The Hermetic Hour

Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. ”Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!” ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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Rosicrucian Yoga (re-broadcast)

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

On Thursday February 23rd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the the modern yoga ritual version of the Chemical Wedding
of Christian Rosencreutz. This is the fully developed Rosicrucian
version of Hermetic Yoga Beyond the Middle Pillar as presented in volume
one of Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar. This advanced
version, draws upon The Naassene Document, the Gospel of
Philip, the Gospel of Mary, the Chemical Wedding itself, and the works of
Jacob Boehme and Johann Gichtel. This reveals that the Ninth Degree of
the O.T.O. and the Great Rite of the Gardnerians are both derived
from original Valentinian Gnostic Christian sources. So if you want to
experience some R-rated Rosicrucian yoga, tune in and we'll take you into
the mirrored chamber of the Sacred Marriage.

Thursday Jan 20, 2022

On Thursday February 9th, 2017 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the second part of The Chemical Wedding of Christian
Rosenkreutz by Valentin Andreae 1616, followed by an interpretation of
the symbolism in relation to internal alchemy, the extended Middle
Pillar chakra system and Valentinian Gnostic Christianity. We will
describe the Sacred Marriage within the adept him/or/herself as an
analog to the operations on the Sixth Day in the Tower of Olympus. We
will refer to works by Jacob Boehme, The creation of the Magical Child,
Johann Gichtel and the mysteries of the Spiral and the Lightning Flash.
And the Homunculus of Paracelsus. This is the lost Key to Rosicrucian
Sex Magick and the ultimate secret of the Hieros Gamos. Tune in and be

Thursday Jan 13, 2022

On Thursday January 13th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review "Aleister Crowley in England" (2021) by Tobias Churton. This is the final part of Churton's serialized biography of The Great Beast, following on "The Beast in Berlin," "Crowley in America," and "Crowley in India." The compendium will be the most complete and best documented life of Crowley yet presented. This particular volume will present a side of A.C. his other biographers have not explored: Crowley the Gourmet Chef! Cook what Thou wilt shall be the Whole of the Menu! In the 1930s the Beast was considered the Sultan of exotic curry dishes and hosted the Lords and Ladies of London society at his festive board. We will give you a summary of his bill of fare, so tune in and bon appétit!

Thursday Jan 06, 2022

On January 6th 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review all our  live broadcasts in 2021,starting with "The Lost Pillars of Enoch" from January 7th and summarizing all 19 new shows with "The Pagan Myth of Christmas" on December 23rd. So keep your pencils handy to jot down the one's you missed that you will want to search the archives for. And we had  some very good shows in this sad year.We are already planning a great line-up for 2022. Starting with "Crowley in England" next week.

The Pagan Myth of Christmas

Thursday Dec 23, 2021

Thursday Dec 23, 2021

On Thursday December 23rd,2021 the Hermetic Hour’s host Poke Runyon, will read his essay entitled The Pagan Myth of Christmas. As most of us know December 25th is a date selected to represent Winter Solstice, and thus correspond to the seasonal return of the Sun, making Jesus a Pagan Sun God. This is just one of the many Pagan myth themes adopted by Christianity in the formative years of the religion. The Cross of Crucifixion became the Cross of the Four Seasons, Churches were built on the sites of Pagan Temples. But what is not widely known is the connection between Paganism, Gnosticism, and Christianity. Jesus was a Pagan God modeled on Osiris and when we match him with the Canaanite Baal he becomes The Once and Future King of Israel the last of the Pagan Dying Gods. The Gnostic Christians believed there had been a succession of these redeemers represented by ancient Gods and Goddesses. So if you want to celebrate the mystery of Christmas, tune in and we’ll deck the halls.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021

On Thursday January 19th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss the 1934 horror classic "Creep Shadow, Creep" by Fantasy Grand Master Abraham Merritt. This forgotten tale has influenced such modern films and t.v. shows as Dark Shadows and recently "Outlander." It deals with a family feud that carries on for thousands of years between reincarnating ancestors of two ancient Breton Celtic clans. The lord of Carnac and the Royal family of the legendary sunken city of Ys. In their present (1930s) incarnations an anthropologist, specializing in the occult (like Indian Jones) and a psychiatrist specializing in hypnotic age-regression with a beautiful daughter who was and is a reincarnating evil soul-stealing witch. This story was the second in a series of such tales by Merritt, being the sequel to "Burn Witch, Burn" (1934) which was made into a film with Lionel Barrymore and influenced both Twilight Zone and the "Chucky" series. So if you want to discover the roots of ancient evil surviving in the deep mind, tune in and we will explore the dark world of the creeping shadows. 

Thursday Dec 09, 2021

On Thursday December 29th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a review and discussion on "Technocracy Rising" by Patrick
M. Woods 2015. This book documents the 1930's origin and rise of an
American totalitarian socio-political and economic system derived from
Plato's Republic that flourished after the 1929 crash and during the
prewar years of the Great Depression. In Technocracy scientists and
academics will manage the government of the country. Our Constitutional
Republic and its Capitalistic economy would be replaced by a
dictatorship. Technocracy's connection to the Eugenics movement and to
Nazism put it into eclipse until the 1970s -- When Technocracy reemerged
with David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and began to infiltrate
the U.S. government beginning with The Jimmy Carter administration in
the 1970s. Technocracy subverted the United Nations which soon became
its agent for a Technocratic World government. Like their cousins the
communists, the Technocrats claim to be democratic. They seek to replace
our currency based economic system with a cashless, energy credit
system. They have hijacked General System Theory to justify
environmental regulations to control energy. Of course the big problem
for the people under this system is loss of Freedom, loss of property,
loss of representation in government, and loss of what we consider basic
human rights. Even the socialist philosopher Bertrand Russell, when
examining Plato's Government of the philosopher kings, was forced to say
that only true democracy could protect basic human rights. So if you
want to know what the technocrats have in store for you when they get
back in office, tune in and we'll have a look.

Thursday Dec 02, 2021

will review the 2014 book by Tobias Churton "Aleister Crowley The Beast
in Berlin". This is apparently an expansion and compilation of outcuts
from the author's biography of Crowley and should perhaps be considered
an appendix to that work. Unless you are an ardent Crowley aficionado
it is a hard read. The book is primarily made up of excerpts from
A.C.'s. diaries and his correspondence mostly during his 1930s Berlin
sojourn as a struggling artist in the decadent twilight days of the
Weimar Republic. Along with a running account of the Beast's
metaphysical politics, sexual magick and artistic endeavors, Churton
manages to give us an in-depth look at the decadent sub-culture of the
Weimar Berliners and an appreciation of Crowley's talents as an
artist. So if you'd like to accompany the Beast to the Cabaret, tune in
and enjoy the show.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021

On Thursday December 1st, 2016, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the recently published compendium of manuscript translations
dealing with the Homunculus, compiled and edited by Joseph Uncello from
Four Hands Press, Viatorium and Ouroboros Press. This is one of the most
remarkable books on alchemy and magick to have appeared since the
release of Picatrix. We now have Paracelsus's own detailed accounts of
the Homunculus operation.The creation of a humanoid being, using male
sperm in an artificial female womb. This is followed by other
Renaissance period authors elaborating on the process and presenting
eyewitness accounts of successful Homunculi experiments. We are treated
to works that seem to be the source material for The Chemical Wedding of
Christian Rosencrutz, the Tyrol experiment cited by W. Somerset Maugham
in his 1908 novel "The Magician," and the little King and Queen created
by Dr. Pretorious in the 1934 horror film "The Bride of Frankenstein."
For comic relief we have an Arabic version of the operation using a
sheep and a cow (without their consent) and for cultural diversity we
are treated to a poetic Taoist perspective on the process, and for
redeeming social value. We have a Valentinean Christian approach to
making a Magical Child by the German philosopher Jacob Bohme, which may
well have been the inspiration for Aleister Crowley's "Moon Child" --
So, If you want to delve into the dark secrets of creation, join us and
we will open up the forbidden book: Codex Homunculi.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021

