The Hermetic Hour

Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. ”Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!” ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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Thursday May 08, 2014

On Thursday May 8th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the mysterious origins, myths and magick of the Polynesian islanders of the Pacific. Having just returned from a vacation on the island of Maui we are still under the spell of the islands and inspired to share experiences and insights. We visited a fascinating custom jewelry shop in Honolulu called "Sacred Jewels of Mu" where we met Crystal Tones guru Lupito and acquired a singing bowl made
of stellar Moldavite, then on to Maui and a visit to the vast crater of the sacred volocano. We searched the jungle for ancient petroglyphs and encountered the "original Hawaiians." All this led to a speculation about the prehistoric Polynesian diaspora from and later return to
"Lemuria." Based on legends, archaeology and intuition. So, if you want to share in the adventure and ponder the mystery, tune in and catch the wave.

Thursday Apr 17, 2014

On Thursday April 17th, 2014 The Hermetic Hour will celebrate its four year anniversary with special guest Frater Osiris, Wor. Michael Downs, Magister of the O.T.A.'s Atlanta Lodge, who will lead us through 500 years of Symbolism, History and Practice of "Transforming the Unpronouncable Tetragrammaton into a Speakable Magickal Logos, the Pentagrammaton," and reveal the relevant practices for achieving Adepthood that this Arcanum encodes and points to: We will learn about the open-secret practice of Divine Theurgy called "Soliliquea" that is intimately tied to "Pronouncing" the Pentagrammaton, better known to us in our time - but identical in essence --as the "Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel" which leads to our 3rd Degree. We will reveal how the Ubiquitous Pentagram of our most fundamental Rite - when understood in its fullness - is the Key in plain site to this August Operation. Osiris will cover the origin and use of the Classical Name YHShUH - an Hermetic Jesus - by which YHVH was Transformed when Cabala was first added to our Tradition by Christian Hermeticists in the Renaissance, and what becomes a proper NEW WORD or Magickal Logos of Transmutation, for our Hermetically purified Tetragrammaton AMShT...This is a visual and diagram intensive exercise, so Frater Osiris has put up some follow-along resources for this talk at < > which will become active just before the show -- just click on the Dove of Astarte on the Top of the Monk's head ...So tune in for an Hermetic-Cabalistic meditation on the creative and
liberating consequences of the O.T.A.'s swap from the traditional Jewish
Godname of YHVH to the Hermetically 'purified' formulation AMShT as its
Elemental Tetragrammaton.

Thursday Apr 10, 2014

On Thursday April 10th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on different interpretations and conceptions
of Qabalah. This is a subject we have covered before, however, that was
years ago before we started climbing The Tree in our weekly lectures.
Now that we have arrived at The Abyss and and are venturing onto The
Eleven Sphere "Tree Before the Fall", it is appropriate for us to review
our Hermetic Qabalistic structure and establish the philosophical,
mythological and metaphysical differences between the various Kabbalahs,
and the particular innovations we have made in our modern Hermetic
version of the ancient system. On next week's show Frater Osiris,
Magister of our Atlanta, Georgia Lodge will be giving a lecture on this
subject with some insights of his own, so our talk can be considered a
preliminary to his program. Tune in and we'll play Monopoly on the
greatest board game in the universe.

Thursday Apr 03, 2014

On Thursday April 3rd, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a special program discussing the O.T.A.'s Pathworkings beyond the Sphere of Chesed. These Paths lead to the re-manifested Sphere of Da'ath, which in the Eleven Sphere Tree becomes Saturn, the beginning of the physical universe and the gateway to the Abyss. This concept and its practical applications are covered in "New Tarot Trumps for an Eleven Sphere Tree of Life" in THE SEVENTH RAY, Book III, "The Red Ray." We will also discuss the Golden Dawn's eleven sphere tree and the idea of the Tree before and after "The Fall." This is a Key lecture and lesson in our study program. So tune in and we will journey to Mot's Back-o'-Beyond.

Thursday Mar 27, 2014

On Thursday March 27th, 2014 Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will talk with Jo Carson, leader of Feraferia, about Eleusis and the Mysteries of Death and Rebirth. What happens to the soul after death? What can be expected in the afterlife? Jo has written a new book, Celebrate Wildness—Magic, Mirth and Love on the Feraferia Path which includes a discussion of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Mysteries of Demeter and her daughter Persephone were held at Eleusis, in Greece, for almost 2,000 years. These Mysteries had the goal of providing a first hand experience of certainty in the continuity of life after death. The Mysteries were established around 1450 BCE, and ended only when the Roman Christian emperor Theodosius I forcibly closed them in 392 CE. They were centered around the myth of Demeter, the earth mother Goddess, and her daughter Persephone. In this story, Persephone was abducted by Pluto and taken to the Underworld, and eventually was able to return. This myth provided a key to giving real revelations to the population of that world. Thousands of people journeyed to Eleusis each Fall to experience the Eleusinian Mysteries, which means hundreds of thousands were initiated. However, so tight was the secrecy, or so inexpressible was the experience, that no one has ever revealed its profound secrets. We will explore what is known, what is conjectured, and how Feraferia honors the Eleusinian experience. So tune in and peek behind the veil of death.

Thursday Mar 20, 2014

On Thursday March 20th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the 19th Path of the Qabalistic Tree of Life called "Strength." This path laterally connects the Spheres of Geburah, on the Pillar of Severity, with Chesed on the Pillar of Mercy. The Path is attributed to the letter Teth, the Serpent, and the astrological sign of Leo. The Tarot Trump shows a woman gently closing the mouth of a lion. This is a "Key" Path on the Lightning Flash which defines our extended "Middle Pillar" yoga system. Gareth Knight suggests that it represents the initiatory journey of an Adeptus Major (6=5) to Adeptus Exemptus (7=4). Crowley's version of the card was called "Lust" and had the woman riding the beast -- this at least symbolizes one aspect of this path, that of conquering the beast within. The lion symbolism is also astrological and alchemical. The Heart of the Lion being the marker star Regulus in the Golden Dawn siderial system. This also relates to the Labors of Hercules. This is an important Path and the last one before Da'ath on the Short Path -- so if you want to get ready to make the big jump across the Abyss, tune in and come with us.

Thursday Mar 13, 2014

On Thursday March 13th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 20th Path of the Tree of Life. This is the Path that leads from Tiphareth to Chesed and is aptly attributed to the astrological sign Virgo, the Hebrew letter Yod and the Tarot Trump The Hermit. Again our texts will be Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism and John Michael Greer's Paths of Wisdom. This particular path is concerned with the issues of personality and individuality in relation to the spiritual ideal of dissolving the ego. In this regard Chesed represents The Garden of Eden, and the Hermit travels the lonely road to recover his/her virgin state of selfless innocence. The alternative to this -- according to Gareth Knight -- is a return to Lemurian black magick, an option which we will also examine for it's symbolic significance. So, if you want to journey beyond the Sun then join us Thursday night.

Thursday Mar 06, 2014

On Thursday March 6th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present Part Two of Frater Thabion's essay on Immortality. This section
will deal with the theory and the methods of Consciousness transference
to coming incarnations, what is reffered to in the East as the Tulku process. The Christian aspects of this concept will be discussed along with a review of the origins of Christianity in Gnosticism and its original principles. The relation of immortality to the Qabalah, Astrology, Alchemy and the Tibetan Buddhist Kalachakra system will be discussed. This is an important position paper and should be considered one of our more meaningful contributions to the Hermetic Revival. Listen in and learn how to live forever.

Thursday Feb 27, 2014

On Thursday February 27th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a purposefully cryptic lecture on the Hermetic conception of immortality and the concept of "The Great I AM," in Qabalah,
astrology, alchemy, magick and Kalachakra. This profound and ultimate
mystery can be explained briefly in fairly simple terms, but whenever
someone tries to do this they are either laughed at, locked up, or put
to death. The concept is so feared and reviled that it is demonized by
psychologists and marginalized by modern philosophers, although the
great pre-Socratean thinkers Parmenides, Empedocles and Heraclitus
considered it primary: the starting point from which the science of logic and reason arise.The Great Secret is obviously not for everybody even though Jesus tried to get the common man to understand it in mythic rather than philosophic terms. And even though he mythologized it, he still got himself killed! So, we can't come right out and cast our pearls before swine, lest they "turn and rend us." But we can at least point to the philosophy and the science behind our mystery -- and encourage those who have "the mind" as well as "the speech" to find the center point and "the prize for the souls." So tune in and peek behind the veil.

