and let's find out what new treats Maestro DuQuette has in store for us.

Adonia - Summer Solstice Rite

Thursday Jun 23, 2011

Thursday Jun 23, 2011

This Thursday at 8:00p.m. host Poke Runyon will be re-capping and reviewing "Adonia", our 37th consecutive presentation of the reconstructed ancient Canaanite Summer Solstice rite following a great celebration at Montsalvat in Pasadena. For those of you who have "Rites of Magick," this is the seasonal ceremony depicted in that film. So tune in and we'll dance around the Circle with Ba'al as he asks: "Who drinks with me?"

Thursday Jun 16, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, June 16th, 2011 will feature a discussion, led by host Poke Runyon, on the controversial  Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept, degree of Freemasonry. We will trace its history from its origin in the 1760s "Hermetic Rite" of  Swedenborgian mystic Antoine Pernety, through its adoption into Scottish Rite in the early 1800s, and its subsequent Hermetic reconstruction by Albert Pike in 1857. In 2004 Scottish Rite removed the Hermetic philosophy from the degree, relegating it to a lecture on esoteric symbolism. We'll discuss the Hermetic-magical significance of the original Knight of the Sun, and the relationship of this degree to the seventh degree of Crata Repoa. In this sense it is the "Kalachakra" of the West. Tune in and be enlightened.

Thursday Jun 09, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, June 9th, 2011, at 8:00 p.m. will present a very special program, hosted by Poke Runyon, discussing the mystical, historical and political aspects of the legendary Central Asian lost kingdom of Shambhala, and the Buddhist Tantric initiation into its mysteries called Kalachakra. Our very special call-in guest speaker will be Professor Andrei Znamenski, author of the new book "Red Shambhala," from Quest Publications. He has researched the ancient and modern history of this Eastern "Holy Grail" quest from hitherto closed Russian files. We will learn the real story behind adventures stranger than any Indiana Jones might have imagined. We will discuss the inner secrets of Kalachakra, and Shambhala, and how they were miss-used by Tsarists, Reds, Nazis, and militant Buddhists themselves. The web of mysticism and intrigue surrounding this apocalyptic Armageddon prophecy and its political implications has been the basis of a score of thrillers, conspiracy theories, and secret societies. Although we will debunk some of the Theosophic channelings behind the modern myth, the real story is perhaps even more exotic and exciting. Get set for a ride into high adventure, magick, and intrigue,  from Blavatsky and Dorjieff, through Ungern-Sternberg, to Nicolas Roerich, Henry Wallace, and FDR's "Shangrila." Andrei Znamenski has the inside track. This is one you don't want to miss.

Thursday Jun 02, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 will be a workshop session, conducted by your host Poke Runyon, giving the theory, and practical instructions, for the creation of magical sigils, talismans, and lamens. We will discuss the various ways that sigils are created, and the several methods employed in creating talismans, sigils, and lamens. We will discuss the materials and tools you'll need--along with the reference texts. We will mention lunar aspects, planetary hours, and  astrological considerations. Techniques for charging before and during the operation will be covered---so, if you want to unlock "The Key of Solomon," tune in and learn how to activate your astral credit card.

Thursday May 26, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 26th, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on Magical equipment and Temple furnishings. Our call in guest will be "The Rustee Wizzerd," who is in the process of painting his room dark blue (as all wizard's should). We will get down to brass tacks (we use 'um), and give you would-be magi the inside info on what you really need, and how to acquire and/or construct your magical tools. I know that this aspect of magick is intimidating for some, while being too important for others. Actually you can do it all without any of our fancy toys, but then High Magick is "The Art of Kings" and kings like to do things in grand style. I think there is something wonderfully quixotic about the middle class suburbanite locked inside his two-car garage in a flowing robe, waving an exotic wand over a smoking altar upon which glows a crystal orb, suspended like a lost world in the midst of endless (dark blue) night. But, before you head out for Home Depot, and Michael's Crafts, listen in and make a list of what you're going to need.

