
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
On Thursday September 27th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the new Collector's edition of Kurt Seligmann's 1948 classic
"The Mirror of Magic: A History of Magic in the Western World" and discuss Seligmann's career
as a surrealist painter, a scholar of the occult and a practicing
ceremonial magician. This handsome new edition, published by Inner
Traditions, is a faithful reproduction of the original. Poke Runyon
inherited a 1948 copy Seligmann's book from his late Master Frederick
Adams (1928 - 2008) with Fred's annotations. It was Fred's first book on
Magic and he treasured it. In his Introduction Seligmann wrote: "As an
artist I was concerned with the aesthetic value of Magic and its
influence on man's creative imagination." Fred Adams was also a very
talented artist and was inspired by The Mirror of Magic, as we hope a
new generation of readers will be when they discover this beautiful new
edition of Kurt Seligmann's Masterpiece.

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
On Thursday September 13th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will devote an hour to reviewing and updating the activities of our Active and Associate membership. We will discuss website participation and access. We will announce upcoming activities, events and programs for the remainder of the year. We are completing the Enochian Aethyrs and looking forward to the Seven Gates festival and Halloween Mot Mass. This show is primarily for members but it should be of of interest to all our listeners. So if you want to find out what the people in the back room are doing, tune in and check it out.

Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
On Thursday August 30th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and explore the almost one thousand page introspective
philosophical and spiritual journal of the late California
science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick. (1928-1982) This remarkable
documentation of a classic mystical experience and its ramifications in
and beyond the author's literary works. The exegesis is also a chronicle
of a genius battling for sanity and a true religious philosophy as he
lives and works through what is obviously and admittedly mental illness.
Dick is best known for his darkly paranoid science-fiction novels and
stories. The novel VALIS (vast active living intelligence system) is the
fictionalized version of his 1974 vision and much of the exegesis
ruminates on its impact and significance. As a Roman Catholic Dick's
vision is Biblical, especially Christian, but he analyzes it as Gnostic
and Neo-platonic (Hermetic) and defines Christ as essentially female. He
later defines himself as a neo-Marxist philosopher and gives us insights
into the spiritual aspects of the 1960s and 70s counter culture that
continue to perpetuate the social and political divide in our society
today. So, if you want to spend an hour in the mind of Philip K. Dick
join us and we will inquire within. As Above so Below, As Within so Without.

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
On Thursday August 2nd , 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the alleged Parallel world or
trans-dimensional ariel Queendom of the Sylphs known as "Magonia" that
was documented in medieval histories and has recently inspired a fantasy
novel of that title "Magonia" by Maria Headley (2015) and was the main
theme for UFO authority Jacques Vallee's "Passport to Magonia" (1969-93)
which delt with the Magonian "close encounters" from the 9th century
and other supernatural visitations recounted in European folklore as
early examples of alien sightings, close encounters, and abductions, on
through to the mysterious "airship" reports from the American West in
the 1890s, comparing them with modern reports and investigations. Vallee
contends, and as Hermetic devotees we certainly concur, that most of
these events are inter-dimensional rather than extra-terrestrial; that
there are parallel worlds co-existing with us as near to us as our
furniture. This is also the main theme of our film Beyond Lemuria
(2007-14) and, as I mentioned last week, is set forth in the old
Hermetic book "Comte d'Gablis" (1760) -- So if you'd like to spend an
hour in the absolute elsewhere, tune in and we'll take you down the
rabbit hole.

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
On Thursday July 26th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
discuss the Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (Beinecke MS. 408) a late
medieval herbal, alchemical and astrological book written in an unknown
language and illustrated with pictures of plants and astronomical
arrangements that are not of this world. Authorship was originally
attributed to Roger Bacon (1214 - 1292) but carbon-dating placed the MS.
in the early fifteenth century. John Dee and Edward Kelley have been
suggested because of their similar Enochian language creation, but there
is no proof of their involvement. The mysterious MS has fascinated both
scholars and amateur researchers alike with solutions announced every
year since 1943 when the U.S. Government code-breakers attempted to
decipher it. A new solution was announced just a week before this
broadcast and has already been discredited. The main reason most experts
fail seems obvious to a Hermetic scholar. The Voynich MS was not written
in cipher. It was written in a language and in an alphabet that has no
analog on earth or in this earthly dimension. The key to finding the
origin of the Voynich material might be found in another mysterious
manuscript published in 1670. We will read this revelation as our
contribution toward solving the mystery -- so put on your Indiana Jones
fedora and listen in.

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
On Thursday July 12th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon,
will be visited by Lady Jo Carson of Feraferia who has just returned
from a pilgrimage to our favorite lost city Nan Madol on beautiful
Pohnpei Island in Pacific Micronesia. (Merritt's Moon PooL and Beyond
Lemuria.) Jo and John will share their adventure with us and we will
recall ours back in 1988 and recount the wisdom of the last "chumaro"
(Pohnpeian Kahuna) Maseo Hadley as reported by Peter Arthur. So if you
want to vicariously visit Lemuria then turn on your immaginator and join us.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
On Thursday July 5th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will be joined by author Stephen Flowers, Ph.D. to review and discuss the new revised edition of "The Fraternitas Saturni" (2018). This being the fourth version of the original copyrighted in 1990, and including previously unpublished material making this rendition sensational in occult circles. Flowers traces the FS from its beginning, with Crowley and the O.T.O. inspiring Gregor Gregorius in 1925, through its activities in the Wiemar era, its suppression by the Nazis, its revival after WW II and its eventual split into three bodies after Gregorius died in 1964. We are introduced to the "Adonism" of Franz Sattler (Dr. Musallam) a neo-pagan Venus-Adonis cult (!) that included Wilhelm Quaintscher and Franz Bardon who carried it with them into the Frateritas Saturni. We revisit the infamous FOGC black lodge from Frabato, and the Weida Conference in which Crowley attempted to take over organized occultism in Germany. Most importantly Dr.Flowers presents a detailed analysis of the Gnostic and Luciferian philosophies and doctrines behind the Saturian Gnosis. He outlines their cumbersome 33 degree system and their training program; much of it very similar to Franz Bardon's work. Of course the FS is most noted for its sex magick and we have one of those rituals provided. Quite frankly, this book raises as many questions as it answers, but It is well documented with references to works in German that some of us are going to want translated. So, if you want the answers to questions you had, and more questions you may want to ask about the Fraternitas Saturni then tune in and take notes. .

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
On Thursday June 28th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion, by guest speaker V.H. Frater SithMeth on the
Arbatel of Magic (1575), a grimoire calling up a hierarchy of Olympic
spirits which is featured in The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
attributed to Henry Cornelius Agrippa (1655). This is a very mysterious
manuscript which was outlined and summerized in the first installment,
but never finished. However there seems to be enough information, sigils
and instructions in what was published for some practical application.
Frater SithMeth will read his article on the Arbatel and we will explore
the possible use in relation to planetary magick. So if quaint and
forgotten books of lore fascinate you, join us and we will have a look
at one of the most mysterious.

Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
On Thursday June 14th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on The Holy Grail and The Round Table in Magick. To begin this subject we will review the history of the Grail as presented in our poem: The Cult of The Sangreal which we published in our journal The Seventh Ray back in 1975 and which has since become the prologue to our First Degree (Pastophoris) initiation. We trace the Grail from its origin in ancient Phoenicia in the days of Melchizedek around 1500 B.C. It began with the ancient Canaanite God Baal’s yearly death at High Summer followed by his resurrection via the Chalice of heavenly nectar brought by his consort, the Goddess Astarte in the Fall. We trace this event through a series of mythical evolutions until the Grail becomes the cup of resurrection for the last of the dying gods, Jesus the Nazareen, raised by his consort Mary Magdalene.
This is the secret of the Grail Tradition which was carried on through the Arthurian Romances. It is a genealogical bloodline and a symbolic ritual implement. One of Four Grail Hallows presented in the Tarot and related to astrology. This symbolism is carried forth in the structure of Arthur’s (or more properly Merlin’s) Round Table. So if you would like to know what qualifies an aspirant to become a knight of the Round Table, tune in and we will start you on your quest. And Adonia is coming up at Rivendell this coming Saturday.

Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
On Thursday May 24th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review and commentary on the Hypnerotomachia of Poliphili (1499-1999) translated by Joscelyn Godwin. This is one of the most important esoteric books ever published and five hundred years after its debut in Renaissance Italy in 1499, written in stylistic Italian, it finally became available in a readable English translation by Joscelyn Godwin. The Hypnerotomachia of Poliphili, subtitled "The Strife of Life in a Dream" is a romantic fantasy novel which establishes a template for many similar works to emerge in the five centuries following its initial publication: The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz (1616) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1785) The Wizard of Oz (1900) The Club Dumas (1996) filmed as "The Ninth Gate" (1999) and the novel "The Rule of Four" (2004). The real secrets hidden in the book are not cryptic codes but rather allegorical and thematic. Like the one tale in the Arabian Nights that reveals occult and Magical secrets, the Chapter describing the Isle of Venus near the end of the book carries the true meaning and reveals the esoteric secrets. So if you want to learn what is really hidden in this marvelous old book tune in and we will visit Poliphili's magical dream-world.

Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
On Thursday May 10th, 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review two recent books: "Original Magic" (2017) by Stephen E. Flowers and "Real Magic" (2018) by Dean Radin. These books don't have much in common. Original Magic deals with the ancient Persian
Magi, whereas Real Magic focuses on ESP and those who have special talents and powers. Both books are of interest to Hermetic students for different reasons, The ancient Persian Magi have been largely ignored in the present occult revival and yet their beliefs and practices have had a strong influence on modern Magick. Real Magic champions the natural psychic and clairvoyant and presents the usual arguments and data to validate paranormal experience and suggest that it can be induced by shamanic techniques. Radin also deals with controversial Futurist issues such as the universal mind. Both books are subject to some philosophical and technical criticisms but both are well worth reading.

Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
On the Hermetic Hour for Thursday, May 3rd, 2018 we will again have the
leader of Feraferia, Lady Jo Carson, as our guest in an after event
commentary on the Beltane ceremony we featured on last week's show
(Thursday) and performed for fifteen members and guests on Saturday the
28th of April at Rivendell Hermitage and Temple outdoor Henge for this
event. Beltane is a cross-quarter ceremony falling between Vernal
Equinox and Summer Solstice. On Sunday Lady Jo led us through a new
development in her Green Pulse Feraferian divination system. Using
material developed by the late Master Frederick Adams, she created a
cloth Enneasphere that was large enough to dance on as the latest method
of astrological and Tarot association. A very shamanic process which
yields remarkable results. So join us and we'll give you our impressions
of an exciting new way to use your toes in magick!

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
On Thursday April 26th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon,
joined by Lady Jo Carson will preview the coming Feraferian Beltane
festival to be presented at Rivendell in Silverado on the evening of
April 28th, 2018. As most of us are aware Feraferia, was founded in 1967
by the late Frederick Adams and his Lady Svetlana. Feraferia is
America's original Goddess worshiping and Nature nurturing Neo-Pagan
Earth-Religion, presently led by Lady Jo Carson who will be our guest
and explain the significance and romance of the Beltane Rite: the
"Magick and Mysteries of Springtime". It is the story of the progress of
the Goddess through the Wheel of the Sacred Year, when the young Goddess
Kore and her consort Kuros fall in love, flirt and announce their
engagement. But before the marriage they need wisdom and advice. So
Women's and Men's mysteries are presented. Then everyone dances together
to charge a talisman which they may take home. An Aval Communion tops
off the ceremony. So if you want to hear more about this ancient rite
tune in and we will enlighten you. And visit the Fifi website at <
feraferia.org > And if you are nearby, try to make it to Rivendell
on Saturday evening.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
On Thursday April 19th, 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review a book titled LeMulgeton, Goetia and the Stellar Tradition by Leo Holmes (2013) a Brazilian author who has examined the 72 Spirits of the Goetia in relation to the earliest Zodiacal and fixed-star arrangement that we have, the Mul.Apin of the Babylonians, hence his title “Le Mul ge ton.” Holmes has also included references to the Egyptians, the Magi, the Yazidis, the Tarot, Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant. He has a complete sequence of sigils for the Behemian stars. Which is a valuable asset to any magician’s handbook. He agrees with us that Bael and Ashteroth are Ba’al and Astarte and advances his zodiacal circle from the Age of Taurus to the age of Aries, as we have in our Master Mandala and he has also declared that Zagan (number 61) is the Caananite God Dagon, which we will certainly consider. This is a small quarto book in limited edition published by The Fall of Man Press. Our copy, provided by Frater Damuzi, is number 260 of 300, so if you Goetic magicians want the book you should order it soon.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
On Thursday March 12th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will chair a discussion on the recent Neocoris initiations at Avalon Lodge near Austin, Texas. We will be joined by Very Honored Frater Heracles, Master at Avalon and Hierophant at the initiation and other cast members and candidates. The Neocoris Grade in Crata Repoa is where we introduce the candidate to Solomon's magical art of evocation in the dark mirror. This ceremony is dramatic and challenging with tests and ordeals. It is based on Paul Christian's One degree condensation of Crata Repoa in his "History and Practice of Magic" (1870) and is a rite of passage in every sense of the word. Following the initiation, Soror Zandria and I presented a Charter Warrant for a full-fledged O.T.A. Lodge to V.H. Frater Soun and V.H. Soror Ningal of Ubar Hermitage, now Ubar Lodge, in Dallas, Texas. We followed this by a brief ceremony ordaining both Frater Soun and Soror Ningal as ministers in The Church of the Hermetic Sciences.

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
On Thursday March 22nd, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the second part of the Legenda of the O.T.A.'s Second Crata
Repoa Degree, Neocoris. The Legenda is essentially the same as the
degree script with a few secrets deleted. It is the story of the degree.
This was the first O.T.A. degree back in the early 1970s and was moved
up to second when we began to do all seven of the Crata Repoa system.
Last week we covered the reception, testing, and the ordeals, in Section
One. Tonight we move through the obligation and on to the knowledge
lectures in Section Two. Our instructions in Solomon's magick are
delivered in a biblical style like Mather's used in some of his G.D.
lectures. So if you want to experience a magical initiation, tune in and
we'll give you a word picture of the process.

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
On Thursday March 15th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the first of a two part presentation on the Legenda of the O.T.A.'s Second Degree, Neocoris in the Crata Repoa System. This initiation was originally inspired by the French version of Crata Repoa from Paul Christian's 1870 History and Practice of Magic, called the Mysteries of the Pyramids. It has been performed here in Southern California since 1970 and is a very dramatic and challenging experience. A rite of passage one never forgets. A Legenda is the story of an initiation. It reveals the deeper meaning of the ritual while keeping things such as passwords, symbols and formulas secret. The Legenda gives you the meaning, so if you'd like to know about one of the oldest magical initiatory rituals, tune in and we will share it with you.

Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
On Thursday February 22nd, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the life and career of the 18th century
magician and alchemical adept who called himself Count Alessandro
Cagliostro. He was perhaps the most colorful and adventurous character
in our Hermetic tradition. Vilified as a rogue, a scoundrel, and a
charlatan by the academy and the Church in Europe he was loved by the
common people for his healing touch and alchemical medicines which he
administered freely to the poor, and dearly to the rich. He claimed to
be able to create gold to support his charity work and lavish life
style. He and his glamorous wife Lorenza founded an androgynous
quasi-Masonic Egyptian rite which allegedly involved nudity and sex
magick. Cagliostro was featured as an anti-hero in a series of novels by
Alexander Dumas, and depicted on film by Orson Welles in the (1949 )
movie classic BLACK MAGIC. We will consult Sax Rhomer's ROMANCE of
SORCERY ( 1914 ) for a more accurate version of the Count's adventures
than Dumas' novels and the screenplay offer -- so if you'd like to meet
the real Count Cagliostro, tune in and we'll follow him on his journey
as he invented himself.

Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
On February 8th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the Legenda of the first Degree of Crata Repoa Reformado. Which we call the Fellowship of the Grail. A Legenda is the scenario of a esoteric degree. It describes the degree delivering most of the essential knowledge and symbolism but leaves out certain "secrets" such as grips, secret words and procedures. Crata Repoa is the oldest system of Magical degrees and is based on first century Alexandrian Hermetic writings and rituals. We will briefly outline the original 18th century system and explain some of our modern additions and inclusions. So if you'd like to find out what really goes on in a Magical Initiation tune in and be illuminated.

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
On Thursday February 1st, 2018 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon,
and honored guests will reprise a Golden Dawn memorial service for
lately departed Cris Monnastre, Patricia Behman, founder of the Los
Angeles Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This ceremony
was held at Culver City Foshay Masonic Lodge on January 21st. Patricia
Behman was a close associate of the late Francis Israel Regardie and
received her original dispensation from him to establish a Temple of the
Golden Dawn in Southern California.The memorial and requiem was
performed by officers of the R.R. et A.C. who will repeat the
presentation on this broadcast. Patricia Behman was loved and honored
for her dedication to preserving the Western Esoteric Tradition. Please
join us as we say farewell to a great lady and a beloved Temple chief.

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
On Thursday January 25th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will re-visit and review the 1950 science fiction novel “Wine of the Dreamers” by John D. MacDonald (1918-1986) This was his first science fiction novel. MacDonald went on to become one of America’s best Detective Story writers. “Wine of the Dreamers” set twenty-five years in the future (1975) the story interweaves two sets of characters on two different planets. The director of an early United States space program Bard Lane, and his staff psychiatrist Sharan Inly on Earth and Raul Kinson and his sister Leesa on the distant planet of the Dreamers. The Dreamers are the decadent descendants of the original human race. Millions of years ago they colonized Earth and two other planets in other solar systems. They maintain contact with the colony worlds, including Earth, by the use of long-range telepathic dream-machines. They call themselves “The Watchers” and they have a prime directive: To keep the colony worlds from developing space travel. And the dreamers do this by demonic possession sabotaging space programs such as the one Bard Lane and Sharan are managing in New Mexico. But the dreamers have degenerated to the point where they no longer believe that the people on the other worlds whom they possess have any real reality. They think they are creations of their dream machines for their entertainment. Very much like our video games. So the dreamers can create mayhem and chaos for amusment. However Raul Kinson is a throwback to an earlier age. He knows the truth and wants to help Bard and Sharan. The end result of this alliance of the minds between the worlds makes for a fascinating sequence of what-ifs – so if you want to find out who is watching and listening between your ears, from beyond the stars, tune in and we’ll go back to a future that never was but might yet be coming.

Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
On Thursday January 11th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will review all of the live broadcasts of the preceding year 2017 so that our listeners can go to our archives with the title, subject and date of a show they missed. So keeping a note book at hand while you listen is recommended. Following this recap of 2017’s broadcasts, we will discuss what we have planned for 2018 and a look at forthcoming publications and productions from The Church of the Hermetic Sciences, So if you want to know where we’ve been and where we are going, tune in and get caught up.

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
On December 21st, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will review Dan Brown's new novel "Origin" (2017). Other reviewers have called Origin either Brown's best or his worst novel. On a scale from one to ten we would give it an eight. As in all his thought provoking thrillers he follows the Dean-Koontz formula plotting for maximum suspense and action while keeping the big secret hidden as long as possible, thus managing to tantalize and entertain his readers as well as educating them into the essential mystery or problem central to the plot. In the Da Vinci code, it was the Holy Grail, in Inferno, it was the population explosion, in Origin it is the origin of life on earth and the destiny of the human race. Once again Brown creates a modern Frankenstein in the person of a billionaire inventor, computer programmer and futurist, Edmund Kirsch. Kirsch and his Android Igor "Winston" have decided to destroy religion by releasing a scientific documentary proving that there is and never was a divine creation and that humankind is rapidly evolving into a new species of cyborgs. (Much of this speculation has already been aired on documentary t.v. channels). Modern Spain is the venue for this drama and Brown treats us to his usual educational travelog. Before the world wide release of his production Kirsch is assassinated on stage (like Howard Beale) and this leaves Brown's hero Robert Langdon aided by the future queen of Spain and Kirsch's trusty A.I. "Winston" to find the secret Password to release the program. He does and they do -- but Langdon debunks Kirsch's premise that DNA evolved like amino acids in the primal soup of the earth's beginnings so God is saved. If you want to unravel the codes and untangle the twisted plot of this contemporary thriller tune in and we'll seek our Origin and our Destiny.

Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
On Thursday December Seventh, 2017 on the 77th Anniversary of the Pearl
Harbor attack, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a
report on the conditions and events that led up to the "Day of Infamy".
This report will be based largely on information from Nicholson Baker's
2008 book "Human Smoke, The Beginnings of World War Two, the End of
Civilization." We will trace the Pearl Harbor story from 1934 to 1941.
Revealing beyond any doubt that Washington knew the attack was coming,
where and even when. The attack was used to get us into World War Two
and lay the foundation for an American socialist dictatorship, on the
European model, empowered by a military-industrial complex which has
ruled in Washington ever since the end of the war in 1945. Pearl Harbor
was our first great disillusionment, followed by the Kennedy
Assassination, the Viet Nam war and 9 -11. We need to look back at
ourselves and examine the evil that has crept into our Republic under the
mantle of what is called "Democracy."

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
This is the Hermetic Hour for November 30th, 2017. I'm your host Poke Runyon and tonight I'm again channeling the spirit of Howard Beale. In March of 2017 we reviewed Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 film classic NETWORK on the Hermetic Hour. I gave my own dramatic reading of Ned Beatty’s speech in which he converted news caster Howard Beale from a critic of incipient Globalism and its mass media brain-washing propaganda machine into an advocate of The New World Order. Of course Beale’s ratings tanked and the Network had their left-wing terrorist group kill him right on camera. I was certain that even before Howard’s mythical spirit passed the Pearly Gates he would have realized that his original vision was the True perception of International political-economic and social corruption. I imagined him looking down on us from heaven – a sort of Ascended Master if you will, who would watch over us and perhaps communicate with us again. “The Mad Prophet of the Astral Plane.”

Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
On November 2nd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion on the Biblical mystery man Melchizedek who appears
in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and later in the New Testament.
Melchizedek literally means King and Priest or Priest-King. He was said
to have given the first communion to Abraham in the days before Joseph
became a leader in Egypt. Although legendary he was said to have
established an order of priesthood to rival that of Moses
brother Aaron. He represented the original Canaanite god El ("the most
High God") whereas Aaron's priesthood was that of Moses' Jehovah
(Yahweh). After the Babylonian captivity Ezra attempted to overwrite all
references to El in the Bible and make Jehovah the supreme being. The
New testament declares twice that Jesus the Nazareen is a priest after
the Order of Melchizedek -- We will look at this in relation to the
Egyptian and Phoenician situation at the time and later Gnostic
Christian writings. So if you want to do some Biblical detective work
tune in and we'll solve the mystery.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
On Thursday October 26th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a preview of our annual Dark Mother of All Halloween Parties and the infamous Mot Mass -- A symbolic journey to the underworld where the Canaanite Dark Lord Mot, the original Grim Reaper, challenges each celebrant with: "What say you to honor the Dead." and then bids them drink from the Cup of Souls. We began holding this
event here at Rivendell in 2004 and finally formalized the ritual in 2010. Incorporating the Orphic hymn to Death and Lord Byron's "Lines Inscribed upon a Cup formed from a Skull." Last year we culminated the rite with the summoning of the spirit of King Solomon. Mot evoked our ancient avatar Solomon and V.H. Frater Solomon received the spirit and channeled a remarkable oracle. This year we will call up the spirit of Melchizedek. Halloween has become one of America's favorite holidays, but like Christmas, we often forget to celebrate its true meaning. At the culmination of the rite Mot pours the dregs of the skull cup into the earth with these parting words: "A libation to those remembered this night. And, as you return to the realm of Light. Pray to be honored by those you knew - when this cup is passed for you!"

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
On Thursday October 12th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and special guest Frater Soun of Ubar will discuss the mythical Labours of Hercules in relation to the Hermetic tradition. We will develop the background of the myth evolving from Babylon's Gilgamesh through Melqart of Phoenician Tyre into the ancient Greek hero myth so often seen in films and television. We will look at works by Manley Hall, Albert Pike, Robert Graves , Alice Bailey and especially the French author Charles Francois Dupuis (1742-1809) who seems to be the only scholar who
has sequenced the twelve labours in proper Zodiacal order. The labours of Hercules are a chart of the souls journey through a cycle of lifetimes. They represent the great wheel of birth and death and are considered one of the Keys to the mysteries. So If you want to follow the big guy with the lion skin and the club tune in and we'll go adventuring.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
On Thursday October 5th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon joined by Frater Soun, Magister of Ubar Lodge in Dallas, will air a discussion on the evolution of the the Solar Hero in mythology from the Sumerian Gilgamesh who was the model for the Phoenician Melqart, who in turn inspired the Greek Heracles. Gilgamesh is a four thousand year old epic adventure story which circulated throughout the whole Middle East with copies found among the Hittites and the Canaanites. Even as Ishtar and Tammuz were translated into Astarte and Ba'al, and subsequently became Aphrodite and Adonis. Gilgamesh like Hercules slays a lion, a bull, a giant and many-headed monster. His victories and Hercules' labours are seen as representing the sun's yearly progress through the signs of the Zodiac. So tune in and we'll go back to the days of myth and legend and make our way through "The Circle of the Beasts" as the Zodiac was originally called.

Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
On Thursday September 7th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a follow-up to our previous review of "Sekret Machines"
(2017) by Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley. In this program we will look at
their major source work: "Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs &
Extraterrestrial Alliances" (2015) by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. and his
(2017) sequal "The U.S. Navy Secret Space Program & Nordic
Extraterrestrial Alliance." These books and the plot of Sekret Machines
are primarily based on the revelations of the age regressed whistle
blower Corey Goode and other former U.S. Navy and Air Force operatives
in a parallel secret advanced Space Program with alleged bases on the
Moon and Mars. We will also examine Tom DeLonge and Peter Lavenda's
(2017) book "Gods, Man and War" which establishes the historical and
anthropological validity of the Ancient Alien and UFO connection without
evoking secret space program conspiracies. So if you want to return to
the absolute elsewhere for another hour, tune-in and we will have both a
critical and a sympathetic look at this phenomenon.

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
On Thursday August 31st the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of the recent best selling novel: "Sekret Machines - Chasing Shadows" by Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley. This book purports to be The Truth about "The Phenomenon" (UFOs, Ancient Aliens, the Nazi Bell et allia) presented as fiction. It is very effective as a Dean Koontz-Dan Brown style multiple-viewpoint thriller. Readers will at first believe that this is a novelized version of the "X-Files" t.v. series but the final chapter proves that the 1940s Shaver Mystery by Raymond A. Palmer and Richard S. Shaver was the real inspiration for this project. We do not say this to discredit Sekret Machines but rather to recommend it. So if you want to spend an hour in the Absolute Elsewhere, tune in and we will take the elevator down to the "deep utilities" and visit with the Deros who run The New World Order.

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
On Thursday August 17th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon is
honored to present a review and discussion on the new book of magical
fiction "Stories of Magic and Enchantment" by William Mistele, with the
author as our guest. This book is handsomely published by Falcon Books,
a new publisher in the field. As regular listeners will recall, we have
supported Bill Mistele from the beginning of his writing and publishing
career, having had him on as a guest with his first book "Undines"
(2010.) This was followed by "Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes, and
Salamanders" in 2012. As you might suppose Bill is very much into
Franz Bardon's Hermetic Elemental personifications. He writes from a deep
empathy for sacred nature and its spirits, encountering them in human
form as magicians often do. He favors the feminine spiritual
perspective. His stories are remarkably free from the usual horror and
conflict we associate with supernatural fiction. We might say they are
totally opposite to Lovecraft, while being lovingly crafted. Bill has a
degree in philosophy and has spent years studying and meditating with
Buddhist and Taoist teachers. He finally devoted himself to the
Bardonian system of magic and has more books in the works. So, if you
would like to meet a true magical maestro and learn about his visionary
work, tune in and be enchanted.

Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
On Thursday August 10th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with co-hosts Poke
Runyon and Lady Jo Carson of Feraferia will recap last week's wonderful
Feraferian power weekend at Rivendell. It began on Thursday evening with our
previous broadcast of the Hermetic Hour then Friday evening we did
advanced Feraferia initiations at Rivendell Henge and Temple for five
candidates, this was followed by the Lammas (lughnasad) ceremony in the
henge in which we invoked the Goddess Aphrodite for over thirty-five
O.T.A. and Feraferian members and their guests. Some came from as far
away as North Carolina to attend along with Feraferian and O.T.A. elders
from the early days in the 1960s and 70s. This was a wonderful reunion
and reconnection with the old and new. Rivendell seemed the perfect
local for such a happy event. And we are already planning a Beltane here
next May. Once again Lady Jo Carson, President of Feraferia will be our
guest host as we recap our adventure and discuss what we have planned in
the future. So, tune in join us ( we have the echo problem corrected so
the sound is fine now) Hear us on Thursday, Evoe Kore! Good Magick!

Thursday Aug 03, 2017
Thursday Aug 03, 2017
On Thursday August 3rd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with co-hosts Poke Runyon and Lady Jo Carson of Feraferia will discuss the Fifty year Anniversary celebration of America's premier Goddess worshiping, nature oriented Neopagan religion founded by Artist-Philosopher Frederick Adams in 1967 here in Southern California. Lady Jo will direct a Feraferian Lammas ceremony here at Rivendell this coming Saturday evening. Poke and Jo will discuss the history of Feraferia and reminisce about Fred and his remarkable priestess Lady Svetlana. For those of you who missed the magical 60s and 70s here in So Cal tune in and we'll try to recapture some of the glamor and for those who do remember, we'll probably see you on Saturday evening, Evoe Kore!

Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
On Thursday July 20th,2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present the dramatic conclusion of Shamgar, the Purple Dragon by Poke
Runyon. The first part of this Biblical adventure was aired on September
4th, 2014's Hermetic Hour and has remained unfinished until the original
manuscript was rediscovered. Now we can complete this Cecil B. DeMillish
Biblical epic from the Book of Judges. Shamgar's saga recounts how a
Phoenician Pirate who claimed to be descended from Pagan Gods, becomes a
Judge of Israel and battles the Philistines, slaying them with an ox
goad years before Samson used the jawbone of ass. Shamgar almost becomes
Israel's first King but his magical ox goad is passed down to a future
contender at the beginning of the common era. So if you want to enjoy
the Old Testament from a Canaanite perspective, tune in and join us as
Shamgar rides again.

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
On Thursday July 6th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion on the making and use of Masks, for magicians
taking the roles of Gods and Goddesses in Seasonal Ceremonies. Our guest
for this discussion will be Frater Isa Magister of the Ubar Hermitage in
Dallas, Texas, who has been making and using masks in ceremonies for
some time. Following this discussion we will be joined by our second
guest Bryan Dini, The Purple Man, and head of the iconoclastic Purple
Party (a sort of traveling Burning Man show) who staged a dramatic
street version of Blake's America Prophecy which can be viewed on the
internet. So, if you want to celebrate the 4th two days late, join us and
we'll do Blake and hang out the Gadston Flag.

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
On Thursday June 29th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a symposium on the topic of Assumption of God and Goddess Forms
in magical ceremonies. Call in guests will include Frater Heracles John
Sheffield whose new rituals and articles suggested the topic, Soror
Urania Ann Finnin whose Celtic Church, the Roebuck, has been doing these
operations for years, and Soror Ariel Jo Carson of Feraferia who will be
presenting a Lammas Rite at Rivendell in August, so if you would like to attend this meeting of the minds on the subject of being God and Goddess-like, tune in and we shall bring the heavens down to Earth.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
As most of our active and Associate Members know we are mainly focused on Solomonic Ceremonial magick, but we also use the Aethyr System from Dee and Kelly’s Enochian corpus, which provides us with an operative alternative when the Moon is not well aspected for Goetia. The Aethyr System, originally called “Terrestrial Victory” and was a thirty-level sphereical model of the Universe with the Earth in its center and the Aeythrs or Heavens (Gnostic Aeons originally) surrounding and expanding from the terrestrial center like the layers of an onion with the lowest as number 30 TEX rising on up to LIL as number one enclosing the outer limit of the circular universe. All of these levels are related to the Four Elemental Tablets, called The Watchtowers which relate to the celestial sphere and are positioned around the magic circle. Each of these Aethyrs have angelic governors whose sigils are outlined on the tablets. This is derived from Kamea Magic. The Aethyrs themselves derive from Valentinian Gnosticism, and the Book of Revelation The Magicians who explore these astral realms will activate the tablets, with Enochian Calls, and then scry into an orb on the altar within the magic circle. You can see this in our introductory video “The Rites of Magick.” We have discussed this on the Hermetic hour before but tonight we are going to go much deeper into the mysteries and paradoxes of this powerful system of magic. So, if you want to learn how to open Pinhead’s (Choronzon’s) Box tune in and chant with us: Zacar od Zamran!

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
On Thursday June 1st, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the current magical phenomenon of "Pepe the Frog." Pepe is a meme (an iconic symbol like the smiley face) which was taken over by anti-progressive political forces during the last presidential campaign. Originally created as a Pogo type character in a counter-culture comic book, Pepe escaped into public domain and was used on the internet as a humorous joke platform until he was captured by the Donald Trump supporters in the Fall of 2016. Since then Pepe has developed a mythology (ancient Egyptian frog God Kek) and a philosophy of Primordial Chaos, or Anarchy, a Nation of his own "Kekistan" with a history and a world wide diaspora much like Judaism, with a national anthem: "Shadilay," and a green and black flag that looks like it came off of a Nazi U-Boat. The magick behind Pepe's turn to the Right came from Cornelius Agrippa's "Natural Magic" (Duck powder creates frogs) and was implemented by Hillary Clinton when she ordered adult sized Donald Duck costumes to be fabricated and then sent her Ducks out against Donald Trump. Trump retaliated by capturing Pepe and adding the frog to his own crew of "Deplorables" (again using one of Hillary's creations against her) She confirmed Pepe's transformation into a "right wing bigot" on national television and even though Pepe's cartoonist creator killed him off, millions of devout Kekistanis throughout the world wide web would let him not let him die. Poke will be joined tonight by deep internet-lurker Frater SithMeth as we delve into the magical mysteries of Pepe the Frog.

Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
On Thursday May 18th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review and discuss "Astral Dynamics" (2009) by Robert Bruce. Robert
Bruce is an Australian writer not to be confused with the Scottish
"Robert the Bruce". In Astral Dynamics Bruce has delivered what may well
be the best practical manual on Astral Projection (OBEs and similar
phenomenon) since Ophiel's "The Art and Practice of Astral Projection"
(1961). Of course I must admit that I have a special interest in this
book because Bruce describes, validates and teaches methods and
techniques that we use in our magical instructions and training. His
description of the chakras (psychic centers) is virtually in-line with
our Western Middle Pillar system and his Third Eye projection is very
much like ours. He describes projecting into paintings and projecting
from Lucid Dreaming states. His energy work techniques are very
Bardonian and his description of the Astral Planes is in line with our
experiences. All considered this is a great book and we highly recommend
it. So Turn on, tune in and pop-out!

Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
On Thursday May 11th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review "Lucifer Princeps" (2015) by Peter Grey. This book is quite different in style from its predecessor "The Red Goddess" which, although well-researched, explored the background and origins of Aleister Crowley's "Babalon" in a popular style. Lucifer Princeps however is a scholarly work and might even be an academic dissertation or thesis edited for the lay reader. Being an academic work it suffers from the assumption that the reader is familiar with the material that the writer is working from. Fortunately this corpus is mostly Biblical and Apocryphal but he cross references other mythologies. Nevertheless the book is a wonderful resource and a great contribution to the Western Esoteric Tradition. He starts with Isaiah's lament and curse as the beginning of the Lucifer's Fall from Heaven story. This sets the stage for a parade of sources from ancient Summerian and Canaanite mythology. We learn about the first ascent to Heaven by the Summerian king Etana, and then the Canaanite god Athar who tries to sit on Baal's throne. We learn that the Yahwehists hated the pagan gods of the heavens and that the War in Heaven was actually Yahweh against El and the Elohim. Lucifer is finally revealed as our old friend Semyaza (Semhaza), the leader of the 200 Fallen Angels from the original Book of Enoch. The author concludes his work by offering us a mini-grimoire of Semhaza and his 20 officers, leaving us the job of obtaining their sigils -- which we will certainly do. So if you want get a head start on this project, tune in and give a listen.

Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
On Thursday May 4th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review and discuss "The Red Goddess" (2007) and "Lucifer Princeps"
(2015) by Thelemic magician Peter Grey. The Red Goddess is devoted to
establishing the history and mistique of the Thelemic composite pagan
goddess "Babalon", which he correctly derives from Ishtar and Astarte.
This evolution is for the most part well-researched and well reasoned
from a Thelemic perspective, although Grey is critical of Crowley and
seems to think that Babalon is too good for the Beast. Most importantly
he supports the Divine feminine in magical religion. In "Lucifer
Princeps" he does the same for Lucifer on the male side of the magical
religious pantheon. In this case he works from Isaiah back to the Book
of Enoch, correctly concluding that Lucifer was originally Semyaza and
of Canaanite origin. With the exception of his interest in Simon Magus
Grey seems to ignore the early Christian Gnostic contributions to Magick
but his books are nonetheless readable and thought provoking -- so tune
in and we shall look at our magical history through a glass darkly.

Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
On Thursday April 2Oth, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will continue to review and discuss the modern English (2004)
translation of Otto Rahn's 1937 Lucifer's Court. This was Rahn's travel
journal from Southern France to Iceland when he researched his personal
quest to solve the mystery of the Holy Grail as described in the
Medieval romance Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. Rahn believed that
the Medieval Cathars -- the Gnostic Heretics who were wiped out by the
Roman Catholic Albigensian Crusade in the 1300s, were the keepers of the
Grail. In this instalment we will get into the possible Persian
Manichean origin of Parzival (Aryan of course) and Rhan's fascination
with Hercules and the Argonauts legends (also Aryan) We will also
discuss Nigel Graddon's 2008 Bio on Rahn and his rundown on all of our
favorite Nazi Spook Books influenced by Rahn's quest. So tune in and we
will follow the shadow of the swastika from Southern France to Tibet and
back again.

Thursday Apr 13, 2017
Thursday Apr 13, 2017
On Thursday April 13th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss the modern English (2004) translation of Otto
Rahn's 1937 Lucifer's Court. This was Rahn's travel journal from
Southern France to Iceland when he researched his personal quest to
solve the mystery of the Holy Grail as described in the Medieval romance
Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. Rahn believed that the Medieval
Cathars -- the Gnostic Heretics who were wiped out by the Roman Catholic
Albigensian Crusade in the 1300s -- were the keepers of the Grail and
that they were devotees of Lucifer. He was very favorable to Nazi Aryan
race theories and was invited to join Himmler's SS. Rahn's veneration of
Lucifer as the God of the Medieval French and German heretics may be the
main source of what has been called Nazi Satanism. Lucifer was actually
another name for Semyaza, the leader of the Fallen Angels in the Book of
Enoch. We will try to sort out the errors in Otto Rahn's work and give
him credit where credit is due. In spite of his political incorrectness
he was an intrepid anthropologist and folklorist and his book is a
fascinating read for those interested in the occult history of Europe.
So tune in and we will explore the castles and caverns of the lost land
of the Troubadours in search of the Holy Grail.

Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
On Thursday March 30th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon (or
Roygnon) will review and discuss the 1982 Bestseller "Holy Blood, Holy
Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. This is the
book that generated "The Da Vinci Code" and is the first mainstream
modern speculation on Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene and possibly
having heirs who become The Grail Family and, according to the author's
become the magical, holy bloodline of the Legendary Merovingian dynasty
of French Kings in the days of King Arthur. This bloodline is
perpetuated and protected by a medieval secret society that still exists
in modern France, The Priory of Sion (Zion). The book is a door-stopper
and not very well organized. They try to make it read like a detective
story rather than a straight forward documentary presentation. Unless
you are fascinated by the subject you may get bogged down with all the
mystery before you reach the solution -- but if you stick with it the
overall effect is convincing. And to devout Christians perhaps shocking.
There are some problems, not with the idea of the Grail family. That is
very well presented, but with the authenticity of the Priory of Sion
itself. Yes there was one back in medieval times -- but is today's
fraternity and its family leadership directly connected to the early
medieval Merovingians? In any case the book is a great introduction to
this fascinating subject. It certainly got me to looking into my old
French antecedents. I discovered the Merovingian "golden bees" on the
Roygnon family crest and began to wonder if I had a little of this
magical blood? I recall Hamlet said: "To bee or not to bee." I wonder if
he was Merovingian. Tune in and we'll explore the mystery of the Grail

Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
On Thursday March 16th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss Joseph P. Farrell's 2014 book "Thrice Greatest
Hermetica and the Janus Age".This is a confusing title for a sometimes
confusing book, but it is still worth our attention. Basically it
outlines an historical conspiracy theory that goes this way: The
Medieval Knights Templar (the first military industrial and
international banking conglomerate) in collusion with the Republic of
Venice launch a Roman Catholic Crusade allegedly aimed at Palestine but
deflected to Constantinople to destroy and loot the Byzantine Greek
Orthodox half of the old Roman Empire. The Templars are okay with this
but when the greedy Pope sicks them on the Gnostic Christians (Cathars)
in their own home turf, Southern France, they back out.
The Cathars are destroyed. The Pope's buddy the King of France asks a
loan from the Templars, they refuse him, so he and the Pope turn on them
and destroy them in France. But they survive in Scotland, England and
elsewhere. and they are still allied with wealthy Venice. They are an
underground network, Meanwhile the Roman Church allies with Genoa,
Florance and Spain. The Venetians and the Templars make it to America
before Columbus (a Genoavian-Spanish agent) but Columbus plants the
Spanish flag. The Templars and Venetians infiltrate England with a
culture war -- infusing the English (Dee, Fludd and Shakespeare) with
Hermeticism and the proxy war for the New World is on. Drake, Morgan et
allia against the Spanish. What a plot! Sounds crazy but Joe has a PhD
from Oxford in Medieval Church history so he is worth reading on
subjects like this. Tune in and we'll check it out.

Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
On Thursday March 9th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review Paddy Chayefsky's Oscar Winning 1976 motion picture Network. Network is a scathing satire on the intellectual and moral corruption of American Television networks, especially their News Departments. Much of the corruption Network presents was just beginning to come about in 1976, but was fully in place by the 1980s according to Dave Itzkoff in his book “Mad as Hell” 2014, and is presently erupting in the Network News Media's efforts to actually support the overthrow of the elected government of the United States of America. The focus of the 1976 film is t.v. Anchorman Howard Beale who is about to be fired for low ratings. Depression and alcohol have driven Beale to madness and he becomes The Mad Prophet of the Airwaves preaching his mantra chant: “I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!” This drives his ratings sky high until the Network entertains a bid from a Saudi Arabian conglomerate. Beale urges his viewers to protest the Arab deal to the White House and is successful in delaying the procedure. The head of the Network's corporation Arthur Jensen confronts Beale and convinces him that the New World Order has made populist democracy obsolete. So Beale goes back on the air trying to sell the Globalist agenda. Telling his followers that democracy is obsolete and that they should accept dehumanization. Of course his ratings drop to the cellar. But Jensen won't let the Network fire him, so the executives convince the radicals of their documentary Mao Tse Tung hour to machine-gun Beale in the studio as he comes on stage for his show. This will up their ratings and pay for Beale's deficit. It's all a business. That's the gist of it but stay with us and we'll dig deeper into this masterpiece of American prophetic cinema.

Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
On Thursday February 23rd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the the modern yoga ritual version of the Chemical Wedding
of Christian Rosencreutz. This is the fully developed Rosicrucian
version of Hermetic Yoga Beyond the Middle Pillar as presented in volume
one of Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar. This advanced
version, draws upon The Naassene Document, the Gospel of
Philip, the Gospel of Mary, the Chemical Wedding itself, and the works of
Jacob Boehme and Johann Gichtel. This reveals that the Ninth Degree of
the O.T.O. and the Great Rite of the Gardnerians are both derived
from original Valentinian Gnostic Christian sources. So if you want to
experience some R-rated Rosicrucian yoga, tune in and we'll take you into
the mirrored chamber of the Sacred Marriage.

Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
On Thursday February 9th, 2017 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the second part of The Chemical Wedding of Christian
Rosenkreutz by Valentin Andreae 1616, followed by an interpretation of
the symbolism in relation to internal alchemy, the extended Middle
Pillar chakra system and Valentinian Gnostic Christianity. We will
describe the Sacred Marriage within the adept him/or/herself as an
analog to the operations on the Sixth Day in the Tower of Olympus. We
will refer to works by Jacob Boehme, The creation of the Magical Child,
Johann Gichtel and the mysteries of the Spiral and the Lightning Flash.
And the Homunculus of Paracelsus. This is the lost Key to Rosicrucian
Sex Magick and the ultimate secret of the Hieros Gamos. Tune in and be

Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
On Thursday February 3rd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon,
will present our interpreted and explained version of The Chemical
Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz (1614). The Chemical Wedding is the
third of the mysterious Rosicrucian documents that appeared in Central
Europe in the early 17th century. It is an alchemical fantasy that might
even be called "Science Fiction." Occultists have tried to unravel it's
secrets for the last four hundred years and we will offer our
interpretation tonight as we accompany old Christian Rosencreutz on his
visit to the mysterious castle and his participation in the alchemical
operation to resurrect the King and Queen. The solving of its riddles
has been just as exciting an adventure as the story itself. So tune in
and come with us to the Castle of the Rosicrucians.

Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
On Thursday January 19th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss the 1934 horror classic "Creep Shadow, Creep" by Fantasy Grand Master Abraham Merritt. This forgotten tale has influenced such modern films and t.v. shows as Dark Shadows and recently "Outlander." It deals with a family feud that carries on for thousands of years between reincarnating ancestors of two ancient Breton Celtic clans. The lord of Carnac and the Royal family of the legendary sunken city of Ys. In their present (1930s) incarnations an anthropologist, specializing in the occult (like Indian Jones) and a psychiatrist specializing in hypnotic age-regression with a beautiful daughter who was and is a reincarnating evil soul-stealing witch. This story was the second in a series of such tales by Merritt, being the sequel to "Burn Witch, Burn" (1934) which was made into a film with Lionel Barrymore and influenced both Twilight Zone and the "Chucky" series. So if you want to discover the roots of ancient evil surviving in the deep mind, tune in and we will explore the dark world of the creeping shadows.

Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
On Thursday December 29th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a review and discussion on "Technocracy Rising" by Patrick
M. Woods 2015. This book documents the 1930's origin and rise of an
American totalitarian socio-political and economic system derived from
Plato's Republic that flourished after the 1929 crash and during the
pre-war years of the Great Depression. In Technocracy scientists and
academics will manage the government of the country. Our Constitutional
Republic and its Capitalistic economy would be replaced by a
dictatorship. Technocracy's connection to the Eugenics movement and to
Nazism put it into eclipse until the 1970s -- When Technocracy reemerged
with David Rockefeller's Tri-Lateral Commission and began to inflitrate
the U.S. government beginning with The Jimmy Carter administration in
the 1970s. Technocracy subverted the United Nations which soon became
its agent for a Technocratic World government. Like their cousins the
communists, the Technocrats claim to be democratic. They seek to replace
our currency based economic system with a cashless, energy credit
system. They have hi-jacked General System Theory to justify
environmental regulations to control energy. Of course the big problem
for the people under this system is loss of Freedom, loss of property,
loss of representation in government, and loss of what we consider basic
human rights. Even the socialist philosopher Bertrand Russell, when
examining Plato's Government of the philosopher kings, was forced to say
that only true democracy could protect basic human rights. So if you
want to know what the technocrats have in store for you when they get
back in office, tune in and we'll have a look.

Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
On Thursday December 22nd,2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon,
will review the 2014 book by Tobias Churton "Aleister Crowley The Beast
in Berlin". This is apparently an expansion and compilation of outcuts
from the author's biography of Crowley and should perhaps be considered
an appendix to that work. Unless you are an ardent Crowley afficianado
it is a hard read. The book is primarily made up of excerpts from
A.C.'s. diaries and his correspondence mostly during his 1930s Berlin
sojurne as a struggling artist in the decadent twilight days of the
Weimar Republic. Along with a running account of the Beast's
metaphysical politics, sexual magick and artistic endevours, Churton
manages to give us an in-depth look at the decadent sub-culture of the
Weimar Berliners and an appreciation of Crowley's talents as an
artist. So if you'd like to accompany the Beast to the Caberet. Tune in
and enjoy the show.

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
On Thursday December 15th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss the 2004 novel "State of Fear" by the late
Michael Crichton (1942-2008). This is a highly controversial work that
is particularly important at the present time. Although presented in the
form of a novel, it is in fact the most significant criticism of
"Climate Change" (formerly "Global Warming"). A Geo-Political Doctrine
promoted by today's Globalists and opposed by today's Nationalists. As
a novel it is not one of Crichton's best. The characters are obviously
symbolic, intended primarily to act or react to the author's message
which is critical of the climate change proposition and even suggests
that its proponents are guilty of bad science, data manipulation and
even the sponsoring of eco-terrorism. However, if you suspect Crichton
is correct you will enjoy the book and can even identify with his heroes
as they battle against the eco-terrorists who are trying to create a
catastrophic Tsumnami -- which actually did occur in the same month,
December 2004, that the book was published! (twilight zone theme) So, if
you want to look back at "State of Fear", tune in and we'll catch the
wave. Surfs up!

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
On Thursday December 1st, 2016, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the recently published compendium of manuscript translations
dealing with the Homunculus, compiled and edited by Joseph Uncello from
Four Hands Press, Viatorium and Ouroboros Press. This is one of the most
remarkable books on alchemy and magick to have appeared since the
release of Picatrix. We now have Paracelsus's own detailed accounts of
the Homunculus operation.The creation of a humanoid being, using male
sperm in an artificial female womb. This is followed by other
Renaissance period authors elaborating on the process and presenting
eyewitness accounts of successful Homunculi experiments. We are treated
to works that seem to be the source material for The Chemical Wedding of
Christian Rosencrutz, the Tyrol experiment cited by W. Somerset Maugham
in his 1908 novel "The Magician," and the little King and Queen created
by Dr. Pretorious in the 1934 horror film "The Bride of Frankenstein."
For comic relief we have an Arabic version of the operation using a
sheep and a cow (without their consent) and for cultural diversity we
are treated to a poetic Taoist perspective on the process, and for
redeeming social value. We have a Valentinean Christian approach to
making a Magical Child by the German philosopher Jacob Bohme, which may
well have been the inspiration for Aleister Crowley's "Moon Child" --
So, If you want to delve into the dark secrets of creation, join us and
we will open up the forbidden book: Codex Homunculi.

Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
On Thursday November 10th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the career of Steve Ditko's Dr. Stephen Strange, "Master of
the Mystic Arts" from his Marvel Comics' debut in 1963 to the 2016
Disney/Marvel film released this month. We will discuss Doc's ancestor
the 1930's Radio sorcerer "Chandu the Magician" and give a synopsis of
Strange's early comic book adventures and the live action films. Both
the1978 and 2016 films emphasize Hermetic symbolism and method drawing
on Eastern yoga for power and technique; resulting in a system that is a
sort of astral Kung-Fu. In both films the Master Teacher is European,
whereas in the original comic book version he was a Tibetan Lama called
"The Ancient One." In the recent film there have been some changes in
the service of political correctness that are difficult to understand.
Why change Baron Mordo the original Euoropean villian into Doc's black
side-kick and then create a new villian to play Mordo's traditional role
played by a European actor. So, if you want to explore this and other
deep mysteries of Dr. Strange's magical universe, tune in and we'll
consult the Orb of Agamodo.

Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
On Thursday November 3rd, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon
will present an essay on how the Atheistic Marxists hi-jacked Christian
idealism and used our two thousand years of devotion to Christian
principles of Altruism and charity against us in order to enslave us.
Also conceding the influence of Hermetic Elitism in this process, we
will trace the development through the Roman Church, the Illuminati, and
the Marxists to the modern New World Order. We will use "The Matrix" as
a metaphor for our present political and economic state. So if you want
to get unplugged tune in and take the red pill.

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
On Thursday October 27th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will recall and review Frank (Dune) Herbert's first published science fiction story "Nightmare Blues" (Operation Syndrome) 1954. This is an ominously prophetic and frightening tale of electronic mind control which seems to have been inspired by The Cabinet of Dr. Calagari. A scientist (who ends up in a mad house) invents a machine that projects thoughts (a telepathy transceiver) which is stolen by a music industry producer promoter who uses it to enhance his star's vocal performances. However each city where they perform experiences catastrophic outbreaks of mass insanity. One of the mad scientist's former students, a psychologist, teams up with a ham radio operator to create an antidote machine. This story was published in 1954 and set in 1999. It deals with issues and theories that resonate today. So if you want to contemplate some high-tech horror, for Halloween tune in and we'll turn up the volume.

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
On Thursday October 13th, 2016 Poke Runyon host of the Hermetic hour
will present a reading of the mystical magical poem "The Hashish Eater"
by the late Poet and Fantasy writer Clark Ashton Smith. Smith was a friend and
colleague of H. P. Lovecraft whose magical fantasies were also featured
in Weird Tales in the 1930s and 1940s, and in "Dark of the Moon" from
Arkham House and in "New World's for Old" edited by Lin Carter. This poem
is a fantastic magical experience and invokes dreamlike visions. Tune
in and discover a magical psychedelic masterpiece.

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
On Thursday October 6th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review and describe our recently reprinted and updated publications, The
Seventh Ray, Book I, the Blue Ray with new material on Enochian Book H
and the OTA Geomancy system. We will also discuss the recently reprinted
Book of Solomon's Magick now issued to members with an up-dated
addendum. We will also review our entire line of publications and
productions available from Amazon and to Associate Members. So if you
want to know what we have to offer and what you have been missing tune
in and catch up on our latest and a preview of what we have coming in
the future.

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
On Thursday September 15th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the Alchemical Classic "Splendor Solis" by
Solomon Trismosin 1582. This magnificently illustrated work is
considered to be the most beautiful illuminated manuscript of all the
Medieval and Renaissance occult books. It draws on all of the earlier
Alchemical classics such as the Turba Phiosophorum. Solomon Trismosin
was said to have been the mentor of the most famous of all alchemists
Paracelsus. The twenty-two beautiful allegorical paintings that
illustrate the book are the work of the Renaissance master Lucas van
Leiden. The symbolic paintings have been likened to the twenty-two
greater arcana of the Tarot.This book has been a great influence on
Rosicrucianism and deserves a place in any study of that tradition, so
if you want to peek at the Splendor of the Sun, put on your dark glasses
and tune in.

Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
On Thursday September first, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke
Runyon will discuss James Branch Cabell's romantic fantasy novel JURGEN
(1919).This delightfully satirical and deeply esoteric work is
considered Cabell's masterpiece and a classic of American literature. It
might best be quickly described as an Oz book for adults. Modern readers
will liken Cabell's tale to a Monty Python script. Chapter XXII was
inspired by Aleister Crowley's Gnostic Mass which prompted Crowley to
praise Cabell as America's greatest novelist. We will read the infamous
22nd chapter along with some of the symbolically described erotic
passages that got the original book banned in New York. This backfired
and made JURGEN a national bestseller in the 1920s. And it is still a
great read -- so if you want to spend an hour with Messers Cabell and
Crowley, tune in and we will follow Jurgen chasing his first love all
the way from puberty to Hell, which is a liberal democracy and up to
Heaven which is a Southern Baptist dictatorship, administered by a black
house slave. Maybe we can get it banned again!

Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
On Thursday August 25th, 2016 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on two modern classics that hold up mirrors to
modern society and recent history: George Orwell's 1984 (1949) and
Ortega de Gassett's Revolt of the Masses (1929).Both authors were
socialists and both were involved in the Spanish Civil War.
1984 is called a "dystopia"and describes British post World War II
socialism evolving into a nightmareish doubleplusungood (Stalinistic)
tyrany where everyone is brainwashed into believing that: "War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength." In "Revolt of the Masses"
Ortega de Gassett disputes the liberal dictum that universal literacy
and education can enoble and uplift "the common people" into a body
politic capable of rational and reasonable self government, Hence
democracy must be controlled by an intellectual elite (sound familiar).
Both these books are classics and more important today than when they
were written. We will try to put them in a Hermetic perspective for you
(sociology is the new black magick) so if you want to peek into the
future from way back when, tune in and we'll part the veil.

Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
On Thursday August 18th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review new issues of old Hermetic Magick books. Starting with
Zoroaster's Telescope (1796-2013) and on to Urania's Mirror (1822-2004)
and finally The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Cellarius (1660 - 2013). The
first item on our list is more of a board-game than a book; a very
elaborate and frankly confusing French divinatory system that uses
hexagonal "tiles" with magical and astrological data drawn from an urn
or box and applied to a board called a mirror. which has hexagonal
compartments. Divination follows from the numbers in the mirror's cells
and the pattern various tiles make on the mirror. Urania's Mirror is a
small book describing the astrological constellations and their
mythology accompanied by a set of thirty-two cards on which the mythical
figures of the zodiac are depicted in very romantic style. This style is
influenced by our last selection: The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreus
Cellarius, a magnificently illustrated atlas of the heavens. So if you'd
like to explore some recent revivals of ancient wisdom tune in and we'll
have a look.

Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
On Thursday August 11th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss two prophetic science fiction stories from the 1950s: C.M. Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons" and A.E. Van Vogt's "The Weapon Shops of Isher." Both are considered classics of the genre and deal with controversial social issues. Kornbluth's "Morons" predict a future where
the average I.Q. is 45 and a tiny intelligent elite struggle to preserve the self-destructive swarming mass of sub-human humanity. In Van Vogt's "Weapon Shops" a group of gun
manufacturers and dealers struggle to arm the citizens of a tyrannical and corrupt world government headed by a psychopathic empress (she sleeps with snakes) who is determined to disarm and enslave them. Both of these stories deserve to be looked at again in light of present and pending events. So if you want a glimpse of today and tomorrow as seen by the prophets of yesterday, tune in and we'll roll back the clock to the 1950s.

Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
On Thursday July 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss Frank Herbert's 1965 science-fiction classic Dune from a magical (Hermetic) perspective and as a prophetic political allegory. Sci-Fi Writer Orson Scott Card wrote: "Remember that Herbert wrote Dune in the 1960s, before the first oil embargo, before any Islamist government was ever formed. Whether Dune had any causal influence on the rise of Al Qaeda, Herbert certainly did a superb job of predicting the rise and the power of such an ideology. The spice must flow, and so must the oil. So the political allegory is obvious but what about the hermetic magical aspect: in the 1960s when Herbert conceived Dune the big psycho-spiritual experience was LSD. Acid offered expansion of consciousness, instant enlightenment and for some, extension of consciousness. Soul travel. Hermes once wrote that one could go anywhere in the Universe instantly at the speed of thought. Some Eastern gurus had also declared that this was possible. So Frank Herbert's Spice Melange was conceived as a psychedelic agent that would enable astronaut navigators to warp space with the power of their minds -- and go anywhere in the galaxy mentally and physically. That is one Hermetic magical aspect. There is also a witchcraft cult that engages in genetic engineering, trying to breed a Demigod messiah who will launch a Jihad to conquer the galaxy. So if you'd like to consider the not so hidden inner meanings of this classic, tune in and we'll have a 21st century look back at Dune.

Thursday Jul 21, 2016
Thursday Jul 21, 2016
On Thursday July 21st the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review two new books in the Hermetic field:
"The Emerald Tablet" by Martin Faulks from Faulks Books and " Liber
Spirituum" compiled and edited by Adam Forrest from Azoth Press. The
Emerald Tablet is only 84 pages, and follows upon Martin's first
publication "The Universal Master Key" (2013) (reviewed by the Hermetic
Hour on March 26th, 2015). Martin Faulks is an ardent Bardonian and the
Emerald Tablet is a commentary on that ancient document from a Bardonian
perspective. Martin brilliantly analyses each paragraph or aphorism of
the Tablet in relation to the Four Hermetic Elements in a process of
internal alchemy and the ascent and descent of the Holy Spirit on the
Middle Pillar. The second new publication is "Liber Spirituum"
from Azoth Press, (251 pages hardbound) which is a compilation of
articles on traditional magical evocation, invocation, and talisman
making edited and introduced by Golden Dawn authority Adam Forrest. This
is a beautifully bound limited edition, featuring inclusions by John
Michael Greer, Chic and Tabetha Cicero, Aaron Leitch, Bryan Garner,
Jeffery Kupperman, Scott Stenwick and Isadora Forrest's account of her
forty day Raphael-Tiphareth retreat meditation which for me was the most
inspiring and memorable aspect of the book. I was also impressed with
John Michael Greer's article which reveals his own Lodge's interest in
the "Nassaene document" and "From Ritual to Romance" which we have been
writing and lecturing about for years. All considered Liber Spirituum is
a very impressive and useful work, so if you want to learn what's new in
the Hermetic universe, tune in and we'll have a look.

Thursday Jul 07, 2016
Thursday Jul 07, 2016
On Thursday July 7th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Ayn Rand's magnum opus Atlas Shrugged (1957) from a Hermetic Perspective. This book has been read by almost as many people as the Bible. It is particularly important today because it predicted the deterioration of American industry and infrastructure under socialist governmental regulation. Rand's principal characters are heroic industrialists struggling to keep their enterprises going under worsening conditions. Until a Genius inventor named John Galt convinces them all to quit and let the looters and the parasites of socialism try run the country without them. Hence the title: Atlas, he who holds up the world, Shrugged.. Whether you love it or hate it the novel is powerfully written and the characters are dynamic. They resonate with frustrated achievers in today's America. Atlas Shrugged is Hermetic in the same way that Freemasonry is Hermetic. It is an elitism of the creative mind. The builders, the doers, the engineers, and the artists. We will examine this principle in Hermetic philosophy and even compare Atlas Shrugged to Aleister Crowley's Diary of a Drug Fiend (1922). We will examine Ayn Rand's background in relation to the message of the novel – so if you find the world weighing down on you – and who doesn't these days, tune in and we'll try to shrug it off.

Thursday Jun 23, 2016
Thursday Jun 23, 2016
On Thursday June 23rd, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and
guest Jo Carson will present a preview- review of her forthcoming book:
"The Green Pulse Oracle - A Tool for Eco-Psychic Insight." Lady Jo
Carson is the President of Feraferia, America's First Goddess-centered,
Ecology-oriented Neo-Pagan religion founded in 1967 by Artist and
philosopher Frederick Adams (1928-2008). Jo Carson is the leader of
Feraferia and dedicated to preserving
and continuing the work of Fred Adams and his consort Lady Svetlana
Butyrin. As a film maker Jo has produced and directed "Dancing with
Gaia" (2009) a documentary DVD on ancient and modern Paganism centered
on Fred Adams and Feraferian activities. She is the author of "Celebrate
Wilderness" (2014) a portfolio book of Feraferian art, text and photos.
She is presently readying "The Green Pulse Oracle" for publication. This
is a system of divination similar to Geomancy and I-Ching. It is based
on Fred Adams' further development of Robert Graves' Tree Alphabet from
his modern classic "The White Goddess." Adams delineated and extended
Graves' twenty Celtic Ogham glyphs into a twenty-four letter system that
he mounted on a series of Hermetic Enneasphere mandalas coordinating
them with the Trees, the Tarot Trumps, astrological and planetary signs,
and myth themes. Jo Carson reconstructed the system from Fred's
rudimentary publications, notes and graphics. We have experimented with
the Oracle and found it to be remarkably accurate and inspiring. So join
us as we explore the divinatory magick of an American master as revealed
by his worthy successor.

Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
On Thursday June 16th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
willl present a review of the 2010 book
Babylon's Banksters, the Alchemy of deep physics, high finance and
ancient religion, by Joseph Farrell. Although this book is somewhat
dated in light of current events, it is important in that it presents
the background of world-wide financial manipulation from a Hermetic and
Magical perspective. Farrell quotes authoritative sources to establish a
relation between business cycles planetary allignments and Solar
activities, lending credit to astrology, ancient aliens and even the
Pythagorean music of the spheres. The book raises more questions than it
answers but it is fascinating and filled with provocative inormation,
such as the investment formula developed by a Chinese communist Triad
Tong family that brought on the 2008 Great Recession (shades of Fu
Manchu !) So if you want to know how evil magicians manipulate the stock
market tune in and we'll give you an overview.