On Thursday November 10th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the career of Steve Ditko's Dr. Stephen Strange, "Master of
the Mystic Arts" from his Marvel Comics' debut in 1963 to the 2016
Disney/Marvel film released this month. We will discuss Doc's ancestor
the 1930's Radio sorcerer "Chandu the Magician" and give a synopsis of
Strange's early comic book adventures and the live action films. Both
the 1978 and 2016 films emphasize Hermetic symbolism and method drawing
on Eastern yoga for power and technique; resulting in a system that is a
sort of astral Kung-Fu. In both films the Master Teacher is European,
whereas in the original comic book version he was a Tibetan Lama called
"The Ancient One." In the recent film there have been some changes in
the service of political correctness that are difficult to understand.
Why change Baron Mordo the original European villain into Doc's black
side-kick and then create a new villain to play Mordo's traditional role
played by a European actor. So, if you want to explore this and other
deep mysteries of Dr. Strange's magical universe, tune in and we'll
consult the Orb of Agamodo.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021

On Thursday November 3rd, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon
will present an essay on how the Atheistic Marxists hijacked Christian
idealism and used our two thousand years of devotion to Christian
principles of Altruism and charity against us in order to enslave us.
Also conceding the influence of Hermetic Elitism in this process, we
will trace the development through the Roman Church, the Illuminati, and
the Marxists to the modern New World Order. We will use "The Matrix" as
a metaphor for our present political and economic state. So if you want
to get unplugged tune in and take the red pill.

Thursday Nov 04, 2021

On Thursday November 4th, 2021 - The Hermetic Hour will present a reprise of the Channeling of Biblical King Ahab by V.H.Frater Solomon sitting on the "Bone Throne" in the Pavilion of the Gods at Rivendell following Mot Mass on October 30th. King Ahab was a King of ancient Israel, who along with his Phoenician wife Queen Jezebel, were demonized by Ezra and the prophet Isiah. This revelation presents them in a true and fair view, worthy to join the ranks of Melchizedek and Solomon as ancient avatars of our tradition. V.H. Frater Thabion will discuss Jezebel's first century a.d. namesake in the Book of Revelation, who was equally maligned and needs to be rehabilitated. So, if you want to look behind Biblical Fake News, tune in and find the truth.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021

On Thursday October 27th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will recall and review Frank (Dune) Herbert's first published science fiction story "Nightmare Blues" (Operation Syndrome) 1954. This is an ominously prophetic and frightening tale of electronic mind control which seems to have been inspired by The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. A scientist (who ends up in a mad house) invents a machine that projects thoughts (a telepathy transceiver) which is stolen by a music industry producer promoter who uses it to enhance his star's vocal performances. However each city where they perform experiences catastrophic outbreaks of mass insanity. One of the mad scientist's former students, a psychologist, teams up with a ham radio operator to create an antidote machine. This story was published in 1954 and set in 1999. It deals with issues and theories that resonate today. So if you want to contemplate some high-tech horror, for Halloween tune in and we'll turn up the volume.

Thursday Oct 21, 2021

On Thursday October 13th, 2016 Poke Runyon host of the Hermetic hour
will present a reading of the mystical magical poem "The Hashish Eater"
by the late Poet and Fantasy writer Clark Ashton Smith. Smith was a friend and
colleague of H. P. Lovecraft whose magical fantasies were also featured
in Weird Tales in the 1930s and 1940s, and in "Dark of the Moon" from
Arkham House and in "New World's for Old" edited by Lin Carter. This poem
is a fantastic magical experience and invokes dreamlike visions. Tune
in and discover a magical psychedelic masterpiece.

Thursday Oct 14, 2021

On Thursday September 15th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the Alchemical Classic "Splendor Solis" by
Solomon Trismosin 1582. This magnificently illustrated work is
considered to be the most beautiful illuminated manuscript of all the
Medieval and Renaissance occult books. It draws on all of the earlier
Alchemical classics such as the Turba Philosophorum. Solomon Trismosin
was said to have been the mentor of the most famous of all alchemists
Paracelsus. The twenty-two beautiful allegorical paintings that
illustrate the book are the work of the Renaissance master Lucas van
Leiden. The symbolic paintings have been likened to the twenty-two
greater arcana of the Tarot.This book has been a great influence on
Rosicrucianism and deserves a place in any study of that tradition, so
if you want to peek at the Splendor of the Sun, put on your dark glasses
and tune in.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021

On Thursday September first, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke
Runyon will discuss James Branch Cabell's romantic fantasy novel JURGEN
(1919).This delightfully satirical and deeply esoteric work is
considered Cabell's masterpiece and a classic of American literature. It
might best be quickly described as an Oz book for adults. Modern readers
will liken Cabell's tale to a Monty Python script. Chapter XXII was
inspired by Aleister Crowley's Gnostic Mass which prompted Crowley to
praise Cabell as America's greatest novelist. We will read the infamous
22nd chapter along with some of the symbolically described erotic
passages that got the original book banned in New York. This backfired
and made JURGEN a national bestseller in the 1920s. And it is still a
great read -- so if you want to spend an hour with Messers Cabell and
Crowley, tune in and we will follow Jurgen chasing his first love all
the way from puberty to Hell, which is a liberal democracy and up to
Heaven which is a Southern Baptist dictatorship, administered by a black
house slave. Maybe we can get it banned again!

Thursday Sep 23, 2021

On Thursday September 23rd, 2021, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review Journey to the Castle (2021) by Ann Finnin who will join us on the show to guide us recalling her journey to find the roots of Traditional British Witchcraft. As most of us know modern British witchcraft is divided between Gardnarian and Robert Gravesian branches. The Gravesian branch springing mostly from Bill Gray and Robert Cochcrane (Roy Bowers) and imported to America by Joe Wilson as the Order of 1734. Dave and Ann Finnin’s Coven of the Roebuck grew out of 1734 but they wanted to get to the real roots of their inspiration. Go to England, meet the elders, walk the lay lines, visit the castles. Learn the truth first hand. This book recalls that quest, documents their discoveries and presents Ann’s insights on the meanings and significance of this most shamanic form of modern witchcraft. If you want to know how to cross the moat tune in and take notes.

Thursday Sep 16, 2021

On Thursday August 25th, 2016 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on two modern classics that hold up mirrors to
modern society and recent history: George Orwell's 1984 (1949) and
Ortega de Gassett's Revolt of the Masses (1929).Both authors were
socialists and both were involved in the Spanish Civil War.
1984 is called a "dystopia"and describes British post World War II
socialism evolving into a nightmarish double-plus-ungood (Stalinistic)
tyranny where everyone is brainwashed into believing that: "War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength." In "Revolt of the Masses"
Ortega de Gassett disputes the liberal dictum that universal literacy
and education can ennoble and uplift "the common people" into a body
politic capable of rational and reasonable self government, Hence
democracy must be controlled by an intellectual elite (sound familiar).
Both these books are classics and more important today than when they
were written. We will try to put them in a Hermetic perspective for you
(sociology is the new black magick) so if you want to peek into the
future from way back when, tune in and we'll part the veil.

Thursday Sep 02, 2021

On Thursday August 18th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review new issues of old Hermetic Magick books. Starting with
Zoroaster's Telescope (1796-2013) and on to Urania's Mirror (1822-2004)
and finally The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Cellarius (1660 - 2013). The
first item on our list is more of a board-game than a book; a very
elaborate and frankly confusing French divinatory system that uses
hexagonal "tiles" with magical and astrological data drawn from an urn
or box and applied to a board called a mirror. which has hexagonal
compartments. Divination follows from the numbers in the mirror's cells
and the pattern various tiles make on the mirror. Urania's Mirror is a
small book describing the astrological constellations and their
mythology accompanied by a set of thirty-two cards on which the mythical
figures of the zodiac are depicted in very romantic style. This style is
influenced by our last selection: The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreus
Cellarius, a magnificently illustrated atlas of the heavens. So if you'd
like to explore some recent revivals of ancient wisdom tune in and we'll
have a look.