Thursday May 19, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday May 19th, 2011, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. will feature a discussion on paranormal technology, audio, visual electronic devices, and the phenomena produced by them. This includes EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) UHF and ELF amplifiers, ghost photography, electro-hypnotic devices (Proteus, Procyon AVS) and spirit radios then and now. Our expert call-in guests will be David Rountree, author of the definitive text on the subject: "Paranormal Technology," and Dr. X (Mark Nelson) author of "The Multiverse Receiver" in the latest issue of The Seventh Ray (Book III, The Green Ray). Your host, Poke Runyon, will act as moderator, and ask the kind of questions a non-technical, but interested listener would like to have answered about this fascinating subject. So, tune in and listen very, very carefully---you might hear voices.....

Thursday May 12, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 12th, 2011 will feature a commentary by Poke Runyon on his long-running serialized magical novel "Adamson's Quest" appearing in issues of The Seventh Ray. This is an inner-plane exploration of the lower paths and spheres of the qabalistic Tree of Life presented in the form of a fantasy adventure. The hero, Enoch Adamson, is sent by the sage Hermes Trismegistus on a quest to find "himself, among other things," dressed in the costume of the Tarot's Fool. The first chapter appeared in volume two, number two, 1973, and continued for seven more chapters until 1978 -- then, when The Seventh Ray was reborn in 1999, Adamson continued with chapter nine, followed by chapter ten in 2000, and now chapter eleven "Technopolis -- 2084" in the latest issue, Book III, The Green Ray. The complete first volume (first twelve chapters) will be published later this year. So, tune in and catch up on the longest running occult adventure series in recent history.

Thursday May 05, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 5th, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will feature a discussion on Elemental Spirits in Hermetic Magick. Our featured guest speaker will be Hawaiian Hermetic magician, and "spiritual anthropologist" William R. Mistele, author of the book "Undines, Lessons from the Realm of the Water Spirits." This is a wonderful and very magical book by a magus who has mastered Franz Bardon's methods, and used them to make meaningful contact with the Elemental Realms. We will also touch on the old classic "Comte de Gabalis," and other aspects of nature's fairyland. So tune in and let's go scuba diving on the astral.

Thursday Apr 28, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for this Thursday, April 28th, 2011 will feature a discussion by Poke Runyon on The Soma Sofia, which is featured in the latest issue of The Seventh Ray -- Book III, The "Green Ray."  The Soma Sofia is a reconstruction of a lost ancient system of Celestial Magick that divides the entire universe, or 'celestial sphere', into a grid which can be reduced or expanded with precision to apply alpha-numeric code letters, or formulas, to any star, or constellation. This idea or concept is attributed to the Gnostic magician Marcus in the 2nd century of the common era. It has been suggested that the Hebrew kabbalah was influenced by this concept. This may also be the original inspiration for the Enochian Watchtower Tablets. We will discuss the history of this fascinating rediscovery and its practical applications. Tune in
and we'll get celestial!

Thursday Apr 21, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour for April 21st, 2011, host Poke Runyon will discuss our participation in the L.A. Times upcoming "Festival of Books" being held on April 30th and May 1st at the U.S.C. campus in Los Angeles. We are sharing booth 998 with the noted author of brain teasing puzzle books, Alan Stillson -- and he will be our featured call-in guest. Now, if you're wondering about the connection between magick and word-game puzzles, our booth's banner says it all: "Books for the Mind."  Magic squares, kameas, the astrological decans of our Soma Sofia, and the Enochian Tablets are all related to alpha-numeric acrostic puzzles. Alan is an expert in Sudoko, which is Japanese system very similar in structure to our Soma Sofia nine-chamber grid. Along with Alan's books, we will discuss what we have to offer, and we hope to see you local magi at the show.