Thursday Feb 20, 2014

On Thursday February 20th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will welcome Frater Heracles, Master of the Austin, Texas Hermitage of the O.T.A. who will give us a reprise of his recent lecture to S.O.M.A. (Society of Magical Artists) entitled "Magical Balance." The gist of this talk is the proposition that Magick should be in all ways a balanced symphony of the positive Forces of Light controlling and directing the negative Forces of Darkness. This is a principal of operation that goes back to ancient Egypt and has been unchallenged in magick until the rise of the Faustian School in the 18th century. Today's Thelemites and Chaos magicians may not agree with it, but it is still the basic two-stroke engine that runs Golden Dawn and O.T.A. magick. John will discuss its aspects in Hermetic yoga, alchemy, qabalah, and the Elements. This is rich food for the mind, so tune in and be well served.

Thursday Feb 13, 2014

On Thursday February 13th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present the founders of S.O.M.A., "The Society of Magical Artists," founded in Austin, Texas over a decade ago, discussing the formation of their council, its scope and agenda, and its schedule of coming events. This is a prestigious group of Hermetic magical scholars and facilitators. SOMA is interfraternal, and eclectic, including G.D., O.T.O. and others under its umbrella. We will have Paxton Knight, Jeffrey Lee Contreras, and Paul Edward Rana calling in. We are honored to have these distinguished leaders of the magical community on the Hermetic Hour. SOMA  is sponsoring The Third Annual Western Mystery Conference at the Scottish Rite Theater in Austin, Texas on October 24th, 25th, and 26th. SOMA holds monthly lectures as well. On February 15th, our own John Sheffield, Master of the Austin O.T.A. Hermitage, will be speaking on Solomonic Magick. - So, if you want to meet The Masters and learn what they have in store for us, tune in and get SOMA.

Thursday Feb 06, 2014

On Thursday February 6th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 21st Path of the Qabalistic Tree of
Life, leading from Netsach to Chesed. This is the Path attributed to Jupiter, the Hebrew letter "Kaph", (the Hand), and the Tarot Trump "The Wheel of Fortune." The Sphere of Chesed is also attributed to the Planet Jupiter, making this a very powerful positive combination. We have a unique interpretation of The Wheel of Fortune which also appears in our Crata Repoa initiatory system. Chesed (Jupiter) is appropriately ruled by the Phoenician Father God El (AL) and we place the Phoenician God Dagon in residence. Chesed also relates to Atlantis as the ruling realm of the mythical world. So if you want to go back in time and meet an amphibious ancient astronaut, tune in make the journey with us.

Thursday Jan 30, 2014

On Thursday, January 30th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a panel discussion on the 22nd Path of the Tree of
Life, leading from Tiphareth to Geburah. The Path is attributed to the
astrological sign Libra, the Scales of Balance, the Tarot Trump "Justice," and the Hebrew and Phoenician letters "Lamed," both representing the Ox Goad -- which has a remarkable symbolism relating to a Biblical-Canaanite mystery we will reveal for the first time. This Path also ends up at the narrow bridge leading to the Castle on the Edge of the Abyss (Geburah). Again we refer to John Michael Greer's "Paths of Wisdom" and Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism." Now, if you want to meet Osiris in the Great Hall of Judgement, remember, like Santa Claus, he has a list of who's been naughty and who's been nice -- so be good for goodness sake!

Thursday Jan 23, 2014

On Thursday January 23rd, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the 23rd Path of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, leading from the Sphere of Hod to the Sphere of Geburah on the Pillar of Severity. This Path is attributed to the Element of Water and the Tarot Trump "The Hanged Man." Once again our texts for reference will be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism" and John Michael Greer's "Paths of Wisdom." We will delve into the history and the mystery of the strange "Hanged Man" and give you our own unique interpretation of its meaning from Greek Mythology. So, if you want to cross stormy seas to Anath's Castle on the Edge of Forever, be sure to join us for another exciting adventure in the Land of Otz Chiim.

Thursday Jan 16, 2014

On Thursday January 16th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the ancient Phoenicians and the Hermetic
Tradition. This follows last week's review of "Jesus the Phoenician" by Karim el Koussa. The references for this evening's discussion will be the recent "Phoenician Secrets" by Sandford Holst and "The Phoenicians,
the Purple Empire of the Ancient World" by Gerald Herm, Our focus will
be on Phoenician contributions to, and influence on, Western occultism
and magick. It has recently been established that the Phoenician culture is one of the oldest in the world. It's roots go back nine thousand years. The
Phoenicians were building and sailing ocean-going ships long before the
Pyramids were built. The first pyramid was built by European architects
brought from Malta to Egypt by Phoenician contractors. The Phoenicians
were very secretive about their business and their religion. We will discuss their astrological religion (the Labors of Hercules), their magical alphabet (the real origin of the Qabalah) and their possible connection with Atlantis. So, if you want to voyage with the Purple People on ancient seas, tune in and we'll hoist the mainsheet.

Thursday Jan 09, 2014

On Thursday January 9th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss the new book by the Lebanese Christian author
Karim el Koussa "Jesus the Phoenician". This is a highly controversial
subject. Karim's thesis is revolutionary but quite possibly true. He
sets out to prove by the Bible itself - New and Old Testaments - that
Jesus of Nazareth was not a Jew and that the God he called 'his Father"
was the Canaanite "EL", not the Jewish YHVH. (Jehova). This should be a
very provocative and enlightening discussion -- so tune in and get
Salvation Phoenician style.

Thursday Jan 02, 2014

On Thursday January 2nd, 2014 The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, opens the New Year with a fascinating lecture from Chris Cooley,
avant-garde film maker (Neptune Films), composer-musician-singer
(Hyperfire Records) and author. Chris's talk is entitled: "The Sexual Mysteries - Beyond Good and Evil." Along with his creative activities Chris is a member of a traditional Magical Order with which we are closely affiliated, and is on his way to becoming a Hermetic philosopher, so if you'd like to listen to the wisdom of one we think may become a 21st century Master, tune in and be inspired.

Thursday Dec 26, 2013

Happy Holidays! The Thursday after Christmas, December 26th, 2013, the
Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the
lost and forgotten magical fantasy novel by the infamous science fiction
hoaxer Richard S. Shaver. Actually Shaver's editor Ray Palmer was the
hoaxer; Shaver believed he was writing "the truth' about the survivors
of ancient extraterrestrials still living in caverns below and plaguing surface people with mind-control ray machines. This dubious expose was called "The Shaver Mystery" and dominated the pages of AMAZING STORIES, America's most popular sci-fi mag in the 1940s. Shaver's weird tales of the subterranean "Dero World" are enjoying a modest revival in reprinted editions.
We were among the first 21st century Shaver revivalists with our 2007 film BEYOND LEMURIA. In our new version of "The Shaver Mystery" we placed the Cavern World of the Deros in another dimension, a parallel world very close to our own. However Shaver himself always insisted that his underground Deros were in this physical dimension --whereas his editor Palmer insisted they were "disembodied spirits." Shaver was an empathic receiver, a rue mystic. He revealed what might be the real secret of his Cavern World in a marvelously crafted fantasy novel that never has had a title of its own. It appeared in three separate issues of AMAZING and FANTASTIC from 1947 through 1949. The first part was "The Tale of The Red Dwarf," next came the third part "Daughter of the Night," followed by the second part two years later called "Erdis Cliff." Shaver precedes Moorcock's fictional Multiverse, and even M-Theory by decades. -- So, if you want to discover a new dimension, tune in and we'll slide down the worm hole.

Thursday Dec 19, 2013

On Thursday December 19th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will have as its distinguished guest the noted author on subjects arcane and esoteric, John Michael Greer. John's first book "Paths of Wisdom" has been of considerable help to us as an authoritative source in our on-going series of lectures on the Hermetic-Qabalistic Tree of Life. John is also the translator of the medieval Latin version of "Picatrix", with Christopher Warnock, which has now become as important in the magical revival as Tyson's Agrippa. Although certainly a Hermetic scholar John Michael Greer's magical heart lies in the Celtic-Druidic tradition. He has written several books in this area and is a practicing Druid himself. His latest work combines the Hermetic Golden Dawn and the Druidic traditions, both of which were active in Victorian England. John discovered a historic interchange between these two very British expressions and he has lovingly reconstructed the synthesis in "The Celtic Golden Dawn," -- So, let us go out to Stone Henge and see how the Druids do a Pentagram Ritual.

Thursday Dec 12, 2013

On Thursday December 12th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour will present the second program devoted to Jack Parson's 1946 essay "Freedom is a
Two-Edged Sword" with the reading of chapters three and four: "The Sword
and the Spirit" and "The Woman Girt with the Sword." These writings are
the philosophical and spiritual meat of this masterpiece of modern mystical, spiritual and philosophical speculation. You will be amazed at the predictive quality of Parson's perspective. It seems to be an epitome of 1980's feminist, environmental and neo-pagan thought written over thirty years before the flowering of these ideas. So tune in and continue the journey into the future from the past with America's rocket scientist magician at the controls of the time machine.