Thursday Aug 26, 2021

On Thursday August 26th, 2021, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will explore the place of Hermetics and Hermetic Magicians in the coming Futurist society influenced and augmented by genetic engineering, nanotech, computer technology, artificial intelligence, and Clio-dynamics We will refer to our broadcasts over the past few years dealing with these super-humanizing or DE-humanizing techs and tech-systems predicted by science fiction authors such as A.E. Van Vogt, L. Ron Hubbard, Issac Asimov, and Frank Herbert. We will consult current works on the subject by Michio Kaku and Marc Zimmer. We will suggest that much of this futurism derives from Hermetic philosophy and therefore we magicians should embrace it providing we can become more than human rather than a swarm of sub-human drones in a hive. So if you wanna be Slans. (Fans of the Slans are today’s futurists) tune in and we’ll open the gate for you.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021

On Thursday August 19th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present two Prophetic essays by American rocket scientist, magician and philosopher John Whiteside Parsons. Chapters Two and Three of "Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword taken from The Seventh Ray, Book IV, Omnibus, The Violet Ray" a reprint of the original publication in the Seventh Ray, issue 19, 1977 (Chapter 3) and a previously unpublished chapter 2, "The Sword and the State." These essays from the 1950s are particularly important in the present political, spiritual, and socio-economic situation. They should be of particular interest to our Thelemic listeners and Hermetic students generally. I do not always agree with Jack but I do agree that his work should be revived and reviewed at this critical time. So if you want to know what Maestro Belarion predicted tune in and find out.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021

On Thursday August 11th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss two prophetic science fiction stories from the 1950s: C.M. Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons" and A.E. Van Vogt's "The Weapon Shops of Isher." Both are considered classics of the genre and deal with controversial social issues. Kornbluth's "Morons" predict a future where the average I.Q. is 45 and a tiny intelligent elite struggle to preserve the self-destructive swarming mass of sub-human humanity. In Van Vogt's "Weapon Shops" a group of gun manufacturers and dealers struggle to arm the citizens of a tyrannical and corrupt world government headed by a psychopathic empress (she sleeps with snakes) who is determined to disarm and enslave them. Both of these stories deserve to be looked at again in light of present and pending events. So if you want a glimpse of today and tomorrow as seen by the prophets of yesterday, tune in and we'll roll back the clock to the 1950s.

Thursday Aug 05, 2021

On Thursday August 5th, 2021 - the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Magical (Electional) Astrology from Ficino to Campanella with Bishop Michael Beeson (V.H. Frater Suen). We will refer to D.P. Walker's book Demonic and Spiritual magic from Ficino to Campanella, recounting Campanella and Pope Urban's magical astrological operation. We will discuss Planetary Hours, Lunar Mansions, and other aspects of electional astrology. We will recommend the books of Christopher Warnock (Renaissance astrology) and Michael Beeson's own podcast, Hacking Fate. So if you want to know how the old wizards did it, tune in and find out.

Thursday Jul 29, 2021

On Thursday July 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss Frank Herbert's 1965 science-fiction classic Dune from a magical (Hermetic) perspective and as a prophetic political allegory. Sci-Fi Writer Orson Scott Card wrote: "Remember that Herbert wrote Dune in the 1960s, before the first oil embargo, before any Islamist government was ever formed. Whether Dune had any causal influence on the rise of Al Qaeda, Herbert certainly did a superb job of predicting the rise and the power of such an ideology. The spice must flow, and so must the oil. So the political allegory is obvious but what about the hermetic magical aspect: in the 1960s when Herbert conceived Dune the big psycho-spiritual experience was LSD. Acid offered expansion of consciousness, instant enlightenment and for some, extension of consciousness. Soul travel. Hermes once wrote that one could go anywhere in the Universe instantly at the speed of thought. Some Eastern gurus had also declared that this was possible. So Frank Herbert's Spice Melange was conceived as a psychedelic agent that would enable astronaut navigators to warp space with the power of their minds -- and go anywhere in the galaxy mentally and physically. That is one Hermetic magical aspect. There is also a witchcraft cult that engages in genetic engineering, trying to breed a Demigod messiah who will launch a Jihad to conquer the galaxy. So if you'd like to consider the not so hidden inner meanings of this classic, tune in and we'll have a 21st century look back at Dune.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021

On Thursday July 21st the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review two new books in the Hermetic field:
"The Emerald Tablet" by Martin Faulks from Faulks Books and " Liber
Spirituum" compiled and edited by Adam Forrest from Azoth Press. The
Emerald Tablet is only 84 pages, and follows upon Martin's first
publication "The Universal Master Key" (2013) (reviewed by the Hermetic
Hour on March 26th, 2015). Martin Faulks is an ardent Bardonian and the
Emerald Tablet is a commentary on that ancient document from a Bardonian
perspective. Martin brilliantly analyses each paragraph or aphorism of
the Tablet in relation to the Four Hermetic Elements in a process of
internal alchemy and the ascent and descent of the Holy Spirit on the
Middle Pillar. The second new publication is "Liber Spirituum"
from Azoth Press, (251 pages hardbound) which is a compilation of
articles on traditional magical evocation, invocation, and talisman
making edited and introduced by Golden Dawn authority Adam Forrest. This
is a beautifully bound limited edition, featuring inclusions by John
Michael Greer, Chic and Tabetha Cicero, Aaron Leitch, Bryan Garner,
Jeffery Kupperman, Scott Stenwick and Isadora Forrest's account of her
forty day Raphael-Tiphareth retreat meditation which for me was the most
inspiring and memorable aspect of the book. I was also impressed with
John Michael Greer's article which reveals his own Lodge's interest in
the "Nassaene document" and "From Ritual to Romance" which we have been
writing and lecturing about for years. All considered Liber Spirituum is
a very impressive and useful work, so if you want to learn what's new in
the Hermetic universe, tune in and we'll have a look.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021

On Thursday July 7th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Ayn Rand's magnum opus Atlas Shrugged (1957) from a Hermetic Perspective. This book has been read by almost as many people as the Bible. It is particularly important today because it predicted the deterioration of American industry and infrastructure under socialist governmental regulation. Rand's principal characters are heroic industrialists struggling to keep their enterprises going under worsening conditions. Until a Genius inventor named John Galt convinces them all to quit and let the looters and the parasites of socialism try run the country without them. Hence the title: Atlas, he who holds up the world, Shrugged.. Whether you love it or hate it the novel is powerfully written and the characters are dynamic. They resonate with frustrated achievers in today's America. Atlas Shrugged is Hermetic in the same way that Freemasonry is Hermetic. It is an elitism of the creative mind. The builders, the doers, the engineers, and the artists. We will examine this principle in Hermetic philosophy and even compare Atlas Shrugged to Aleister Crowley's Diary of a Drug Fiend (1922). We will examine Ayn Rand's background in relation to the message of the novel – so if you find the world weighing down on you – and who doesn't these days, tune in and we'll try to shrug it off.

The Ars Notoria

Thursday Jul 08, 2021

Thursday Jul 08, 2021

On Thursday July 8th, 2021, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and Very Honored Frater Suon will present a discussion on the Ars Notoria, a medieval Solomonic grimoire of prayers and meditations designed to assist in learning the Hermetic arts such as astrology, alchemy, philosophy and even theology. Although attributed to Solomon it is heavily Christian but filled with Hermetic and magickal lore. It was often included in the Lemegeton compendiums of Solomonic grimoires; along with the Goetia and the Almadel. It originated in the 13th century but we are most familiar with the Robert Turner 1656 translation available from Trident Books (1997) but we will also discuss Stephen Skinner & Daniel Clark’s (2019) compendium of earlier versions. So tune in and learn how the old wizards remembered their spells.