One Year Anniversary Show

Thursday Apr 14, 2011

Thursday Apr 14, 2011

This Thursday, April 14th, 2011, will be the one-year anniversary of The Hermetic Hour, produced by Soror Zandria and hosted by Frater Thabion (Poke Runyon). We will review our previous programs, hitting the highlights, and discussing the concept and intention of our show. We will try to have our featured guests call in and recall their particular contributions. Some of you chat-room regulars can call in too. We'll describe and explain our Associate Member Program, and we'll also give an idea of what else we have to offer in the way of videos, books, journals, and up-coming projects and events; this Saturday we are showing Beyond Lemuria at a Masonic Lodge in Culver City. This is for Masons and their guests---so, those of you in the L.A. area who would like to attend (we provide free popcorn), contact me and I'll see if I can invite you as a guest. We'll also have a booth at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at USC on April 30 - May 1, 2011. Come on down and join us and get in the spirit of things.

Thursday Apr 07, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for April 7th, 2011 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on his article in the new Seventh Ray entitled "Dark
Origins of the Werewolf Legend." As we are all aware the Hollywood Vampire fascination is beginning to wane, and the werewolves are making
a comeback -- however, we are still in the dark about what werewolves really were (and perhaps still are). The real truth is more disturbing,
and even terrifying, than the Hollywood fantasy. While we're at it, we'll get to the bottom of the vampire legend as well. This will be a walk on the dark side, so turn the lights down low and we'll whisper about things that go "bump" in the night.

Thursday Mar 31, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, March 31st, 2011, with host, and editor Poke Runyon, will present a review of the third issue of American magick's oldest continuing journal, The Seventh Ray, running for 20 issues from 1972 through 1978; revived in 1999 (The Blue Ray) continued in 2000 (The Red Ray), and now out again in 2011 with Book III, The Green Ray. This is a parchment bound, 210 page journal with what we sincerely believe are the most significant original magical
articles and features available in the 21st century. The "Soma Sofia" may well be the ancient origin of the Enochian watchtower tablets. The
"Great Secret" is exactly that: "Immortality guaranteed." All this and more, much more, including the Seventh Ray cartoon. The Seventh Ray, Book III, The Green Ray, in now available from Amazon. So tune in and find out what it's all about.

Thursday Mar 24, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, March 24th, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will feature a discussion of our Spring Equinox "Sacred Marriage" ceremony, with readings for the pageant. This modern version of a 3500 year old pagan rite features a May Pole dance (March Pole actually), and a Communion of the Elements ceremony in which the seven sacraments are shared with the celebrants by the priest and priestess while the newly married God (Baal) and his bride (Astarte) look on from their bridal pavillion . This last Saturday, under a "Super" full moon, we performed the 36th consecutive presentation of "Nuptiae" at
Montsalvat in Pasadena, with a newly initiated young couple taking the role of Baal and Astarte, bound together by the ribbons of the Ashera--or may Pole. So, tune in, and we'll try to recreate the experience for you.

Thursday Mar 17, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for March 17th, 2011 will continue with Poke Runyon's informal history of C.H.S./O.T.A., introducing Louis T. Culling, Israel Regardie, Grady McMurtry, and our intrigues with the nascent O.T.O. that was reforming after Jack Parsons blew himself up. We will also discuss our secret war on terrorists in Los Angeles, the Themis War, and the development of our Seasonals, and our yoga system. So tune in, turn on, and get ready to return to the thrilling days of yester-year. (like the Lone Ranger....)

Thursday Mar 10, 2011

The Hermetic Hour for this Thursday, March 10th, 2011, with host Poke Runyon, will feature an informal history of the Order of the Temple of
Astarte (O.T.A.) and The Church of the Hermetic Sciences. We'll cover the whole story, from the psychedelic era of the late 1960s through the
early 70s, and on into 80s and 90s. We'll try to be honest without getting too gossipy---but we can't avoid some controversial events and
personalities. You'll meet Israel Regardie and Grady McMurtry, along with Louis T. Culling, Fred Adams, and Joe Wilson. We'll cover the birth of The Seventh Ray, and the Themis War. This will be a mixture of nostalgia and tradition. Most 21st century NeoPagans and magicians have no idea who started---and in some case revived---all this activity back in the late 60s. This will be a revelation for some, and nostalgia for others. Don't miss it.