Thursday Dec 05, 2013

On Thursday December 5th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will read chapters from the essay Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword by rocket
scientist and magician John Whiteside Parsons. Along with being one of
the original founders of JPL in Pasadena, California (sometimes called "Jack Parsons Library") and a developer of solid rocket fuel essential to the space program, Parsons was also an occultist and a magician. He ran an O.T.O. lodge and was a dedicated follower of Aleister Crowley. Parsons' colorful, but tragically short life has been celebrated in the recent books "Sex and Rockets" by someone calling himself "John Carter" and "Strange Angel" by George Pendle -- Also a very good stage play from the Cal Tech drama department called "Pasadena Babalon." Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword was written at the end of World War Two. It is a remarkable prediction of liberalism, civil rights and women's rights --  in fact we might say that Parson's was the forerunner of feminist neo-paganism in California. His views on the mystical and spiritual superiority of women were much different than his mentor Crowley's. We received the Parson's Papers from Gerald Yorke in 1972. The first publication of Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword was my edited version published in our journal The Seventh Ray in 1976 through 1978. The essay has been subsequently published by the O.T.O. in 1990 and again in 2001. It is still in print and available from Amazon. We did a previous Hermetic Hour broadcast on Jack Parsons which you can find in our podcast archives -- now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand and enjoy the writings of this rocket scientist, especially when he has a crater on the Moon named after him -- on the Dark Side of course.

Friday Nov 29, 2013

On Friday, November 29th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the 24th Path on the Hermetic Qabalah's Tree of Life. This is the Path attributed to Death, the right hand guardian or gate to Tiphareth, with the Devil on the left side as Path 26. These two gates are considered soul testing challenges to the central Sun, and realm of the Solar Logos represented by Tiphareth. Our texts will be Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism and John Michael Greer's Paths of Wisdom. This Path will give us an opportunity to discuss the nature and meaning of Hermetic enlightenment, the concept of individual consciousness being eternal consciousness, and what Eliphas Levi really meant when he wrote: "Death is man's way of conquering immortality." --- So, if you want to live forever, tune in and get a head start on it.

Thursday Nov 21, 2013

On Thursday November 21st, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the "Enochian" legend and tradition in
magick, Freemasonry, the Bible, and the various versions of the Book of
Enoch itself. We will examine the elements and sources of the Masonic
Enoch legend, the lost Ethiopian Book of Enoch and its unique description of the Fallen Angels and their attributions, the Pagan Solarism of Enoch's Angelic vision, and the special Enochian universe of John Dee and Edward Kelley. We will also compare the Book of Enoch to the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian myth of the Anunnaki, the Goetia, and
Milton's Paradise Lost. So once again tune in and get Enochulated.

Thursday Nov 14, 2013

On Thursday November 14th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss the new book by Robert Sullivan, Esq, 32 "The Royal Arch of Enoch." This is a 600 page magnum opus which sets out to document the premise that one of Freemasonry's most important high degrees, The Ninth Arch, or Royal Arch of Enoch, establishes Masonry's underlying mythology as an antediluvian (before the Flood) Graeco-Egyptian (Hermetic) Solarism deriving from The Book of Enoch -- specifically Ethiopian Enoch -- which was not available to the Western World until the early 1800's. The author will call in and give us a summary of his book and the points of argument he seeks to establish. This book is impressive and deeply researched. Much can be learned from it, and the mysterious nature of Masonic symbolism will become more understandable in 'Light' of Brother Sullivan's revelations. This will be an intriguing disclosure of Masonic "secrets" that fans of Dan Brown and Indiana Jones will find fascinating -- so tune in and get Enochulated.

Thursday Nov 07, 2013

On Thursday November 7th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Twenty-fifth Path of the Hermetic Qabalastic Tree of Life. This Path goes up the Middle Pillar from Yesod to Tiphareth and has the Tarot Trump "Temperance" attributed to it. Regardie considers it related to the Holy Guardian Angel as your guiding spirit. The astrological reference is Sagittarius and relates to an arrow shot directly upwards. The Hebrew letter is Samech and the traditional reference is "the Tentative Intelligence." Again our texts will be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism," and John Michael Greer's "Paths of Wisdom." So if you want to keep going up the Tree with us, tune in, close your eyes, and we'll take a shot at the Sun.

Friday Nov 01, 2013

On November 1st, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a serious and a lighthearted look at Halloween. Every Halloween we hold "The Dark Mother of All Halloween Parties" on the nearest Saturday to the 31st. We have a serious ritual in the outdoor henge, invoking "Mot" the Lord of Death who asks each one around the circle "What say you to honor the dead?" -- followed by a jovial Halloween costume party which features a comedy skit. This year we did an impromptu radio play "Sherlock Holmes and the Necronomicon," based on a Seventh Ray feature. We will read the ritual and then play part of the
radio drama skit -- This is our Halloween Party on the air, so tune in, answer Mot's somber question, and then join the fun.

Thursday Oct 24, 2013

On Thursday October 24th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present another of our on-going lecture series on the Paths of the Tree of Life. This time we deal with 'The Devil', the Tarot Trump and other relevant symbolic aspects of the Path that leads from Hod, the
Mercurial Sphere of the intellect, to Tiphareth, the Solar Sphere of Mystical Transformation and beauty. Once again our primary texts for reference will be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism" and Israel Regardie's "Garden of Pomogranates" (first edition), so if you want to journey from the laboratory to the temple,
and meet the devil on the way, tune in and travel with us from Darkness to Light.

Thursday Oct 17, 2013

On Thursday October 17th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of occultist and psychologist Dion Fortune's fictionalized account of one of her mentor's strange "cases." Dion Fortune was very influential on modern Hermetic magical theory and practice. Her occult novels such as "Moon Magic" and the "Sea Priestess," are considered classics of occult literature. Her work is carried on by the Society of the Inner Light. Early in her career her master in both occultism and psychology was a man she called "Dr. Taverner." He operated a private sanitarium in a secluded moorland setting in England and the 1920s. There he treated unusual cases of dementia that responded to his occult methods of healing and exorcism. Dion Fortune claimed that these "Secrets of Dr. Taverner" were really true accounts, especially the vampire episode called "Blood Lust" which we will read and then discuss on this broadcast. So, if you've ever wondered just what vampires really are and how they operate, tune in and Dr. Taverner will explain how the dead can possess the living.

Thursday Oct 10, 2013

On Thursday October 10th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will present a reading of Frater Thabion's ominous apocalyptic, conspiratorial speculation: "Return of the Dragon Lords" which first appeared in The Seventh Ray, Book II, The Red Ray, thirteen years ago and seems to be increasing in credibility as we move further into the 21st century. Dragon Lords is the esoteric "Dark Side" of UFO
abductions, Satanic ritual abuse, Illuminati mind-control and the Reptillian bloodlines of sensational writers such as David Icke -- who may be right for the wrong reasons. The "truth" about the reptilian menace to humanity might go deeper and actually be more disturbing....You are welcome to consider this only speculation, metaphor, and conjecture --but if you believe it, then keep it to yourself, because if you know about them, they know about you!

Thursday Oct 03, 2013

On October 3rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of the ritual of the 30th Enochian Aethyr "TEX" (pronounced Tay-ets), which will include an opening by Watchtowers, a reading of the Call of the Thirty Aethyrs in Enochian and in English, and a reading of Aleister Crowley's vision of the Aethyr from "The Vision and the Voice" Equinox No. 5, 1911. We will give a short introduction to the Enochian Aethyr system and explain how the temple is to be arranged for the ritual. Those who have reproductions of the Enochian tablets on hand should pay particular attention to the Water Tablet. The four Governors for this Aethyr are all invoked from Water. So, if you would like to visit our virtual temple and go on a magical journey with Thabion (First Priest of the Phoenicians) and Therion (The Great Beast), then tune in and get Enochiated.

Thursday Sep 26, 2013

On Thursday, September 26, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on The Legacy of Mithraism on Magick and Masonry. We will trace the origins of the Mithra sect from the ancient Persian Magi -- an offshoot of Zoroastrianism -- through the Greco-Roman
Middle East, into the mileau of classical Alexandria, where its western branch acquired a cosmology that was largely Hermetic. In fact one might say that the Greco-Roman Mithra sect was ritualized Hermeticism. For several centuries it rivaled Christianity but was eventually overcome when emperor Constantine, himself a Mithraite, made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire for practical political reasons. The Mithra sect was an elite, initiatory, all male religious fraternity that extolled honor, bravery and loyalty. Great for the Roman army but not for the downtrodden masses. Its influence on the later Masonic
fraternity is obvious. Mithraism had seven initiatory degrees so similar to Crata Repoa that John Yarker called his Crata Repoa degree in Rite of Memphis "The Sage of Mithras." We will unravel the complex astrological symbolism of the "Tauroctony", the ritual slaying of the bull, the mystery of the strange lion-headed god, and the theory that the secret communion meal was the old Persian-version of Soma. Our main text reference will be D. Jason Cooper's "Mithras" (1996) with references to Franz Cumont's (1912) "Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans" and "Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras" by Carl A. P. Ruck,
et allia (2011). So, if you want to follow us down into the underground temple of the Mithraeum for a look into the origin of many of our rites and degrees, then tune in and we'll lift the veil.