Thursday Jul 01, 2021

On Thursday June 23rd, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and
guest Jo Carson will present a preview- review of her forthcoming book:
"The Green Pulse Oracle - A Tool for Eco-Psychic Insight." Lady Jo
Carson is the President of Feraferia, America's First Goddess-centered,
Ecology-oriented Neo-Pagan religion founded in 1967 by Artist and
philosopher Frederick Adams (1928-2008). Jo Carson is the leader of
Feraferia and dedicated to preserving
and continuing the work of Fred Adams and his consort Lady Svetlana
Butyrin. As a film maker Jo has produced and directed "Dancing with
Gaia" (2009) a documentary DVD on ancient and modern Paganism centered
on Fred Adams and Feraferian activities. She is the author of "Celebrate
Wilderness" (2014) a portfolio book of Feraferian art, text and photos.
She is presently readying "The Green Pulse Oracle" for publication. This
is a system of divination similar to Geomancy and I-Ching. It is based
on Fred Adams' further development of Robert Graves' Tree Alphabet from
his modern classic "The White Goddess." Adams delineated and extended
Graves' twenty Celtic Ogham glyphs into a twenty-four letter system that
he mounted on a series of Hermetic Enneasphere mandalas coordinating
them with the Trees, the Tarot Trumps, astrological and planetary signs,
and myth themes. Jo Carson reconstructed the system from Fred's
rudimentary publications, notes and graphics. We have experimented with
the Oracle and found it to be remarkably accurate and inspiring. So join
us as we explore the divinatory magick of an American master as revealed
by his worthy successor.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021

On Thursday June 16th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of the 2010 book Babylon's Banksters, the Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion, by Joseph Farrell. Although this book is somewhat dated in light of current events, it is important in that it presents the background of world-wide financial manipulation from a Hermetic and Magical perspective. Farrell quotes authoritative sources to establish a relation between business cycles planetary alignments and Solar activities, lending credit to astrology, ancient aliens and even the Pythagorean music of the spheres. The book raises more questions than it answers but it is fascinating and filled with provocative information,such as the investment formula developed by a Chinese communist Triad Tong family that brought on the 2008 Great Recession (shades of Fu Manchu!) So if you want to know how evil magicians manipulate the stock market tune in and we'll give you an overview.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021

On June 9th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the secret meaning behind Abraham Merritt's classic Fantasy novel “The Moon Pool.” (1919). This Lost Race fantasy adventure story, similar to Rider Haggard's “She”was very influential on other fantasy writers, movie makers and comic book writers and artists. It was one of the major sources of the 1940s “Shaver Mystery”. Moon Pool is based on the idea that the Moon was pulled out of the Earth half a billion years ago when our young world was in a molten state, leaving a huge cavity in the area of the Central Pacific, which sealed itself over and eventually became a vast air filled cavern under the ocean. A subterranean world with its own flora, fauna and people. Its only connection to the surface world is the ancient ruined stone city of Nan Madol on Pohnpei island in the Central Pacific Ocean. In these haunted ruins is a mysterious doorway that only opens when the Moon is full, revealing The Moon Pool from which rises a fantastic alien being that resembles an animated and illuminated kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is called “The Dweller” or “The Shining One” – a beautiful, alluring vampiric creature that stalks human prey, harvesting and feeding on their souls. The Dweller or Shining One is worshiped as a god by a faction of the Murians, who are as evil as their deity and are plotting to conquer the surface world. Into this setting come a group of adventurers from our world – so we can have a hero and a heroine to save both worlds ( love conquers all) -- and someone to tell the story. That, as the Irish say, is the gist of it. But there is a lot more behind the scenes in Moon Pool than just a good story. So If you want to learn the horrible secret of the Shining One then tune in and listen as we open the door to The Moon Pool.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021

On Thursday May 19th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
air a discussion on the noted British 19th century occultist,
spiritualist and magician Frederick Hockley ( 1809 - 1885 ) mentor of
Francis "the Magus" Barrett and Kenneth "the Cypher manuscript
Mackenzie". Hockley was an ardent Freemason and Rosicrucian with genuine
Rosicrucian connections and documents. He was a collector and a
transcriber of occult manuscripts and several of his once rare treasures
are being reissued today. We will read Hockley's account of "Raising the
Devil" (a homunculus in a bottle) from "The Rosicrucian Seer" by John
Hamill, and then discuss our own attempt to replicate this operation. We
will discuss Hockley's influence on the Golden Dawn and the occult
revival. So if you'd like to "Raise the Devil" with old Fred Hockley
tune in and we'll get it on.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

On Thursday June 3rd, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a reading off the newly drafted Corpus Christi ceremony which will represent the Rosicrucian climax of the ancient pagan seasonal ceremony round. It will be performed following the Spring Sacred Marriage Nuptiae rite. In keeping with the Sacred Marriage being the supreme sacrament and passion of early Gnostic Christianity. The ritual will follow the ancient Naassene document honoring Jesus as the last of the pagan dying Gods coming down to rescue and marry Mary Magdalene so that they may rule together as King and Queen of Israel. So if you want experience the Second Coming, Valentinian style, tune in and receive the Gnosis.

Thursday May 27, 2021

On May 27th, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will have as honored guest Lady Jo Carson Avatrix of Feraferia who will discuss her restoration and fulfillment of Master Fred Adams cosmos encompassing mandala, the Enneasphere which incorporates Qabalistic astrological and Tarot correspondences in one great design. This masterpiece can be seen on Feraferia's website: < > under "latest additions" and on < > on the blogs as "Fun with Enneaspheres" if possible look at the graphics on these websites while listening to the show. And also check out Lady Jo's film DANCING WITH GAIA. We just released it on Amazon. So tune in and get introduced to the Celestial Key to the Hermetic mysteries.

Thursday May 20, 2021

On Thursday April 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the concluding chapterof the first volume of my Inner Plane
fantasy novel Adamson's Quest, The Library of the Ages -- in which the
Hero Enoch Adamson in his role as the Fool of the Tarot finally reaches
his goal the Library of the Ages, which represents the Sphere of Hod at
the upward terminis of the 31st Path on the Tree of Life. Here Adamson
will meet his mentor and sponsor Hermes Trismegistus and receive the
answers to his questions from a council of sages including Jesus and
Mary Magdalene and even Nicolo Machievelli at a dinner party which is
modeled on Steve Allen's "Meeting of the Minds" format. This novel was
begun in 1973 when we first began to develop our Qabalistic Path Working
program. So if you want to sit in on an Inner Plane esoteric council
meeting join us and be enlightened.

Thursday May 13, 2021

On Thursday April 21st, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss his Magical Inner Plane novel Adamson's Quest and offer a dramatic reading of Chapter Eleven. This fictional journey up the paths of the Tree of Life was begun back in 1979 in the old pamphlet style Seventh Ray and has been continued in the new journal version of T7R since 1999. The final installment Chapter Twelve is in the works and should be ready by next week. We did a show on Adamson four years ago that is still available in the archives for those who wish more background on the story. Adamson's experiences reflect the anxieties of the times (late 1970s) he tries to overcome psychosomatic illnesses, psychological neurosis, Freudian complexes, Jungian archetypes and Qabalistic paradoxes, while dressed as the Fool in the Tarot, more recently he deals with contemporary problems: reptilian illuminati, pollution, invasion of privacy, social engineering, virtual reality and military-industrial corruption. So, if you want to join the 2084 Army's virtual reality nano-tank corps and battle giant mole-crickets (Mike Charlies) in the non-white house lawn then tune in and let's roll!

The Qabalah of Wizardry

Thursday May 06, 2021

Thursday May 06, 2021

On Thursday May 6th, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a revised chapter from the new edition of The Book of Solomon’s Magick, Chapter Five, the Qabalah of Wizardry. This revision is necessary because our version of Qabalah has undergone some evolvement since this chapter was published twenty-six years ago. We have discovered the Celestial Tetragrammaton, restored the Eleven Sphere Tree of Life before the Fall. Evolved the sacred marriage from Baal and Astarte to Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the Rosicrucian degrees and created new kameas for the outer planets. I suggest you have your Tree of Life diagrams handy as you listen so that you can follow along the paths.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021

On Thursday March 31st, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of John Michael Greer's new translation from the Latin version of "De Imaginibus of Thabit Ibn Qurra" titled "Astral High Magic". This book replaces an earlier publication translated by Christopher Warnock in the Renaissance Astrology list. De Imaginibus is the technical side of Sabian elective astrology. How to make talismans. Thabit Ibn Qurra was the most famous of the Harranian astrological magicians. We will also discuss the Sabian planetary magick and hermetic affiliations. The surviving Mandanean cult claims to be preserving their traditions along with works attributed to John the Baptist. We were first on the scene with Sabian lore in our 1999 Book One, of the Seventh Ray (the Blue Ray) with our translation, from the German version of the Arabic original, of the Sabian planetary rituals from Picatrix. So if you want to know how to keep scorpions out of your house, among other things, tune in and we'll see how the Magi do it.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021

On Thursday March 10th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and Guests Lady Jo Carson of Feraferia and Lady Ann Finnin of the Roebuck, will have a discussion on "Fairy Magick". We will recall the classics in this field such as "The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries," Evans-Wentz,(1911) "The Faerie Queen" by Edmund Spencer (1590) and more recently Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Sussana Clarke (2004) Lady Jo will mention other recent books in the field, including one she is working on involving Fred Adams extrapolations from Robert Graves' Celtic "Tree Alphabet" from "The White Goddess" (1946) which should be a veritable Qabalah of fairyland. Lady Ann will mention the Roebuck's connections to Celtic fairy lore. I will delve into "The Book of Oberon" (2015) a translation of an Elizabethan 16th century magical compendium mixing Solomonic and fairy lore in a compendium similar to the Lemegeton - and including Lemegeton material. So let's all spend an hour under the hill with the changelings and the little people -- and remember what the old cunning man said: "Aye! You can see them if they want you to." He also asked: "What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?"