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
On June 9th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the secret meaning behind Abraham Merritt's classic Fantasy novel “The Moon Pool.” (1919). This Lost Race fantasy adventure story, similar to Rider Haggard's “She”was very influential on other fantasy writers, movie makers and comic book writers and artists. It was one of the major sources of the 1940s “Shaver Mystery”. Moon Pool is based on the idea that the Moon was pulled out of the Earth half a billion years ago when our young world was in a molten state, leaving a huge cavity in the area of the Central Pacific, which sealed itself over and eventually became a vast air filled cavern under the ocean. A subterranean world with its own flora, fauna and people. Its only connection to the surface world is the ancient ruined stone city of Nan Modal on Panape island in the Central Pacific Ocean. In these haunted ruins is a mysterious doorway that only opens when the Moon is full, revealing The Moon Pool from which rises a fantastic alien being that resembles an animated and illuminated kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is called “The Dweller” or “The Shining One” – a beautiful, alluring vampiric creature that stalks human prey, harvesting and feeding on their souls. The Dweller or Shining One is worshiped as a god by a faction of the Murians, who are as evil as their diety and are plotting to conquer the surface world. Into this setting come a group of adventurers from our world – so we can have a hero and a heroine to save both worlds ( love conquers all) -- and someone to tell the story. That, as the Irish say, is the gist of it. But there is a lot more behind the scenes in Moon Pool than just a good story. So If you want to learn the horrible secret of the Shining One then tune in and listen as we open the door to The Moon Pool.

Thursday May 26, 2016
Thursday May 26, 2016
On Thursday May 26th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a preview of his forthcoming occult adventure novel "Hell on
Heaven's Reef" which takes place on mysterious Pohnpei (Ponape) Island
in the centrral Pacific, home of the Lost City of Nan Modal which was
the entrance to the undersea caverns of Lemuria according to writer
Abraham Merritt in his 1919 adventure fantasy classic "The Moon Pool"
Film footage of our expeditions to Nan Modal can be seen in Beyond
Lemuria. The advance promo for this book in "Drell Master" reads: "Join
former Green Beret treasure hunter Jason Hardee on an expedition to
mysterious Pohnpei Island in the Pacific as he searches for an ancient
relic that holds the dark secrets of world conquering power. Jason
battles ruthless mercenaries, fanatical cultists, native black magick,
giant tiger sharks, and a killer hurricane, while two ravishingly
beautiful women battle over Jason! Hell on Heaven's Reef is is epic in
scope, an adventure that begins before the Ice Age, carries through with
19th century American whalers of the Hardee family sailing from Maui to
Ponape, and culminates with Jason Hardee returning to find the treasure
of his ancestors. So join us and we'll set sail for High Adventure.
Special thanks to Gordon White (Star.Ships) for inspiring us to finally
get this book on the fast track.

Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
On Thursday May 19th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
air a discussion on the noted British 19th century occultist,
spiritualist and magician Frederick Hockley ( 1809 - 1885 ) mentor of
Francis "the Magus" Barrett and Kenneth "the Cypher manuscript
Mackenzie". Hockley was an ardent Freemason and Rosicrucian with genuine
Rosicrucian connections and documents.He was a collector and a
transcriber of occult manuscripts and several of his once rare treasures
are being reissued today. We will read Hockley's account of "Raising the
Devil" (a homunculus in a bottle) from "The Rosicrucian Seer" by John
Hamill, and then discuss our own attempt to replicate this operation. We
will discuss Hockley's influence on the Golden Dawn and the occult
revival. So if you'd like to "Raise the Devil" with old Fred Hockley
tune in and we'll get it on.

Thursday May 12, 2016
Thursday May 12, 2016
On Thursday May 12th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present an interview with British author Gordon White featuring his book
"Star.Ships, a Prehistory of the Spirits." Gordon is a journalist, a
magician, a scuba diver and a scholar of prehistoric archaeology. He and
host Poke Runyon have both explored the lost city of Nan Madol above
ground and underwater at different times. In the book Star.Ships Gordon
focuses on the accumulating evidence of lost, sunken, and buried ruins from
the antediluvian (Ice Age) period such as Gobekli Tepe and others along
with genetic evidence of the migrations of early man to develop a
remarkable thesis regarding our astrological mythology. He proposes that
the spirits of the stars, the zodiac, are antediluvian and that the rise
of planetary gods and spirits are post diluvian -- with the end of the
Ice Age (15 to 12,000 years ago) being the demarcation point. He will
concede some extraterrestrial contact (Temple's Sirius Mystery) but
prefers inter dimensional spiritual realms more in line with Jacques
Valle and Carl Jung as the source of alien contact. Poke Runyon agrees
with Gordon White on almost all of his points and heartily recommends
Gordon's book. So if you want meet Gordon and spend an hour with us
exploring this fascinating subject, tune in and we'll learn about the
prehistory of the Spirits. Special thanks to Frater Isa for arranging this
great show.

Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
On Thursday April 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the concluding chapterof the first volume of my Inner Plane
fantasy novel Adamson's Quest, The Library of the Ages -- in which the
Hero Enoch Adamson in his role as the Fool of the Tarot finally reaches
his goal the Library of the Ages, which represents the Sphere of Hod at
the upward terminis of the 31st Path on the Tree of Life. Here Adamson
will meet his mentor and sponsor Hermes Trismegistus and receive the
answers to his questions from a council of sages including Jesus and
Mary Magdalene and even Nicolo Machievelli at a dinner party which is
modeled on Steve Allen's "Meeting of the Minds" format. This novel was
begun in 1973 when we first began to develop our Qabalistic Path Working
program. So if you want to sit in on an Inner Plane esoteric council
meeting join us and be enlightened.

Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
On Thursday April 21st, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss his Magical Inner Plane novel Admson's Quest and offer a dramatic reading of Chapter Eleven. This fictional journey up the paths of the Tree of Life was begun back in 1979 in the old pamphlet style Seventh Ray and has been continued in the new journal version of T7R since 1999. The final installment Chapter Twelve is in the works and should be ready by next week. We did a show on Adamson four years ago that is still available in the archives for those who wish more background on the story. Adamson's experiences reflect the anxieties of the times (late 1970s) he tries to overcome psychosomatic illnesses, psychological neurosis, Freudian complexes, Jungian archetypes and Qabalistic paradoxes, while dressed as the Fool in the Tarot, more recently he deals with contemporary problems: reptilian illuminati, pollution, invasion of privacy, social engineering, virtual reality and military-industrial corruption. So, if you want to join the 2084 Army's virtual reality nano-tank corps and battle giant mole-crickets (Mike Charlies) in the non-whitehouse lawn then tune in and let's roll!

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
On Thursday April 7th, the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will be
joined by V.H. Frater Heracles for a discussion about the application of
Traditional shamanic drumming techniques to Hermetic Magick. We will
also review and discuss Michael Harner's latest book "Cave and Cosmos"
in relation to the O.T.A.'s Qabalah, Solomonic ceremonial evocation,
Initiations, pathworkings and Hermetic Yoga. Michael Harner is the
founder and leader of The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. He is
universally recognized as the foremost authority and most respected
teacher on Shamanic philosophy, spirituality, and method. So if you would
like to learn how to drum your way into the lower, middle and upper
worlds, then tune in and pick up the beat (180-220 per minute).

Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
On Thursday March 31st, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of John Michael Greer's new translation from the Latin version of "De Imaginibus of
Thabit Ibn Qurra" titled "Astral High Magic". This book replaces an earlier publication translated by Christopher Warnock in the Renaissance Astrology list. De Imaginibus is the technical side of Sabian elective astrology. How to make talismans. Thabit Ibn Qurra was the most famous of the Harranian astrological magicians. We will also discuss the Sabian planetary magick and hermetic affiliations. The surviving Mandanean cult claims to be preserving their traditions along with works attributed to John the Baptist. We were first on the scene with Sabian lore in our 1999 Book One, of the Seventh Ray (the Blue Ray) with our translation, from the German version of the Arabic original, of the Sabian planetary rituals from Picatrix. So if you want to know how to keep scorpions out of your house, among other things, tune in and we'll see how the Magi do it.

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
On Thursday March 17th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion and book reviews on Magick in Colonial America. Frater Thabion (Poke) will deal with H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" a novel of necromantic alchemy set in Colonial Providence Rhode Island.Lovecraft's occult source material will be Poke's main focus. Our guest Frater Phergoph from The Valley Forge Encampment in Pennsylvania will discuss Daniel Harms "The Long Lost Friend" a new translation of a Pennsylvania Dutch grimoire from the Colonial period. This should be a fun evening for you East Coast witches and warlocks.

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
On Thursday March 10th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and Guests Lady Jo Carson of Feraferia and Lady Ann Finnin of the Roebuck, will have a discussion on "Fairy
Magick". We will recall the classics in this field such as "The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries," Evans-Wentz,(1911) "The Faerie Queen" by Edmund Spencer (1590) and more recently
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Sussana Clarke (2004) Lady Jo will mention other recent books in the field, including one she is working on involving Fred Adams extrapolations from Robert Graves' Celtic "Tree Alphabet" from "The White Goddess" (1946) which should be a veritable Qabalah of fairyland. Lady Ann will mention the Roebuck's connections to Celtic fairy lore. I will delve into "The Book of Oberon" (2015) a translation of an Elizabethan 16th century magical compendium mixing Solomonic and fairy lore in a compendium similar to the Lemegeton - and including Lemegeton material. So let's all spend an hour under the hill with the changelings and the little people -- and remember what the old cunning man said: "Aye! You can see them if they want you to." He also asked: "What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?"