Thursday Sep 19, 2013

On Thursday September 19th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on "Soma," the Elixir of immortality in the Shamanic, Magian, Vedic, Mithriatic, Orphic, Magical and Alchemical traditions. We will refer to the works of Gordon Wasson, Andrija Puharich, Clark Heinrich, James Arthur and Carl Ruck, along with the personal reflections of a magician familiar with the sacrament's use in magical practice. Although the use of this entheogen is legal, we do not require it in our degrees, we do not recommend it, and we will provide no detailed instructions for its use, however, we would be skipping over a very significant aspect of the Western and Eastern Magical Traditions if we ignored "Soma." Let me assure those of you who are still confused about the identity of the legendary Magical Plant, and its effectiveness, your questions will be answered. So tune in and we will go in search of the Food of the Gods. 

Thursday Sep 12, 2013

On Thursday September 12th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will introduce distinguished guest Dr. Ralph Metzner who will discuss his latest book "Worlds Within and Worlds Beyond," the seventh in his series of books on "The Ecology of Consciousness." All of Dr. Metzner's works are of special interest to students of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Check out his web site at He was one of the original psychedelic experimenters and facilitators of that tempestuous era, an Oxford graduate, psychotherapist and a philosopher. His latest book will be of particular interest to students of Magick who may wish to compare his system of therapeutic soul travel to the Buddhist Six Worlds of the Wheel of Existance, the nine realms of the Nordic Yggdrasill World Tree, and the Octaves of Pythagoras with our own Pathworkings on the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. Many of his insights are applicable to our venue regardless of technique. He refers to his method as Alchemical Divination. Although we may use different techniques, and different mythologies we can always learn from the insights and the visions of a master -- so turn us on, tune us in, and don't drop out.

Thursday Sep 05, 2013

On Thursday September 5th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the 27th Path of the qabalistic Tree of Life leading from Hod to Netsach, This is the lowest of three cross members uniting opposite pillars on The Tree. Gareth Knight considers it "The main girder of the personality." It connects the sphere of the Intellect with the sphere of Natural Forces, so sparks are bound to fly. The Path is attributed to the planet Mars and the Tarot trump "The Blasted Tower." This prompted Gareth Knight to relate the Path to the mysterious alchemical allegory "The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz;" which he summarizes in the "Practical Guide." So tune in and we will walk the Path to "The House of God."

Thursday Aug 29, 2013

On Thursday August 29th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the twenty-eighth Path of the Tree of Life, which leads up from Yesod, realm of the Collective Unconscious of the microcsosm, to Netsach, the realm of natural forces of the macrocosm. In the Hermetic Tradition this Path is attributed to Aquarius and the Tarot Trump "The Star," however, Aliester Crowley was moved to interchange The Star with The Emperor. We will discuss his reasons for this and its implications. This is an important symbolic path for neo-pagans and those who venerate The Goddess. So, tune in and we will try to walk this Path both ways.

Thursday Aug 22, 2013

On Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report and discussion on our 16th through the 19th of August's Magical Pilgrimage to Northern California's remote and awesomely beautiful Mt. Shasta. This is not the first time for us. We shot our magical sci-fi adventure "Beyond Lemuria" at Mt. Shasta in 2006, and we have returned several times since. This time Soror Zandria and I had with us Sorores Seer and Sophia Draconia, and Lord Michael -- all together for the "yoga of the long drive;" (12 hours from L.A. to Mt. Shasta.) With only two days on the Mountain we concentrated on the Panther Meadows area where the founder of the "I AM Activity" met the Alchemist St. Germain. For an appropriate Mt. Shasta ritual we recited The Stanzas of Dyzan in Enochian and brought with us a rock from the Temple Vault at Nan Madol (Lemuria). We discovered a powerful vortex and brought back sacred water from the Panther Meadows spring. We each had our own visionary experiences which our team will share with you when they call in -- so, if you want to get first hand reports on America's most magical power spot tune in and and we'll unveil the mysteries of the Holy Mountain.

Thursday Aug 08, 2013

On Thursday August 8th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 30th Path of the Hermetic-Qabalastic Tree of Life. This is the Path of "Resh" and The Sun, called "The Collective Intelligence." It is the first Path in which we employ "Kusor's Boat," a magical device unique to the O.T.A. derived from ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian myth sources ( also inspired by A. Merritt's "Ship of Ishtar"). The Boat enables us to fly over Paths already walked in the astral journeys at the base of The Tree. The Boat is shown in our Pathworking video available to Associate Members. Our text will again be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalastic Symbolism, Vol. 2," and "Adamson's Quest" from THE SEVENTH RAY. This Path leads from Yesod, the Lunar sphere of memory, emotion and astral foundation to Hod, the Sphere of Mercury, reason, science and positive Solar-zodiacal progress. It questions the male and female spiritual perspectives and raises the current debate between techno-industrial progress vs. environmental and eco-centered spiritual philosophies, along with collectivism vs. individualism. So, tune in and find out about star-people and earth people, and why the Hermetic soul is androgynous.

Thursday Aug 01, 2013

On Thursday August 1st, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Science Fiction classics that have influenced the modern occult revival. Our special guest will be Professor Curtis Shumaker who teaches a course in science fiction in the State University system. We'll cover Clarke's "Childhood's End" (UFOs and Fallen Angels), Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" (Scientology,
the Process and CIA mind control), Herbert's "Dune" the psychedelic movement, Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" (the Hippie movement and CAW), H.P. Lovecraft's "Cthulhu Mythos" (post modern demonology). Philip K. Dick's "Valis" (God is information) and several titles that
Dr. Shumaker will mention. This will be a fascinating look into what our great imagineers have predicted and inspired. Tune in and Scotty will beam us up for an hour on the Final Frontier.

Thursday Jul 18, 2013

On Thursday July 18th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the history and the use of the Dark Mirror in Medieval and Renaissance ritual magick. We will focus on historical accounts from Lynn Thorndike's "History of Magic and Experimental Science", the Latin "Picatrix", and passages from grimoires such as "The Grimorium Verum" and "St. Cyprian," and the kabbalistic "Ispaklaria" described by the late Aryeh Kaplan, along with references from folkloric sources and the" Saragossa Manuscript." Modern use by P. B. Randolph,
Franz Bardon and Joseph Lisiewiski will be examined. This is a controversial subject among some contemporary Renaissance Magick reenactors who use crystals for both evocation and invocation. We will attempt to sort this out so the newcomer to the Art will have a better understanding of the full range of magical equipment and technique. So,
tune in and go through "The Looking Glass."

Thursday Jul 11, 2013

On Thursday July 11th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review the new book "Gateways Through Stone and Circle" by Frater Ashen Chassan. We will have the author as a featured call-in guest. This book is, in our opinion, the best practical "how to do it" book on traditional Western ceremonial magick in the past 16 years. It is also one of the best "why to do it" books also. This is a magical book by a real magician who has studied, lived and mastered the Art. After working his way through the Lemegeton's Goetia and Almadel, he decided to concentrate on Trithemius' "Book of Secret Things" or "The Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals" from Barrett's "Magus" and make this system of Angelic crystal conjuration his special forte. He built his own equipment -- graphically detailed in the book -- and described all the technical details, rituals and techniques necessary to replicate his experiments. The text is beautifully written in a mature, sophisticated and very readable style. So, tune in Thursday and visit with the Magus from "The Magus."

Thursday Jul 04, 2013

On July 4th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the symbolism and meaning of the 29th Path of the Qabalistic Tree of Life leading from Malkuth to Netsach. This is the Path of the Moon (Tarot trump) and is a watery route up to the seventh Sphere of Netsach (Venus) which is attributed to the realm of Nature and natural philosophy. Once again our texts will be Dion Fortune's "Mystical Qabalah" and Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism." We will also summarize our own version of this Path as recorded in our special Pathworkings DVD used in our Associate Member Program. In our system the Goddess Astarte resides in the Temple of Netsach and Her divine body contains all the psychic centers (chakras) of the Lightning Flash. So, if you want to get up close and magical with Mother Nature tune in and we'll pay The Goddess a visit.