Thursday Apr 15, 2021

We have had a photocopy of a 300 year old magical manuscript in our archives for fifty years and have used it or research, study, rituals, and publications but until we began a serious study of Valentinian Gnosticism we had no idea what secrets were hidden in this Elizabethan era manuscript that we had been using for years. The structure of the Celestial and Terrestrial versions of the Tetragrammaton was set forth in the First Conjuration of the Goetia. Elizabethan magicians were NeoPlatonists and Hermetics. They were partial to Christian Gnosticism and venerated the most high God, honoring Jehovah as the God of the Earth Sphere. I now wonder if Soane 2731 influanced us to realize the two Tetragrammatons years before we discovered them in the text of the First Conjuration.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021

On Thursday February 25th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a reading and commentary on a chapter, by Fraters Thabion
and Solomon, from the forthcoming book Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle
Pillar, Vol. 2, titled Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail. This
will trace the story from Bethlehem to Camelot with some remarkable
surprises, such as Jesus was the grandson of King Herod the Great,
Jehovah was not his Father in Heaven, that he believed in equality for
women, and tolerance for the Gentiles. That he married a Phoenician
princess and sought to unite all Israel under the original Most High God
EL That his cousin Herod Antipas bribed Pontius Pilate to have him
executed, and that Mary Magdalene barely managed to escape with their
son to Southern France where they founded the Cult and the lineage of
the Sangreal -- Its all documented with the latest discoveries from
ancient archives, so tune in and we'll go beyond The D'Vinci Code.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021

The Hermetic Hour for Thursday April 1st, 2021 with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the forthcoming Bishop’s Consecration ceremony and investiture we will be performing this weekend upon one of our senior Rosicrucian adepts. It will be modeled after the Roman ceremony altered to conform with Hermetic and Gnostic Christian (Valentinian) dogmas and symbolism. It will be divided into the traditional three parts: The Examination, The Consecration, and The Investiture. In our case The Communion of the Elements will replace the Mass as the ceremony of Consecration. Honey replacing wine. In The Investiture, Hermes will replace Moses, Melchizedek replaces Aaron and through Christ our Lord is extended to: “Through Christ our Lord and Mary Magdalene our Lady.” Although our broadcast is on April fools day the actual Ceremony will take place on the 3rd – but if the broadcast date casts aspersions on the merit of the occasion we might ponder why the Fool is at the top of the Tree?

Thursday Mar 25, 2021

On Thursday February 4th, 2016 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the fascinating military and occult career
of Lt.Colonel Sir Francis Edward Younghusband (1863-1942) the conqueror
of Tibet (1904) and the author of several books on travel, adventure and
mystical philosophy. Colonel Younghusband was an officer in British
Special forces in India during a cold war between the British and the
Russians for control of the Central Asian highlands north of India in
the latter days of the 19th century. Their covert conflict was called
"The Great Game" and was the stage for high adventure. Rudyard Kipling
novelized "The Great Game" in Kim. In 1904 Lord Curson the Viceroy of
India sent Colonel Younghusband up into Tibet with an invading British
army to flush out the Russians whom Curson was convinced had infiltrated
the mysterious country. After slaughtering the primitive Tibetan army,
Younghusband took Lhasa but could not find a single Cossack, or even a
Russian rifle, However he did stay long enough to have a mystical
experience that transformed him from a ruthless conqueror into a
peaceful mystical philosopher. He retired to England to write books
about his adventures and his visions, which included life on other
planets, a philosophy of free love, a spiritual drama society and an
expedition to climb Mt. Everest. -- If you want to spend an hour with
the Colonel, tune in and we'll hit the trail going up.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021

In the Elizabethan period the Italian Renaissance came to England. Even though the English had broken with the Roman Church they were still following the Italians in astrology, philosophy, alchemy and Magick. During the reign of The Virgin Queen the British would exceed the Italians in that one aspect of the Hermetic Arts – Magick. The Angelic Revelation of Dr. John Dee is certainly the high water mark of Renaissance Theurgy. But we magicians sometimes forget that the English Elizabethan period was a Magical Age. It was the Time of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Spencer’s “The Faerie Queene.” Magick was in the air. So let us look back on this golden age and recall some of its magical treasures.

Thursday Mar 11, 2021

On Thursday January 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Biblical personages Simon Magus and John the Baptist. We will discuss their association, their influence on the Gnostic movement and the rise of Christianity. We will have Frater Solomon as a guest commentator. Sources will be the works of Tobias Churton "Gnostic Mysteries of Sex" and "Mysteries of John the Baptist" also G.R.S. Mead's "Simon Magus" and "The Book of Enoch" which influenced Gnostic cosmology and the Mandanean books attributed to John the Baptizer. So if you want to be demystified about the Gnosis, tune in and we'll part the veil.

Thursday Mar 04, 2021

On Thursday March 4th, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on recent reports of an alleged underground war being waged by American special forces soldiers against a coalition of traitors and demonic aliens in a subterranean network of DUMBs (deep underground military bases ) connected to a tunnel network excavated and still inhabited by ancient Satanic humanoids usually described as “demons.” This vast underground network is said to extend worldwide. It was first revealed to the public in 1886 by French writer Alexandre St. Yves d, Alvedre, who claimed it was a subterranean kingdom under Tibet with tunnels that reached everywhere in the world. It was forgotten until 1922 when Ferdinand Ossendowski exposed it again in his best-seller “Beasts, Men and Gods.” Although he may have gotten the story from the Mad Baron of Mongolia who probably got it from St. Yves book, or perhaps from the drunken High-Lama of Mongolia who probably got it from the Mad Baron. In any case a Science-fiction writer (who was also mad) Richard S. Shaver re-ran it as series of truth-based fictional adventures in Amazing Stories right after the end of W.W. II. Shaver gathered a fan base of true-believers, including this reporter at age 16. This evil underworld was peopled by satanic mutants armed with ancient ray machines which could be used for mind-control, sadistic torture or seduction. It made great pulp fiction. Even after I outgrew Shaver, I couldn’t resist making a movie based on his Mystery. In 2007 we released BEYOND LEMURIA which includes all of the elements the present Underground War Reports are featuring: Government and military involvement, Satanic depravity, child-trafficking, and UFO super-science. Tonight we will focus on these current reports and the actual evidence of these underground facilities. So if you want to know what’s really down there stay tuned and we’ll go down the rabbit hole.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021

On Thursday January 14th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a commentary on and a reading of the Rubaiyat a Sufi poem
from medieval Persia by the mystic and astronomer Omar Khayyam
translated by Edward Fitzgerald and published in 1859. The Rubaiyat is
quintessentially romantic in style and content. It is said to reflect
the ancient cyrenaic hedonistic philosophy of Aristippus and extols a
libertine lifestyle in preference to piety. When I was a teenager I
needed to break away from Christian fundamentalism so I adopted the
Rubaiyat as my alternative to the Bible. I memorized the entire poem so
that I could quote seductive passages to Baptist virgins while drinking
beer on the beach at sunset. Ah! Those were the days! Or as Omar would
put it: "Alas that Spring should vanish with the rose, and youth's sweet
scented manuscript should close, the nightingale that in the branches
sang, ah whence and wither flown again who knows?" And so, if you yearn
to know "What Omar's moving finger writ, " then tune in and we will
inoculate you against excessive piety.