Thursday Mar 03, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour this Thursday, March 3rd, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., the subject will be the American Keltic Neo-Pagan expression, specifically "The Roebuck," which is also called "the Clan of Tubal Cain" and, in its earlier
American version,"The Order of 1734." The elders of this tradition are Ann and Dave Finnin, who will be with us in the studio. Ann is the
author of "The Forge of Tubal Cain" (2008). Ann has been our guest before, discussing magical hypnosis. The main book behind Roy Bowers' unique expression of modern Neo-Paganism was Robert Graves' "The White Goddess" (1948), which was
also a major influence on Fred Adams' Feraferia. So tune in and find out how all this fascinating material got over here--and how the Finnins went over to England and brought more back.

The Kybalion

Thursday Feb 24, 2011

Thursday Feb 24, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour for Thursday, February 24th, 2011 your host Poke Runyon will lead a discussion of one of the most influential modern occult classics, the mysterious, mystical "Kybalion" by "Three Initiates." This little blue book has been treasured by students of the Western Mysteries since its first publication back in 1912. Our very special guest will be Rev. Paul Clark, Steward of the Fraternity of Hidden Light (and the Master Jesus from "Beyond Lemuria") who is perhaps the best qualified scholar-teacher to explain who the original authors were, where their philosophy came from, and why the book is
still very important and meaningful. I will try to explain the connections to actual Greek and Greco-Egyptian (Hermetic) philosophy in this modern classic. This is going to be an enlightening hour unveiling the secrets of an
obscure and mysterious work. Tune in and get inspired and demystified.

Thursday Feb 17, 2011

This Thursday, February 17th, 2011, Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Scrying and Traveling in the Spirit Vision. The essential difference between these modes of visionary experience will be explained. We'll set forth the ancient and modern philosophical and practical magical field theory -- which is not any further "out" than some current theories of quantum physics. We'll describe what happens in scrying, as in angelic crystal invocation, and spirit evocation in mirrors, compared to traveling in the spirit vision, as in "astral projection," such as pathworkings and Enochian Aethyr exploration. We'll explain the importance of yoga and self-hypnosis in these techniques -- and answer any questions you have on the topic --
so, tune in and you'll learn how to journey a million miles between your ears.

Voodoo and African Magick

Thursday Feb 10, 2011

Thursday Feb 10, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour this Thursday, February 10th, 2011 host Poke Runyon will present a program on Afro-Caribbean and African magick, its
history, its philosophy, how it works, and where it comes from. We will examine the similarities between the Goetia system and the Voudoun possession. We'll discuss other interesting parallels including the use of facial reflection in mirrors, the astrological geomancy system called "The Eyes of Fna." We'll mention some personal experiences, and touch on the dark side discussing West African Ju-Ju, the Koribra,
Congo Dawa, Palo Mayombe, and -- by popular demand -- zombies, and the similarity between zombies and vampires; also the similarity between
leopard men and werewolves. These are controversial topics and we do not claim authoritative knowledge. We do promise you an interesting hour of discussion on a very guarded subject. Tune in and and learn about "The Divine Horsemen."

Thursday Feb 03, 2011

On February 3rd, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will start a discussion on modern urban "Witchcraft," where it came from, who started it, what myths, legends, and magical traditions it grew out of----how it came to America in the 1950s and 60s, and the people who developed it here following the various British models. We'll discuss the Brits: Gerald Gardner, Robert Graves, Alex Sanders, Robert Cochrane (Roy Bowers) and their contributions. Then Ray Buckland, Ed Fitch, and Joe Wilson over here on this side of the pond. Our special, featured call-guest will be Gardnerian Elder High Priest
Edward Fitch, author of "A Grimoire of Shadows," and one of our star performers in "Beyond Lemuria." There is quite a bit of fog shrouding
the origins, rituals, methods, and activities of "Wicca" in its various forms. At the very least, we will give you the inside story of its British origins and its American beginnings---after that you'll just have to rely on "Perfect Love, and Perfect Trust" --- Blessed Be!