Thursday Jun 27, 2013

On Thursday June 27th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion of the Thirty-first Path of the Tree of Life from Malkuth to Hod, reviewing its esoteric meaning and symbolism in the Hermetic Qabalah. This is the Path of Fire leading up the Pillar of Severity to the Mercurial Sphere of Hod. Texts for our talk will be Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah, and Poke Runyon's Adamson's Quest. We will also review our video presentation of this Pathworking in our DVD offered to Associate Members. So, tune in and "Walk the hot sands" of the Astral Plane.

Thursday Jun 20, 2013

On Thursday June 20th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the symbolism and meaning of the Thirty-second Path on the Tree of Life. This lecture will include a review of our special Path Working on this subject which we have recorded for members and associate members. The Tarot symbolism, the relation to Saturn in the Cube of Space, and the traditional qabalistic associations will be covered. Text for this lecture are The Garden of Pomogranets by Israel Regardie and Volume Two of Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. Tune in and start the journey upward.

Thursday Jun 13, 2013

On Thursday June 13th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Qabalistic Sphere of Malkuth and its significance in Hermetic Magick. This will be the first of a series of lectures starting at the bottom of the Tree of Life and working upwards following the path of the Serpent of Wisdom. These lectures will actually be lessons in the Associate Member Program which we will later collect in one package. They will be interspersed with current topics, such as significant new books, important guest interviews, and such, but you can expect at least one or two Otz Chiim lectures per month. --- Malkuth is not just the physical world of Ashiah below the Yetzirah astral, it is a most important magical-mystical realm in which a significant visions are received -- especially the Holy Guardian Angel experience, which is done entirely in Malkuth (each Sphere contains an entire Tree). Our texts will be Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah and Gareth Knight's A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. Tune in and start the long climb upward.

Thursday Jun 06, 2013

On Thursday June 6th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will present a speculative discussion on the ancient Phoenician God Dagon and his counterparts in Mesopotamian, Hindu, and African mythology. We will explore his connection to Astrology and the Kabbalah. He was the father of Baal, God of the maratime Philistines, and probably a legacy from Atlantis. The concept of Dagon's reincarnation in later humans as a sort of spiritual "bloodline" will be considered. -- So, tune in and find out what might be swimming in your think-tank.

Thursday May 30, 2013

On Thursday May 30th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the practical aspects and ritual techniques employed in the Holy Guardian Angel retreat. This is the modern three day intensive solo operation developed by Charles Russell for the G.B.G. and adopted by the O.T.A. in the 1970s as the central requirement for the Melanophoris Third Degree of our Crata Repoa system. The medieval origin of the H.G.A. retreat was the much longer vigil of "Abramelin The Mage." Our weekend intensive uses the Paths of the Tree of Life as a ritual frame work, requiring twenty-two separate rituals within the three-day time period. If done correctly and resolutely it can be the spiritual experiece of a lifetime. We will discuss the traditional background, from Hermes, through Agrippa, to Abramelin and the Pauline Art, detailing what the retreat should be and what it should not be. No one seriously interested in the art of Magick should miss this; it is the Keystone of the Great Work.

Thursday May 23, 2013

On Thursday May 23rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present an after-event report on the revival of Feraferia in Southern California, on the occasion of the Beltane rite celebrated at Rivendell on May 11th with 32 Feraferians, O.T.A. members and guests attending. Our special guest will be Feraferian Leader, Lady Jo Carson, who will give us an inside look at the original NeoPagan Goddess religion in America, founded by artist-philosopher Frederick Adams, and his Priestess Lady Svetlana. Feraferia celebrates paradisial wilderness and recreates the ancient Greek Elusinian Mysteries. This will be a rare opportunity to discover and rediscover the vision that launched the worship of the Goddess and Her relation to Sacred Nature. Tune in and find out how it began -- and has risen again.

Thursday May 16, 2013

On Thursday May 16th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review on the new book "Love Sex Fear Death" The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment, by Timothy Wyllie, edited by Adam Parfrey from Feral House. Timothy Wyllie will call in and give us his inside story on "The Inside Story" of one of the strangest, and most influential "Cults" of the psychedelic 60s-70s era. The Processians were a spin-off of Scientology who worked a neo-Bibical mythology in which Lucifer, Satan, Jehovah, and Christ were equally venerated and extolled. The Process was a communal Millernarian (apocalyptic) cult that fascinated the youth subculture and frightened the older generation. They were very creative and dedicated to spreading their radical doomsday philosophy. They were masters of what we now call "disinformation." We will discuss their influence on the 1990s Satanic Ritual Abuse mass delusion, and the subsequent Demonic Illuminati conspiracy obsessions that pollute the internet. So, if you want to get to the Inside Story of The Process, tune in and get processed.

Thursday May 09, 2013

On Thursday May 9th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the art and poetry of British 18th century mystic artist-philosopher-poet William Blake -- who was influenced by Milton (Paradise Lost) and Swedenborg (Heaven and Hell). Blake's subsequent influence on Crowley, Austin Spare, Fred Adams, and the modern Hermetic Tradition will be delineated. Blake's brake with the piety of Swedenborg to extoll a more romantic, solipsistic view of the creative artist's duty to explore life's adventures to the fullest measure is the theme of the discussion. Books by Blake and books about him and his work will be reviewed. So, if you want to spend an hour with the man who invented the comic book, tune in and meet an 18th century artistic Super Hero.

Thursday May 02, 2013

On Thursday May 2nd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review the novel "The Demonologist" by Canadian writer Andrew Pyper. This is a recent mainstream thriller from Simon & Schuster that is surprisingly accurate in its presentation of demons working in the realm of the human mind exploiting personal weaknesses and former tragedies to accomplish their ends -- with some obligatory exaggerations for horror effect. Popular writers usually try to find some old Necronomicon book-alike to hang their story on. In this case Pyper used John Milton's "Paradise Lost." At first this seems an odd choice; why not "The Key of Solomon," or the "Lemegeton," or the "Heptameron"? However, Milton's long Biblical epic is actually a good choice. It was published in the 1640s, was very widely read and dealt extensively with Satan and the Fallen Angels, even incorporating our Canaanite Baal (Bael) and Astarte (Ashteroth) into their ranks -- along with the archdemon who is the disembodied villain of Pyper's tale. Readers of "The Book of Solomon's Magick" will recall that I quoted Milton's poem in relation to our Canaanite pantheon. Milton (and to a lesser extent Pyper) tried to give Satan and his minions a creditable, even darkly heroic point of view. This influenced William Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell." Blake illustrated one of the later editions of "Paradise Lost." -- So, if you want a demonic thriller that will make you wonder what you might have lurking between your ears, tune in and we'll recommend one.

Thursday Apr 25, 2013

On Thursday April 25th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the practice of the Vajrayogini tantra as undertaken by O.T.A. members and Gardenerians at the Sakya Center in Los Angeles in Oct.-Nov.1985 under the direction of Abbott Ludhing Khen Rinpoche of the Sakya Order, Ngor Sect, of Tibetan Buddhism. This was a rare opportunity for Westerners to take initiations, and an extended training course in Tibetan Trantric practice, supervised by Tibetan lamas and delivered in English by an American lama Nagawang Samten. My mentor in anthropology, Dr. Robert Ravitz, had been to Dharmsala, India several times. He recommended the program, and frankly told me: "Poke, you will be getting something that many people have gone to Asia, given up everything, spent years, and still not received, so get the most out of it." I certainly tried to, and found it one of the most meaningful experiences in my magical career. Our sessions with Ludhing Khen Rinpoche and Lama Samten lasted a month. We started with a Hevajrah initiation, as the most important yidam practice of the Order (this was our certification and a "planting of the seed"), followed by Chenrezi initiation, Padmasambhava, White Tara, an intensive Vajrayogini Initiation and practice, from a 100 page syllabus detailing all the rites and practices. This is a complete tantric system, including, Tumo, and Pohwa (death practice).Vajrayogini is very popular with Tibetans and Westerners alike. She is a very close analog to the Canaanite Goddess Anath. Programs like the one we participated in are now being offered more frequently here in America. You might check with H.H. Sakya Trazin's website for details -- So, if you want to find out what it is like to meditate with the Eastern Masters, tune in and we will share our recollections with you.