Thursday Feb 18, 2021

On Thursday December 10th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Valentinian Gnostic origins of the Dee-and-Kelley Enochian 30 Aethyr system. This ancient configuration indicates that John Dee had more to do with the actual construction than previously imagined. Apparently the Aethyrs did not spring full-armed from the brow of Kelley, like Athena from the brow of Zeus. Dee was the scholar and must have discovered the Valentinian model in research, thus directing Kelley's scrying. This has prompted us to add Valentinian angelic invications to the Aethyrs, similar to the way the Shemehamphorash angels are used in Goetia. It acts as a spiritual safety on what is otherwise an entirely elemental process and makes Enochian visions more spiritually and psychologically digestible. So if you want to experience sanctified Enochian, tune in and we will fire up the Tablets.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021

On Thursday November 19th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the final discussion on the Tree of Life -- Kether and the
Supernals. In our series on the Tree we have worked from the bottom up,
and now we will have to shift into reverse and start down from above. We
will outline the theory of four dimensions on the tree and how each
dimension contains its own Tree. Kether of Malkuth being the heaven with
God on his throne (if that's what you want) We will also deal with the
two higher dimensions Atziluth and Briah and the Chokmah-Binah yin-yang
effect, Our main text will be Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah which is
the main source for both Gareth Knight and John Michael Greer's works on
the the subject. There will be some surprises in store, so tune in and
we will take heaven by storm.

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

On Thursday February 4th, 2021 - the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 9th century Arab treatise on Stellar Rays by the Baghdad sage Abu Yusuf Al-Kindi. This work had a considerable influence on Medieval astrology and magick. Its influence continues to this day in the New Age astrology of Alice Bailey and in the revival of Picatrix an astrological magick grimoire from the 9th century that al-Kindi's work influenced. So if you want to find out where the mysterious Seven Rays came from, tune in and we will return to Baghdad in the days of the Arabian Nights.

Thursday Jan 28, 2021

On Thursday November 12th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon,
will present a discussion on our Astral Time travel method and its use
in connection with Hermetic Yoga. We will explain our method of
celestial consciousness projection in relation to stellar distances
(light years) and our use of the Tesseract as a sighting and measuring
device. We will also discuss the remarkable video The Star of Bethlehem
which reveals, using the Starry Night program a conjunction of Jupiter,
Venus and Regulus when the nativity was said to have taken place. We
will mention our Soma Sophia magical celestial tablature in relation to
these phenomenon and cite the philosophy and the writings of Hermes to
back up our methods. So if you want to learn about magical time and
space travel tune in and we'll open the Star Gate.

Thursday Jan 21, 2021

On Thursday January 21st, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, Frater Thabion, will present a discussion on The Outer Planets in astrology and magick, joined by astrologer and occult author Ann Finnin, V.H. Soror Urania.  As most of us known astrology, Hermetic Magick and Alchemy arose and flourishied in the years before the modern trans Saturnian planets were discovered. In ancient times it was believed that Saturn was the outer limit of the Solar System and Astrology and its dependent sciences: magick and alchemy factored celestial influences based on what could be observed with the naked eye. According to Hermetic philosophy the Macrocosm of the heavens was reflected in the human Microcosm. We all behaved prospered or failed on the whim of the planets within and the surrounding signs of the zodiac. In magick we all had seven planets in our horoscopes to contend with and we created talismans and rituals to deal with them. In the middle ages and the Renaissance this astrological magick grew into an elaborate system. Which has continued into modern times but since 1791 when Herschel discovered Uranus beyond Saturn followed by the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1030,the Hermetic Microcosm had to be extended. Astrologers managed to factor in the newly discovered heavenly bodies but magicians and alchemists were slow to adapt. These slow moving long term bodies have profound effects on individuals and societies. We will discuss the creation of talismans (kameas) and mythological  applications to the outer planets. So if you would like to know what lies beyond the abyss, tune in and we'll take you to the Outer Limits.

Thursday Jan 14, 2021

On Thursday November 5th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the mysterious hypothetical Sephira of
Da'ath. The eleventh sphere of the Tree of Life which was an actual
sphere in the so-called Tree before the Fall. This sphere is on the
brink of the Abyss between the dimension of Briah and Yetzirah and was
originally attributed to Saturn which is the most distant planet visible
to the naked eye in ancient times, thus theorized as the beginning of
the physical universe. Da'ath means knowledge and is related to the
descent of the Fallen Angels. This sphere is vitally important to magick
and to magical yoga. Our texts will be Dion Fortune, The Seventh Ray,
Book Three, The Red Ray, Hermetic Yoga, and The Book of Enoch, so for
Halloween let us journey to Mot's domain in the mountain of darkness at
the edge of the abyss.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021

On Thursday January 7th,2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review "The Lost Pillars of Enoch" by Tobias Churton (2021)This is an important book on one of the most important themes underlying the Western Esoteric Tradition: the legendary secret wisdom  of the antediluvian civilization from before the Biblical flood that inspired later astrologers, alchemists, magicians, Kabbalists, Freemasons and Rosicrucians from the first century to the present. Beginning with Enoch's two pillars as recalled in Josephus, Churton follows the Ancient Wisdom theme through through Hermetic, and alchemical writings and on into the beginnings of Masonry. He cites the remarkable account of Scottish explorer James Bruce who brought the first copies of the Book of Enoch out of Ethiopia and reveals that Issac Newton was an alchemist and a Freemason. He carries his theme of ancient wisdom on through Blavatsky to Crowley, giving us a philosophical history of the Western Esoteric Tradition. This book is highly recommended.

Thursday Dec 31, 2020

This Thursday December 31st, New Year's Eve the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present our annual review of all the new shows aired in 2020. So keep your notebooks handy to jot down the dates and titles you may have missed so you can find them in the archives. We will try to recall some of the highlights as we go through the list. Due to the virus we did our seasonal ceremonies live on the Hermetic Hour with our members as the cast. So if you want to relive the sacred year, tune in and celebrate with us.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020

On Thursday October 29th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion on the Fourth Sphere of the Qabalistic Tree of Life
Chesed or Gedulah the sphere attributed to Jupiter the King of the
planets, and the physical locus of the Third Eye. We consider Chesed the
home of Dagon, Capricorn, the amphibian god of ancient Canaan, who is
related to Poseidon the patron deity of ancient Atlantis which we also
place in the Jovian sphere. Once again our texts will be Dion Fortune,
Gareth Knight, Michael Greer, and our own Hermetic Yoga, Volume One. So
if you want to visit the sphere of prosperity (and we could all use some
of that) join us for an eye opener (Third eye that is).And those of you
here in Southern California don't forget our Halloween Party Saturday
night, with the infamous Mot Mass honoring the dead.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020

On Thursday October 15th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present another discussion in our on-going series on the Spheres or
Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Sphere number five Geburah, the Sphere of
Mars. We will cover different concepts and attributes of this sphere. It
is traditionally ruled by Samael, the Hebrew counterpart of Satan, but
the G.D. changed the angelic attribution to Kamael, connoting a less
evil character to Geburah --or making it a "necessary evil" if you
will. This is reflected in the planetary spirits. The intelligence of
Mars is protective whereas the spirit is aggressive. We place the
Canaanite War-Goddess Anath in Geburah. Again we will refer to our texts
Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight, John Greer and our Hermetic Yoga. So, if
you want to get tough with Hermetic Qabalah, tune in and find out how to
sharpen your magical sword.