The Rosicrucians, then and now

Thursday Jan 27, 2011

Thursday Jan 27, 2011

On Thursday evening January 27th, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. host Poke Runyon will offer a discussion on the history, philosophy and structure of the
Rosicrucian tradition and its offshoots. We will trace its roots from the Italian renaissance Hermetic movement, through the German
Reformation, citing the contributions of Agrippa, Paracelsus and others, including its founder Johann Valentin Andreae. We will cite the original Rosicrucian documents, and the legend of Christian Rosenkreuz and his Tomb. The Masonic Rosicrucian revival in 18th century Germany will be considered, with its subsequent influence on the Order of the Golden Dawn. Early German Rosicrucian groups in America, and P. B. Randolph's contribution will be mentioned, along with the origins of various American groups, including A.M.O.R.C. We will try to define
just what a "Rosicrucian" is, and how much Christianity is involved in what is otherwise a Hermetic system. We will discuss the differences
between the Golden Dawn's R.R. et A.C., and Arthur Edward Waite's more devotional revision -- which may be the best example of the problem. Are
Rosicrucians like some Red Hat Tibetan Buddhists? (Bon-pos with Buddha in a nominal position.) Recalling the old occult joke: "Last year I
couldn't spell Rosicrucian, and this year I is one!", tune in and we'll give you the history of the mystery.

Thursday Jan 20, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour for January 20th, 2011 host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on "Sex Magick." The differences between Eastern and Western concepts will be explained. We will trace the origin of the Western "magical child" conception method from its Platonic, Gnostic
and Kabbalistic roots, through the various modern versions, including the non-orgiastic "Karreza" method which is said to have derived from medieval chivalry. We will examine the Sacred Marriage (Hieros Gamos) and its ancient myth-ritual theme which became The Great Rite of the Modern Wiccans. We will look at the contributions of P. B. Randolph and his influence on Ruess and Kellnar's German system. Crowley and
Kenneth Grant will be mentioned--and, modesty permitting, we will set forth the "dos" and "do nots" of effective practice--so snuggle up with
your "significant other," tune in, and let's get it on!

Mystical Mt. Shasta

Thursday Jan 13, 2011

Thursday Jan 13, 2011

On the Hermetic Hour for Thursday, January 13th, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., host Poke Runyon will discuss Mystical Mt. Shasta, giving the background behind the 150 year history of Atlantean, Lemurian, and related spiritual encounters of the third and fourth kind that have made this dormant volcano, rising in solitary, snow-capped splendor, a mecca for mystics seeking spiritual enlightenment---as revealed in our article from "Atlantis... Rising # 79" ---and we will review our own mystic experience, recounted in "Mysteries of Mt. Shasta, Home of the Underground Dwellers and Ancient Gods." We will also mention Pluto's Cave, the Nan Madol connection, and our experiments with Dr. X's recreation of the "Hidden World Receiver," the actual device that inspired the fabulous "Intragravatron" in "Beyond Lemuria." So, tune in and listen for the voices beyond the Vortex---and the latest theory on J.C. Brown's lost treasure.

The Holy Guardian Angel Retreat

Thursday Jan 06, 2011

Thursday Jan 06, 2011

On Thursday January 6th, 2011 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will discuss the concept, history, and current application of attaining
"Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel." This is actually a world-wide practice, and an essential stage in the development of any shaman or magician. All serious magical students
should make contact with their own guardian spirit. In the Western Tradition this is typified by the medieval "Book of Abramelin," in which a kabbalistic magician gives his son detailed instructions on how to conduct a year-long (or longer) devotional retreat in order to acquire
blessings, wisdom and power from his Holy Guardian Angel so that he can become the master of all spirits, good and evil. This book had a profound influence on Samuel Mathers, Aleister Crowley and Franz Bardon. Cagliostro even had a 41 day version of it in his Egyptian Masonry. In the O.T.A. we require a three-day version of it as
developed in Charles Russell's G.B.G. system. We have the anchorite do 22 rituals; one for each path on the Tree of Life during his or her stay in the Temple. A record is kept, and a juice fast is maintained. As far as we know, we are the only magical system in the West that has such a requirement at the present time. We place this in our third degree, as a prerequisite to advancement into the Inner Degrees of the Crata Repoa. If done correctly this can be one of the most profound spiritual experiences of a lifetime. I will share with you some of my
retreat experiences, and visionary knowings. I will suggest the "dos" and the "do nots" for those of you who might want to try it on your own
--- however, this is an intense, and demanding procedure which requires health, strength, maturity and self-discipline to accomplish. It should be properly supervised. So, turn on, tune in, and let's climb the Holy Mountain together.