Thursday Apr 11, 2013

On Thursday, March 11th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour will present a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the Japanese martial arts system known as Ninjutsu. This may not seem related to the Western Hermetic Tradition but it seems that Hermetic magicians find it to be the most magical of the oriental combat systems and are attracted to it. Ninjutsu combines techniques of armed and unarmed combat, along with other skills applicable to both paramilitary and magical operations. The Ninja tradition is 800 years old, originating in feudal Japan. Ninjas were originally of the Japanese peasant class defending themselves against the heavily armed and tyrannical samurai warriors. Some of these oriental Robin Hood types evolved from patriots into professional assassins, so there is a dark side to Ninjutsu. There is also a mystical-magical element in their yoga system called "Kuji" which they claim to have received from Tibet via Chinese master teachers early in the feudal period. This system involves an interlaced energy 'grid' of Nine bands or "cuts" called Kuji-kiri. We will discuss Ninja history, training methods, and philosophy -- so tune in and we'll explore the spiritual side of mayhem.

The Sufis and Islamic Mysticism

Thursday Apr 04, 2013

Thursday Apr 04, 2013

On Thursday April 4th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the Sufis and Islamic mysticism. This is a subject that is impossible to fathom and difficult to summarize. The reason it is so difficult to understand lies in Sufism's passion for non-literal, allegorical and paradoxical teaching deriving in part from its fear of being persecuted by orthodox Islam for heresy; a very real fear which endangers Sufi circles all over the world at the present time. We will briefly outline the history of Sufism and highlight the work some of its legendary teachers with their profound, and sometimes humorous parables. We will recall the famous Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, comparing the Western version to what Khayyam actually wrote. Gurdjieff's debt to Sufism will be noted. We will outline the so-called "Arabic Kabbalah" sometimes called "Abjad", and discuss the controversial book "The Other Islam" on present day Sufism by Stephen Schwartz. So, if you want to find out what you don't know about the Sufis tune in and be mystified.

Thursday Mar 28, 2013

On Thursday March 28th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present an interview with author, editor and publisher Darcy Kuntz, who is certainly the foremost authority and resource on the history of the Golden Dawn and its off-shoots on this side of the pond. Darcy has worked closely with Robert A. Gilbert -- the leading British Golden Dawn scholar -- in tracking down, authenticating, editing and publishing the extensive writings of Golden Dawn adepts. Darcy is the founding director of The Golden Dawn Research Trust. His current offering is "The Magical Writings of Florence Farr," who was a Golden Dawn adept and the originator of the Magical Astral Pathworkings in Western magick. Darcy is also bringing out an edited and annotated version of the "Collectania Hermetica.". So tune in and learn how to uncover and discover all of the secrets of the Golden Dawn.

Thursday Mar 21, 2013

On Thursday March 21st, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the rise of serious academic, intellectual, and scientific interest in Hermetic philosophy, spirituality and even practice in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We will review the works of writers such as Joscelyn Godwin, David Fideler, Richard Kieckhefer, Kitty Fergueson, and Peter Kingsley. We will discuss the impact of new theories and discoveries in quantum physics on previous scientific and philosophical paradigms, leading to a renewed appreciation for the ancient Pythagorean cosmic and natural doctrines which were the foundation for the Hermetic sciences of alchemy, astrology, and the art of magick. In theoretical science one might say that the Qabalah is challengingEinstein. So tune in and find out just how serious the academy now regards our antiquated beliefs and superstitions. We don't need to go to the Moon anymore, we can send for it...

O.T.A. Magick in Austin, Texas!

Thursday Mar 14, 2013

Thursday Mar 14, 2013

On Thursday March 14th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report on Frater Thabion and Soror Zandria's visitation to initiate nine new members, and help present the O.T.A. Spring Equinox Nuptiae pageant at the Austin, Texas Hermitage of Frater Heracles and Soror Omphala. This was a marvelously magical and wonderfully social weekend. The ceremonies on the spacious grounds, and inside the impressive temple were inspiring. Frater Heracles will be our call-in guest to give us his first hand report on the activities. We also visited the Scarlet Woman Lodge of the O.T.O. in Austin where Frater Thabion gave an after dinner talk on Evocation, then a tour of the State Capitol, and the Scottish Rite Temple.  We capped the expedition off with a carousal at The Spider House that was likewise memorable for magical fellowship. So tune in and we'll share Texas magick with you.

Thursday Feb 28, 2013

On Thursday February 28th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will explain the fundamental and practical changes the Order of the Temple of Astarte (O.T.A.) has made in Qabalah, Yoga, Angel gender, Evocation of Spirits, and both Biblical and Pagan mythology in order to make Hermetic visionary magick a gender-balanced system that men and women can feel is equally theirs, and still be within the compass of the genuine Western Esoteric Tradition. As most of you know The G.D., the O.T.O., Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians are all patriarchal, male-dominated and male-oriented systems in which there is no veneration of a true Divine Feminine and little concern for feminine viewpoint. The O.T.A. was founded in 1969, when modern Neo-Paganism was emerging as a dynamic spiritual force. We were very much influenced by Feraferia, and Robert Graves. We knew that if traditional magick was to be valid in this modern age, the balance of male and female elements had to be created and maintained. This is a controversial subject and we will be open to call-ins on the topic -- so, tune in and find out about traditional magick's affirmative action program.

Thursday Feb 14, 2013

On Thursday February 14th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will interview the distinguished scholar and author Geoffrey James whose historical novel "Sorcerer" on Elizabethan magus John Dee has just been released. It should be noted that Geoffrey James is also the author of "Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee," and "Angel Magic', both factual and practical works on the magical art. Geoffrey brings a unique combination of talents to his novel: he is an historian, a magician and a masterful story teller. There have been other novels based on the magical adventures of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley, and some written by magicians themselves, but "Sorcerer" is far and away the best yet. The characters are real, the setting is alive, the story is gripping and the tragedy is classic. If Geoffrey had opted for a more reflective, less contemporary style, he could have expanded the book to 500 pages without breaking a sweat, and produced a piece of literature. But how well would that have sold in today's market? What he did was equally artistic: he produced a modern version, fast paced, emotionally charged, best-seller in thriller style, and still managed to keep the mood, the tone and the depth of a classic. I would give it six stars if I could. So tune in and meet the best author of magical fiction since Dion Fortune -- (and Geoffrey tells me he likes Jack Vance ! Perhaps Edward Kelley was Vance's model for Cudgel? )

Thursday Jan 31, 2013

On Thursday January 31st, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the mysterious and fantastic origins of the the popular magical role-plying board game Dungeons & Dragons. We will trace the beginnings of "Oriental Gothic" magical fiction back to William Beckford's early 19th century novel "Vathek", a decadent Arabian Nights fantasy with diabolical themes, through Lord Dunsany's creation of exotic fantasy realms for his magical tales, to the early 20th century master Clark Ashton Smith who created the first "Dying Earth" setting he called "Zothique," the last continent under the dim Sun of a world soon to end. This idea was carried on by sci-fi-fantasy writer Jack Vance in his own cycle of "Dying Earth" stories in which he created the unique system of wizard spell-casting adopted by Dungeons & Dragons game players -- so, if you want to learn about the spell "Of Forlorn Encystment," or "the Excellent Prismatic Spray," tune in and we'll learn how it was done before Harry Potter.

Thursday Jan 17, 2013

On Thursday January 17th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a report on our New Year's Day field trip to the famous "Integratron" near the Mojave Desert community of Landers, California. This marvelous building, or machine, created by scientist-mystic George Van Tassel in the 1950's, and featured in "Weird California," is a New Age shrine. Originally designed and constructed by aerospace engineer Van Tassel from plans and technology received from space-faring Annunaki, it was intended to be a giant electrostatic generator which could regenerate human tissue, create an inter-dimensional vortex, and even (according to rumors) act as a time machine. Physically it is a huge dome with remarkable acoustics. Although it fell into disrepair after George (Van's) death, it has now been beautifully restored -- even though the giant centrifuge has yet to be engaged (there are plans...) the building iteself is a magical experience. We enjoyed a crystal bowl "Sound Bath" inside the dome and felt wonderfully centered and invigorated. A Greatly Honored Frater in our group vibrated Holy Names of God in the central channel of the dome with awesome effect. We also visited remote "Giant Rock," the huge boulder out in the desert where George Van Tassel was first contacted by a UFO. You can read his own account of this experience in his "The Council of Seven Lights" which reminds us of Urancha, Phylos and Sitchin. We were hosted in nearby Joshua Tree by one of our sisters who prepared a breakfast for us that even the Elder Gods would have enjoyed. So join us Thursday and we will share the Integratron experience.