Thursday Dec 10, 2020

On Thursday December 10th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report on Rivendell our Church and Order Headquarters in Silverado, California where we have our magical temple and outdoor Henge. Rivendell just survived its second near disaster in this century this last week. Thanks to the God and the Goddess, Archangels Raphael and Michael, Paralda and Zephyrus, the Sylphs and Salamanders and our local fire department, we at Rivendell and Rivendell itself survived without damage, while 17 other homes in our town were destroyed. So this week the Hermetic Hour will honor and appreciate its home and give a history of the place and its unique community. So if you want to find out about America's magical headquarters tune in and I'll be your tour guide.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020

On Thursday December 3rd, 2020 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will welcome V.H. Frater Suon, Michael Beeson the host wizard of Youtube and Bitchute's "Hacking Fate" in a discussion of the 13th Century master astrologer Guido Bonatti and his significant contributions to Renaissance Astrology which is the practical philosophy behind Hermetic magick. So, if you want to want to make Picatrix work for you, tune in and take notes.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020

On Thursday October 8th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Sphere of Tiphareth, the sixth sephrioth on the Tree of Life. Tiphareth is called the Sphere of Beauty and is the center of the Tree just as the Sun is the center of the Solar System. It is the hub from which all the paths radiate and the downward reflection of the light from Kether. Mythologically it is the sphere of the dying gods, Osiris, Ba'al and Jesus, and thus the point of mystic transformation and enlightenment. Raphael is the presiding archangel and an agent of healing. Again our texts will be Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight and John Michael Greer. So join us for for an hour of inspiration as well get to the heart of old Adam Kadmon. Exam question: "How many kabbalists does it take to screw in a light bulb?" Tune in for the answer.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020

On Thursday October 1st, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the third in our series of lectures on the Spheres of the Tree of Life, The Seventh Sphere, Netsach, the sphere of nature attributed to Venus and the home of the Goddess Astarte. Netsach has been called "The Sphere of the Mysteries" and the womb of the creative process. The Goddess Herself is the Seventh Sphere in that She contains all the spheres of the Tree within Herself and is thus the supreme Initiator. Once again we will refer to texts by Gareth Knight, Dion Fortune, John Michael Greer. and our own Hermetic Yoga, Volume One. Come join us for some deep meditations and reflections on the most intimate aspects of occultism.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020

On Thursday September 24th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon
will have as our special guest bestselling author Karim El Koussa, who
will discuss his factual-historical "Jesus the Phoenician" and his Dan
Brown style thriller "The Phoenician Code". Karim is in Los Angeles on
a lecture tour. He'll be speaking and book signing at Glendale Masonic
center on Sunday the 27th. We have reviewed Jesus the Phoenician on a
previous broadcast and Karim honored us by quoting our review on the
book jacket of the the hard back of "Jesus". Please join us for an hour
of surprises such as "there was no Nazareth" in Jesus' time. And
Bethlehem was really in Galilee. Most importantly Karim confirms what we
have been saying for years. Jesus was the son of El, not Jehovah. So tune
in and get the gospel Phoenician style.

The Seventh Ray Omnibus Issue

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

We are finally going to publish the Seventh Ray Omnibus issue which we have been heralding for 20 years, reprinting the old journals from 1972 through 1978.The Seventh Ray, Book IV Omnibus Issue, The Violet Ray is a time capsule. Buried to preserve a record of the formative years from 1970 to 1978 of America’s longest running Ceremonial Magick lodge, the Order of the Temple of Astarte. The Seventh Ray journal was ressurrected at the turn of the century in a new format running for three issues from Book I to Book III in 2011. Now we are unearthing the time capsule and bringing back the originals in facsimilie to be studied and enjoyed by a new generation of magicians. In the pages of the old Seventh Ray you will find articles by William G. Gray, Frederick Adams, Geoffrey James, Luis T. Culling. David G. Kennedy and Janine Renee, and the first publication of Jack Parson’s Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword. You’ll find A History of the O.T.A. along with The Return of the Grail in the Age of Aquarius and Trisecting an Angle with a pentagram and those ribtickling cartoons. So watch for it and prepare to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear -- When Simon King of the Witches chanted Magnetic-Electric! Magnetic-Electric!

Thursday Oct 29, 2020

On Thursday evening September 17th, 2015, The Hermetic Hour with host
Poke Runyon will present the third in our series of discussions on the
Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the eighth sephira Hod which
is called Splendor and the sphere of the intellect. Hod is considered
the sphere of Magick because it is the workshop in which astral preforms
are created and sent to Yesod for eventual manifestation in Malkuth. It
is presided over by the archangel Michael (some say Raphael) and
operated by the craftsman-alchemist gods of various traditions: Thoth,
Hephaestus, Vulcan, Tubal Cain and in our Canaanite pantheon Kusor. It
is also the sphere of the Elohim (the Gods) and the Beni Elohim (sons of
the Gods) so we might say it is strongly Pagan. We consider it Kusor's
library, laboratory and workshop. Once again we will cite Dion Fortune,
John Michael Greer, and Gareth Knight and our Hermetic Yoga book. So, if
you want to get something done magically we will visit the place where
creativity flourishes.

Thursday Oct 22, 2020

On Thursday August 25th, 2016 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on two modern classics that hold up mirrors to
modern society and recent history: George Orwell's 1984 (1949) and
Ortega de Gassett's Revolt of the Masses (1929). Both authors were
socialists and both were involved in the Spanish Civil War.
1984 is called a "dystopia"and describes British post World War II
socialism evolving into a nightmarish double-plus-ungood (Stalinistic)
tyranny where everyone is brainwashed into believing that: "War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength." In "Revolt of the Masses"
Ortega de Gassett disputes the liberal dictum that universal literacy
and education can ennoble and uplift "the common people" into a body
politic capable of rational and reasonable self government, Hence
democracy must be controlled by an intellectual elite (sound familiar).
Both these books are classics and more important today than when they
were written. We will try to put them in a Hermetic perspective for you
(sociology is the new black magick) so if you want to peek into the
future from way back when, tune in and we'll part the veil.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020

On Thursday September 10th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the second in our series of discussions on the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, Yesod, the Foundation, the treasury of Images, the ninth sphere. Yesod is considered the transition point from the Yetzirah to the Ashia dimensions, from the etheric to the astral. It is related to the Moon and is called the sphere of the emotions, of memories and dreams. It is the sexual center both physically and spiritually. It is essential to the art of magick. Again our texts will be John Michael Greer's Paths of Wisdom, Gareth Knight's A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism and Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah. So tune in and come along with us as we delve into the mysteries of Yesod and Levanah.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020

On Thursday September 3rd, 2015, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the first of a series of lectures on the Spheres of the Qabalistic Tree of Life and their relation to Hermetic Magick. The texts we will refer to are: Paths of Wisdom by John Michael Greer, The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune and A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism by Gareth Knight, and Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar, Volume One, by Frater Thabion. Malkuth is the sphere where the Holy Guardian Angel(s) are contacted (there are three of them) and where we find the treasure cave of The Dragon. So, if you want to start at bottom and then follow the Dragon upward tune in and we will begin the journey.

Thursday Oct 01, 2020

On Thursday August 27th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the theory that the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth, grandson of King Herod the Great was in fact not only the King of the Jews but through marriage to Mary Magdalene, a Phoenician princess and priestess of the Goddess, could claim to be King of all Israel. The new Melchizedek. Frater Thabion (Poke) will again be joined by
Biblical scholar Frater Solomon (Mike) in explaining this remarkable and exciting story. We will cite The Naassene document of Hippolytus, The Lost Gospel, by Jacobovici and Wilson, Robert Graves' King Jesus, and Joseph Raymond's Jesus the Herodian Messiah. This is the beginning of the Holy Grail mystery. Join us for an hour of amazing revelations.

Thursday Sep 24, 2020

On Thursday September 24th, the Hermetic Hour will present a live broadcast of the Festival of Seven Gates, Astarte’s descent into the Underworld to ressuerrect Prince Baal. This is our 46th annual performance of this ancient Autumn Equinox rite which was inspired by Ishtar’s descent and Princess Salome’s Dance of the Seven Veils. Tune in and celebrate with us. Astarte to the Dark Lord:
“Seven Veils I left behind me, on the Gates through which I passed,
Seven treasures given dearly, but I freely yield the last!
For my hidden veil is darkness, where the final secrets lie….
In thy pride thou hast forgotten: Even Death must surley Die!”