How to Summon a Spirit

Thursday Dec 30, 2010

Thursday Dec 30, 2010

On Thursday, December 30th, 2010, The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will guide you, step-by-step through the entire procedure of summoning a Goetic Spirit to visible appearance in Solomon's Triangle of Art. We are not going to actually get something to appear on your computer
screen (although we might do that next year....), but we will give all the necessary explanations and instruction necessary to perform such an operation -- the catch is, you first have to train yourself in the skills and internalize the rituals we are describing, so this is like someone telling you exactly how to sky down the north face of the Matterhorn. In other words, you can imagine how exciting it is, but you have at least a year's work ahead before you can do it. But then, who knows... you might have some interesting dreams... So, tune in, turn on, and let's see what appears in a glass darkly.

Thursday Dec 23, 2010

On the Thursday before Christmas, December 23rd, at 8:00 p.m. your host Poke Runyon (Frater Thabion), assisted by Merrick Rees Hamer and Soror Zandria, will narrate and read the Baal Samin Winter Solstice ceremony which we performed at Rivendell on the 18th. This won't be up to Orson Welles' Mercury Radio Theater standards (no sound effects and crowd noise) but we will try to get the meaning across. This rite tells the story of Baal's battle with Lotan, the Dragon of Chaos, which Baal has no chance of winning without the help of the Moon Goddess Tanit. So tune in and help us celebrate the Return of the Sun at Winter Solstice.

Thursday Dec 16, 2010

This Thursday, December 16th, 2010 at 8:00pm the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Spheres of Malkuth and Yesod in the Hermetic Yoga system. We will develop the Western concept of bringing down cosmic power through the four worlds of the qabalah, the Cube of Space in the human head, with Saturn in Da'ath.
How to awaken The Dragon (the Western kundalini). Seed letters, Roses and jewels of the psychic centers (chakras) and envisioning the Gods Within will be explored. This will be a workshop session, so tune in, turn on, and go deep with in yourself---and on to the Greater Self Beyond.

Friday Dec 10, 2010

This coming week The Hermetic Hour will be on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. December 10th, 2010. We're attending an event (in the line of duty) on Thursday. So tune in Friday evening and your host Poke Runyon will teach you how to hypnotize yourself -- and get started in Hermetic yoga. We will cover theory and practice, and demonstrate some induction techniques ......"Listen to my voice....You are completely relaxed....." and so on. Then on to pranayama, yoganindra, tratakam, and samadi. It's really not as complicated as it sounds, but the jargon is intimidating. We will also be taking calls, so let's have some good questions ready. Tune in on Friday and let us entrance you.

Thursday Dec 02, 2010

This coming Thursday, December 2nd, 2010, The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will describe and explain one of the first rituals we learn, and yet one of the most important in modern magick; the Lesser Pentagram. Following this instruction, we will discuss The Church of
the Hermetic Sciences' Associate Member's course in Magick, and related subjects. The structure of the program, its requirements, purpose, and its goals will be outlined. What you can expect to gain from membership, and what will be expected of you. This program is already underway and growing. We are launching a new 21st century concept in magical networking; a combination of traditional and virtual association. Even if you're not ready to join us yet, you'll certainly
want to know what we're doing, and how we're doing it. Tune in and get connected.