Thursday Jan 03, 2013

On Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Sir Francis Dashwood's 18th century "Hellfire Club." We will recount the outrageous exploits attributed to Dashwood and his cult of "randy rakes' and merry ne'er-do-wells who called themselves "The Medmenham Friars" or "Franciscans" after "St. Francis" Dashwood, their founder and sponsor. Lots of fun, but behind all this naughtiness there was a genuine libertine appreciation for the erotic beauties of Classical Paganism. Dashwood was closer to Thomas Taylor and William Beckford, and the later Norman Lindsay -- and even our own Frederick Adams, than to De Sade and the French satanists. The Medmenham Frairs were certainly libertine, but their devil was Pan, not Satan, and their diety was the Goddess. Dashwood, before Crowley, was influenced to replicate Rabilias' Abbey of Thelema and carved "Do What Thou Wilt" across the door to his chapel. From Dashwood we get "The Frair's Club" and probably "The Bohemians." He was a successful politician and public servant, married and respectable until slandered in the press in his later years. Hopefully we will have Dave and Ann Finnin call in. They visited "The Abbey" and were conducted through the infamous grotto by the present Earl of Dashwood, and can give us a first hand look at the remains of a Pagan enclave that flourished at the time of the American Revolution.

Thursday Dec 20, 2012

On Thursday December 20th, 2012, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will review William R. Mistele's latest book "Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes, and Salamanders." The author will call in and join us, as he did when we reviewed his first book on the subject "Undines, Lessons from the Realm of the Water Spirits." (see archives). Bill Mistele is a Hermetic magician of the Bardonian school and uses Franz Bardon's catalog of Elemental spirits as his happy hunting ground for channeling Elementals. Whereas Undines concentrated on the female water Elementals, this new book takes us through the whole spectrum. This time he refers to the classic Undines by their more common title "Mermaids," but they are the same Bardonian spirits. Mistele is a poetic, and very romantic writer--and a very talented skryer. He channels the Kings and Queens of the Elements, and presents their view and perspective with a sensitivity and insight that is as convincing as it is inspiring. These nature spirits are as Pagan as they are Hermetic, and in reading this latest book I am constantly reminded of the works of Fred Adams and the philosophy of Feraferia. I wish Fred and Svetlana were with us to enjoy Bill Mistele's revelations, and his delightful poetic prose style. So, tune in and meet the Boswell of the Elementals.

Thursday Dec 06, 2012

On Thursday December 6th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the Masonic scholar and author Albert Pike, his legacy and his unique contributions to American Masonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition. Pike was and still is a very controversial figure. He was also a paradox: opposed to slavery, he still served as a general in the Confederate army. He was an advocate of Native American rights and led a regiment of Confederate Indians against the Yankees whom they hated. He was the father of Scottish Rite Masonry in America, rewriting and organizing a jumble of continental Masonic degrees into a coherent system that has become the largest Masonic jurisdiction in the world. He was an occultist much influenced by Eliphas Levi, and a proponent of the Hermetic Tradition which he showcased in his favorite Scottish Rite degree Knight of the Sun (the former 28th degree), which he devoted more text to than any other degree in his classic "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite." Even back in the 19th century he was a lightning rod for anti-masons, being the alleged Luciferian Master of the mysterious lady sex magician "Diana Vaughan" in the great French "Palladian Hoax". So if you want to get the inside story on this giant of American Masonry and his efforts to preserve the ancient mysteries behind Freemasonry, tune in and we'll shed some Light on the subject.

Thursday Nov 15, 2012

On Thursday November 15th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss the legendary Balkis, Queen of Sheba and her place in the equally legendary tales of King Solomon. We will uncover the amazing historical facts behind her almost forgotten ancient empire, to which Arabia owed whatever traces of civilization it had remaining when Mohammed unified the Arabs under Islam. We will reveal a strange Turkish alternative version of the Masonic Temple legend, the Casting of the Brazen Sea, in which Sheba becomes one of the three Grand Masters. In this rendition of the story Sheba and the Architect are children of the Jinn, whereas Solomon is only human. We will mention Sheba in the medieval alchemical tradition, and her connection with the fifth degree of Crata Repoa. So tune in and we will learn what Solomon, Balkis and Hiram were doing behind the veil.

Thursday Nov 01, 2012

On November 1st, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the relationship of ancient Canaanite mythology to Solomonic ceremonial magick. We will begin by establishing the legendary Biblical background of Solomon the Wizard King and his mystical powers, his relations with Hiram of Tyre, the Queen of Sheba, and his building of a temple to the Goddess Astarte. We'll mention the Canaanite priest king Melchizedek who anointed Abraham long before Moses. We will mention the Masonic legend in this context, and how Solomon united the Jews and the Canaanites to build his Great Temple. We will cover the Ra- Shamra/Ugarit Canaanite texts, their connection to the Holy Grail legend, and our own reconstruction of ancient Canaanite seasonal ceremonies. Then, the following week we will present the conclusion of our reconstructed Canaanite legend: "Prince Aqhat and the Magick Bow." -- So, tune in and get the inside story on King Solomon's magical religion.

Thursday Oct 18, 2012

On October 18th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present another appreciation of magicians and writers on magick who have influenced modern Hermetic philosophy and practice. In this particular case Paschal Beverly Randolph (1825-1874) is the man to whom we owe the most and have remembered the least! He was a genius, a scoundrel, a best-selling novelist, an idealist and a marvelous clairvoyant. He was a champion of women's rights but he was also an advocate and a teacher of sex magick. He supplied most of the practical teachings for The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, and also influenced Theosophy, the Golden Dawn, Franz Bardon and Aliester Crowley. He introduced concentration techniques for use with magick mirrors, but he also experimented with and recommended what are now illegal drugs. He was the bastard son of a high ranking White politician and his beautiful African American mistress. Randolph's life would make an exciting epic film. He was a merchant seaman, a world traveler, a spiritualist, an alchemist, and a mysterious celebrity that inspired and empowered magick in the early 20th century. So tune in and find out where the secrets really came from.

Thursday Oct 04, 2012

On Thursday October 4th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the anthropologist-shaman and allegorical fiction writer Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998) and the teachings of his mysterious mentor the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan Matus.  This serves to be more of an appreciation of Carlos and Don Juan than a critique. We will focus on what many consider his best work: "Journey to Ixtlan." So tune, turn on, and "stop the world."

Thursday Sep 20, 2012

On Thursday September 20th, 2012, the Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon and special guest Frater Osiris, Magister of the Atlanta Hermitage of the Church of the Hermetic Sciences, will recap the exciting magical weekend of festivities and initiatory rites held at the secluded estate of Frater Osiris and Soror Isis in the wooded hills north of Atlanta. The Festival of Seven Gates was performed by torchlight  at Morning Glory Henge within a beautiful garden setting on Saturday night. On Sunday Fra. Thabion and Sor. Zandria, assisted by Fra. Osiris and Sor. Isis, initiated the entire cast of Associate Members in attendance into the active fold of the Church in the Pastophoris rite of Crata Repoa, thus fully establishing the Encampment as a Hermitage of the Church. The entire weekend was wonderfully and graciously hosted, and skillfully organized and coordinated by Fra. Osiris and Sor. Isis. Associate Members from other nearby States made the trip to be initiated. The Atlanta Hermitage at Morning Glory Henge is now the Southeastern hub of CHS/OTA activity. So tune in and we'll exchange impressions of a truly magical event.

Our New Pathworking DVD Video

Thursday Sep 13, 2012

Thursday Sep 13, 2012

On Thursday September 13th, 2012 Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will announce the release (to Associate Members) of our latest DVD video production "Pathworkings of Magick." This project has been in the works for some time and required considerable technical audio and visual effort to accomplish. It is a completely unique and original approach to magical training. We are providing hypnotic, visionary journeys to the magical Inner Planes, just the way you would experience them in an O.T.A.  temple, but on your t.v. or computer screen. We use traditional Tattwa symbols, the same narrative scripts we use in the lodge room, and the same hypnotic induction. The entry scenes were filmed in Montsalvat Temple using the Soul Door dark mirror. All four basic elemental pathworkings (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) are included, with "Attention Points" and detailed instructions. Because these programs do require a proper attitude and discipline to be effective, they are not offered to the public. Associate Members may order the video as part of their instruction. So, if you want to find out how you can journey to magical realms through your own small screen, tune in and we will turn you on.

Thursday Sep 06, 2012

On Thursday September 6th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the work and the influence of the 19th century French occultist Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Constant), a former Catholic priest who embraced and codefied a Rosicrucian version of Kabbalah and Hermetic philosophy. Eliphas Levi launched the modern occult revival in 1856  with his book now titled "Transcendental Magic." He developed the theory of "Astral Light," and assigned Kabbalistic letter correspondences to the Tarot trumps. He considered the Tarot more ancient than the kabbalah itself. Levi was a seminal influence on Blavatsky, Pike, Westcott, Mathers and Crowley. He was sometimes wrong in his historical assumptions, but this was almost intentional on his part. He was creating a grand, unified scheme out of divergent myth-themes which he synthesized into what we now call The Western Esoteric Tradition. Tune in and we will spend an hour remembering "The French Magus."