Thursday Nov 18, 2010

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday, November 18th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. host Poke Runyon, will lead a discussion on Lucid Dreaming and Remote Viewing in relation to Magick and hypnosis. This will be both a practical and theoretical examination of these activities: why and how we think they work. What we can and cannot expect from such techniques, and what their purpose should be. We'll venture into such rarefied fields as astral space travel, time travel, and the influencing of
other minds by telepathic dream projection. We will be taking calls, so please have your questions ready and give us a ring. Until then,
pleasant dreams....if not, then maybe you can order some better ones from us?

Magick and Hypnosis

Thursday Nov 11, 2010

Thursday Nov 11, 2010

This broadcast of the Hermetic Hour, Thursday, November 11th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., will feature a panel discussion on Hypnosis and Magick. Host Poke Runyon will introduce the topic, and review his landmark article on the subject published in 1978. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been the operative techniques behind visionary magick all the way back to ancient times, but this "secret" has been, and still is, being suppressed. Our call-in guest speaker will be Ann Finnin, First Lady of the Roebuck, occult author, and a professionally trained hypnotist. Dr. X will be on hand with us in the studio, to add his comments. This is one you don't want to miss. Tune in and relax, completely relax...and listen to my voice....

Creative Visualization

Thursday Nov 04, 2010

Thursday Nov 04, 2010

This Thursday evening, November 4th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m., The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will discuss Creative Visualization, one of the essential techniques of magick. Starting with the theory of Platonic preform images vs. the kabbalah's magick of the Word, and the number, we will move on to explain the highly developed Tibetan tantric imagery and its effects. We'll give examples of successful creative visualizations (ours and others). We will discuss how people visualize, and how they can train themselves to control the process. The use of
magical color will be explained. We will mention works by Franz Bardon, William G. Gray, Ophiel and others. We will discuss our particular methods and their applications. Tune in and get the picture.

Divination for Magicians

Thursday Oct 28, 2010

Thursday Oct 28, 2010

On Thursday evening, October 28th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will discuss "Divination for Magicians." We are qualifying this subject to exclude a number of techniques not often used in magick. We will lead off with Tarot, discussing its actual origins, the 19th century "Egyptian origin" myth, how it was thought to be "older than the kabbalah," and its subsequent influence on modern Hermetic "qabalah" -- from Eliphas Levi to Paul Foster Case. We will discuss various Tarot designs, and their particular attributes. We'll move on to Geomancy, discussing its ancient origins, and characteristics -- briefly comparing it to the
Chinese I-Ching. We'll be taking calls on this subject, so join us and see what the future holds in store.

Thursday Oct 21, 2010

This coming Thursday, October 21st, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will launch a discussion on what is commonly called "Astral Projection." We will use what we still consider the best occult manual on the subject: "The Art of Astral Projection," by Ophiel, as our starting point. We'll mention path workings (Inner Plane projection) vs. the OOBE, comparing these methods with Tibetan practice (po-wah yoga and throng-jug yogas). Following on Jack London's "Star Rover",
we'll examine self-hypnosis and sensory deprivation. We'll mention Monroe and Hemi-Sync, (binaural beats), discuss "Music of the Spheres," and Remote Viewing. Tune in, turn on, and get

The Enoch Syndrome

Thursday Oct 14, 2010

Thursday Oct 14, 2010

This Thursday, October 14th, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. PST, Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will lead a discussion on "The Enoch Syndrome." This is a term we have applied to a type of channeled, visionary (right brain) revelation that is extraordinarily detailed and consistent. The
Biblical Enoch and his tour or Heaven is our starting point. We'll proceed through Dee and Kelley, Oasphe, Phylos, Urantia, Richard Shaver,
Edgar Cayce, the Seth Material, and finally "The Jet-Propelled Couch" by Robert Lindner, which was the inspiration for the film "K-Pax." Although we are going to examine the psychological factors behind this phenomenon, we are not out to debunk these fascinating revelations, but rather to place them in the perspective of Hermetic
philosophy: as a personal reality that extends to encompass the universe, and is therefore "real" in its own context. Join us and expand your consciousness.

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