Thursday Aug 30, 2012

On Thursday August 30th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the persistent legend and rumor of Secret Underground Cities ruled by occult masters in Central Asia, Tibet and Mongolia. We will approach this subject from three directions: first the actual Asian source material: Shambalah, Oolamorang and the cave temples of India, second the Theosophic ruse of hiding their Hindu and Sikh masters in Tibet, resulting in a wide-spread Western misconception of Tibetan Buddhism. Third we will look at the confabulated writings of Lobsang Rampa (Cyril Hodgkins) and the German traveler's tale "Darkness Over Tibet" by T. Illion -- which may have influenced Himmler to send Nazi expeditions to Tibet in search of "The Masters". We will consider the more factual and authentic work of Ferdinand Ossendowski, "Beasts, Men, and Gods" and the Mongolian version of Shambalah which he confused with a French author's astral journey to Agartha in India. Finally we will consider the ancient evidence that has recently come to light indicating that some of this speculative, and misrepresented material may have some basis in fact. Behind every myth there is an element of truth -- so tune in and we will set forth like Indiana Jones in search of the remote and the mysterious.

Thursday Aug 23, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday August 23rd, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the 1st century " Alexandria Connection" where the elements that make up the Western Esoteric Tradition (Hermetic Tradition) came together and began the synthesis that was finally codified by Abbott Trithemius and Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century. We will trace the Pythagorean, Ancient Egyptian, Gnostic, NeoPlatonic, Biblical (kabbalistic), Alchemical, Astrological, and even Christian influences that were shuffled together in a spiritual-intellectual ferment in what was perhaps the greatest university our Western world could boast of until the modern "Age of Enlightenment." We have dealt with this subject before, but this time we will focus on the particular people and their traditions: Alexander (Himself), Ptolemy the astrologer king, Hypatia the Pagan martyr, Hermes Trismegistus, and Marcus and Simon Magus. We will touch on the Greek Qabalah, the Osiris myth, and the influence of Zoroaster. So, if you have a burning desire to visit the Library of Alexandria, join us -- but no smoking inside, please...

Thursday Aug 16, 2012

On Thursday August 16th,2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on The Fallen Angels in the Biblical, Islamic, and Hermetic Traditions. This naturally follows our discussion on Satan, Lucifer and The Devil -- which was and is a contrived derivation from the the original Fallen Angels (plural) concept. We will look at the lost Book of Enoch, The Sumerian, Greek and even Nordic versions of the story.(Mentioning Sitchen, Shaver, and Van Daniken) We will visit The Zohar for a version that goes back to Canaanite mythology,and connects with King Solomon -- who built the Great Temple with the help of "demons." We will connect with the Haranian Sabians and their planetary magick. Finally we will discuss Dee and Kelley's version of the Enochian Fallen Angel concept. So, if you want to learn how to work with the good bad guys, or maybe the bad good guys? tune in and we'll Enochiate you.

Thursday Aug 09, 2012

On Thursday, August 9th, 2012 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Satanism and its relation to the Western Esoteric Tradition. We will trace its early historical precedents: Set, Tiamat, Nergal, Ahriman, and how these demonic elements were incorporated into the Biblical tradition as contenders in the service of "God." We'll discuss Gnostic ideas about the Cain and Abel Biblical perversity, the evil Demiurge, and the medieval Luciferians. Moving into the Hermetic Tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, we will explain High Magick's sophisticated idea, based on ancient Egyptian concepts, of controlling and using dark forces with the Power of Light. Then we will trace the descent of magick, following the Reformation, into the "Faustian School" of the Baroque period with its "Demonic Pacts," finally evolving into full-blown Satanism in the decadent Fin d' Sec le era in late 19th century France. We'll mention several books by famous authors taking the Devil's side, and we'll recount our afternoon with Tony Levy (Anton LaVey) and his wife, and I'll even recall my own meeting with The Devil Himself. The bottom-line in all of this is that Old Nick cannot be avoided in any serious practice of Magick based on Biblical traditions -- because he is very much a part of those traditions -- but he should never be worshiped or allowed to run your show. He's an adviser, a consultant, and even a friendly one at times, but always remember: he works for God and he plays God's game. Tune in and we'll tell you how to get to Heaven before the Devil knows you're dead.

Thursday Jul 26, 2012

On Thursday July 26th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the magical work and writings of the British adept Dion Fortune. She was an exponent of the Golden Dawn tradition, the founder of The Society of the Inner Light, a writer of outstanding occult fiction -- Moon Magic, The Sea Priestess, the Dr. Taverner stories, and many other titles. Non-fiction titles include: Psychic Self-Defense, The Mystical Qabalah, and The Cosmic Doctrine. Our featured guest for this topic will be the noted occult leader and author Paul Clark, Steward of the Fraternity of Hidden Light, and a long-time student of Dion Fortune's teachings and writings. So, if you want to look behind the veil on Dion Fortune's magical universe, tune in and be enlightened.

Thursday Jul 19, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for July 19th, 2012 will feature a discussion moderated by your host Poke Runyon on the just released avant-garde (that's low-budget stylish) black & white grainy, creepy and 1920ish film SHADOWS written and directed by Richard Becker, Produced by Ed Fitch and starring, among others, your kindly old wizard-host as the murderous patriarch of a vampire clan. Shadows began production on weekends back in 1997 at Ed's spacious and decrepit manse in Midway City. The plot was suggested by Ed and involved innocent girls invited to a role-playing vampire game that turns out to be the real thing. We were hosting these events at Ed's and at Rivendell in those days, so why not make a movie? Richard Becker spent most of the twelve years on this project trying to piece together this weekend footage and make it into something that is actually stylish and fun to watch -- if you like this sort of thing. The film is now available on DVD on the internet. So tune in and we'll have the producer, the writer-director and one of featured players give you the inside story on SHADOWS.

Enochian Aethyrs Then and Now

Thursday Jul 12, 2012

Thursday Jul 12, 2012

On Thursday July 12th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour will present a discussion led by host Poke Runyon on Enochian magick's Aethyr skrying system.This is probably the most often used and most popular of the Enochian subsystems. We will briefly cover its origin and original intent: as a magical engine to control the politics of the world! How Crowley and others transformed it into a mystical assent of the spheres as set forth in Crowley's "Vision and the Voice." We will look at its relation to ancient Valentinian Gnostic Aeons, and we will outline a Watchtower opening and even let you take a little journey into TEX (that's pronounced Tay-ets), so if you want to meet the Enochians, tune in and find out what "Zacar od Zamran!" means.

Thursday Jul 05, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for July 5th, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the "Magick of the Arabian Nights" or Alf Laya wa Laya as Crowley liked to call it, referring to Richard Burton's annotated translation. Actually the magick in Burton's version is mostly in the footnotes, but there is one specific tale which outlines the whole scheme of Muslim magical "Abjad," which is a Western term for Arab Qabalah. We will discuss that tale -- you'll have to listen to learn which story has the mystic juice -- and we will then move on to the King Solomon (Suliman) legends, the nature and hierarchy of the Jinn, the Turkish version of the Masonic third degree, the North Sabian (Harranian) contribution, Sufi methods and teachings, and the legacy of Picatrix -- so, if you want to get the gen on the Jinn, tune in and we'll open sesame for you.

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

Thursday Jun 28, 2012

Thursday Jun 28, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday June 28th, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon of the life and work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, his psychology, methods of therapy, and his development of free energy technology for medical treatment. We will frankly discuss the incredible suppression of Reich's discoveries, and his persecution by the FDA, the American Medical Association and the U.S. Government, resulting in his imprisonment and untimely death. Dr. Francis Regardie employed Reich's methods in his chiropractic practice and had a full scale Orgone Accumulator in his home. We have constructed Orgone pads and found them quite effective. This technology and methodology is now "legal" to practice and employ, but "The Powers that Be," will never admit that it works -- so, if you're a-Freud Jung was Reich, tune in and we'll confirm it.

Nazi Occultism, Then and Now

Thursday Jun 21, 2012

Thursday Jun 21, 2012

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday June 21st, 2012 will feature a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the controversial subject of Nazi Occultism, its origins and predecessors, and its present day revival in "The Cult of the Black Sun". We will explore the early influence from the Theosophy of H.P. Blavatsky, the development of the "Ariosophy" movement in Germany between the world wars, the Thule Society of Sebottendorff, Himmler and his Runemiester Wisethor, the fascination with Central Asia, and The Polar Myth. We will debunk the "Spear of Destiny" and other Nazi spook books that were more fiction than fact. We will also de-establish the connection an opportunistic European-American magician is trying to make between the G.D. and Nazism. This is a hot topic and an alarming subject. No matter what your views on it may be, if you are involved in occultism you need to know about it -- so, tune in and we will spend an hour on the dark side.

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