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020

On Thursday August 13th, 2015 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Samaritans, and their position in Biblical and historical Palestine in relation to Magick and Qabalah. Poke will be joined by our Biblical scholar Frater Solomon. We will mention a remarkable discovery we have made in reviewing the newly translated Samaritan Torah, that tends to support our revision of the
Tetragrammaton. We will also discuss the Samaritan Book of Joshua and Budge's comments indicating that the Samaritans developed gematria before the Judeans. Also that famous, or infamous Samaritan magician Simon Magus. Did he really fly? So if you want to find out what the "cursed Cutheans" have been up to tune in and we will climb Mount Gerizim.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020

On Thursday September 10th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present an essay on Creative Freedom and Hermetic Philosophy. We will discuss the nature of God in the Hermetic Corpus and the concept that all humans are gifted with "Speech" (literacy) but only those who answer the call have "The Mind." This is a form of spiritual elitism more exclusive than Christian Salvation but more reflective of Human nature. We will trace the history of Hermetic study and practice in the Western World, its influence on Freemasonry and Western culture. We will examine its distortions which have given rise to the evils of the illuminati and communism. So, tune in and discover how to empower your dreams.

Thursday Sep 03, 2020

On Thursday August 6th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a shocking new Conspiracy Theory based on archaeology,
ancient history, mythology and anthropologica and medical research. It
boils down to this log line: "Refugees from Atlantis conquered the
ancient world with bread and beer." We will be citing current books by
David Perlmutter and William Davis along with a review of what human
beings are designed to eat and what wolves are designed to eat. How
hunting and gathering humans were re-programmed or genetically modified
to eat grain as slaves of the Gods, and then they turned wolves into
dogs by a similar process. This is all highly controversial but there is
good science and anthropology behind it. So if you want to free yourself
of your slave collar (that's the spare tire around your waist), then
tune in and we will start the revolution!

Thursday Aug 27, 2020

On Thursday August 27th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a newly discovered lost chapter from the Book of Shamgar which describes how the Purple Dragon and the Prophet Bezek found the Stone Pillar of Jacob upon which was inscribed Father Abraham’s Book of Creation (the Sepher Yetzirah). After fighting off bandits and the spells of a witch they brought the sacred stone back to the Tabernacle to take its rightful place beside the Ark of the Covenant and ensure Shamgar his election as Judge for the Tribe of Judah. This controversial document suggests that the Jewish tradition of Abraham’s authorship of the Sepher Yetzirah is correct and it also implies that he was the originator of the alphabet. So if you like ancient mysteries tune in and we’ll open the 32 gates wisdom.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020

On Thursday July 30th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on health and diet in relation to Hermetic
Magick. We will discuss various aspects of health and diet including
supplements, vitamins, so-called super foods and various diet regimes,
therapies, exercises, colonics, "The five rites," energized water, and
vegan advantages and problems. We will also discuss the great grain
conspiracy and genetically altered food. So if you want to go on the
wizard's diet, tune in and find out how to lose twenty pounds of ugly

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

On Thursday July 23rd, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion on the Astrolabe as a magical device. Those of you who
have seen John Carter will recall the medallion of the Holy Therns that
enabled them, and Carter, to transmit themselves to other planets in the
solar system. It was a magical device that required a conjuration to make it
work. There is a very impressive scene inside a Thern temple with an
illuminated solar system on the transparent floor that shows the vectors and
the formulas. (if you can read Barsoomian.) Now this was created by an
earthling screenwriter, so do we, or did we, have anything like the Thern
Medallion in our magical tradition to inspire him? Yes, the Astrolabe -- a
marvelous hand held instrument from Classical times that could locate
celestial objects (stars) calculate their exact altitude and position.
Primarily used for navigation it was also used by astrologers and magicians.
Combined with the Soma Sophia (the completely gridded celestial sphere), it
also becomes a device to project consciousness (like the Thern Medallion) to
other worlds. With Soma Sophia derived formulas of course. This is all Sixth
Degree material but perhaps it will inspire some of you to keep climbing
Mithras' ladder, So, if you are curious to know how wizards explore the
heavens, tune in and we will plot a course and set sail. 

Thursday Aug 06, 2020

On Thursday August 6th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of William Leonard Pickard’s magisterial novelized biography “The Rose of Paracelsus”(2019). This 650 page masterwork is already considered literature by the academic community. Like Mallory’s “The Morte de Arthur” “The Rose” was entirely written in prison. It recounts Pickard’s academic, scientific, and extra-legal career from the early 1960s until his arrest and subsequent imprisonment in 2000. It is beautifully written, fast paced and well structured. It is subtitled “On Secrets and Sacraments” which aptly describes what it delivers. Pickard was not only a psychedelic alchemist, he was also an intelligence asset (say researcher) for the Ivy League think tanks and indirectly for government agents. So conspiracy theory and even UFO buffs will be pulling quotes from The Rose for the next decade. Pickard connected with an international network of psychedelic alchemists and visited each in a world tour that reads like a James Bond adventure. Returning to the U.S. he visited his mentor the venerable psychedelic sage, Sasha Shulgin, who warned him against a demonic cultist who inhabited an abandoned underground missile base used for an LSD laboratory and an orgiastic temple. But like a character in a Richard Shaver or Sax Rohmer story Leonard Pickard was lured into this hellish underworld where psychedelics were used to en-slave and abuse young women.And because this cult had better government connections than Pickard, he was set up to take the rap for their criminal activities. He was given two life sentences in Federal Prison. Fortunately he has just been released and we hope he will be listening to this broadcast. So. Turn on, Tune in, and learn what’s under the rose.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020

On Thursday July 16th,2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and Frater Solomon will discuss and briefly demonstrate a Pathworking to the late medieval artist Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights created and narrated by Frater Solomon. This was recently performed at Montsalvat for Inner Order members and, because of the complexity of the imagery it should be considered an advanced working. The presentation was enhanced by graphic backgrounds and sculptural figures on the altar, making it something of a "Perky Pat" layout. The spectral guide was a figure from Bosch's Revelation of St. John the Divine called "Tytinillus" a surrealistic version of a church choir proctor with an insect's tail. So, if you want to open your third eye and step into fantasy-land we will tell you how it's done.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020

On Thursday, July 9th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will have a discussion on "Cliodynamics" a new "science" of socioeconomic and political trend and event prediction. Contrary to popular belief this discipline was not spawned by Issac Asimov's Foundation Series (Hari Seldon's Plan) but is very reminiscent of it. One of the founders is Peter Truchin, a biologist at the University of Connecticut who has written a book called "War and Peace and War". In which he examines the rise and fall of empires on the cliodynamic scale. This book invites comparison to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" which was avidly read by Hitler and George Bush's Neo-Cons.  It was the Machiavelli of the 19th century. Cliodynamics uses Malthusian mathematical formulas to predict economic and political events. So if you want to know what the boys in the think tanks are reading, tune in and we'll invoke the muse of history (Clio).

Thursday Jul 16, 2020

On Thursday July 2nd, 2015, the Hermetic Hours host Poke Runyon will present an essay on The Curse of the Maskim, the planetary demons of ancient Babylon. This will be an important commentary on the continuing influence of these ancient negative or demonic aspects of the seven planets upon magical theory and ritual. The origin of the Maskim in the underworld of early Mesopotamian mythology will be explained, along with their revolt against the heavenly powers and its influence on later Biblical themes of Wars in Heaven and Fallen Angels. The Maskim inf lance on Solomonic magick will be examined and Stephen Skinner's new book "Techniques of Solomonic Magic" will be critiqued in relation to this ancient demonic influence. The concepts of Earth centered verses Cosmic oriented astrology will be compared and explained -- This program may raise more questions than it answers but it will certainly stimulate thought, so tune in and cheer for the Lords of Chaos or the Forces of Light.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020

On Thursday June 25th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
have as it's guest the leading authority on the African-American folk
tradition of Hoodoo magic, or "Root Work," Catherine Yronwode of the Lucky
Mojo Curio company. Catherine is the author of "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic"
and "Paper in My Shoe" along with several other related titles. She will
explain the differences between Hoodoo, Santeria and Vodoun, and describe
how this unique American folk-magic tradition arrived here with the slaves
in the old South and continued to evolve incorporating European (Solomonic)
and even Native American additions to become a living magical system now
practiced all over the United States. So, if you want to catch up on your
American magical cross-training (sneaky pete anthropology) this is a session
you need to hear. 

Thursday Jul 02, 2020

On Thursday July 2nd, 2020 - the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will reveal the lost Initiatory Scroll of the Soul Travel Boat written in the early days of the Order of the Temple of Astarte. This lost document was recently rediscovered while we were doing research for the second volume of Hermetic Yoga and we have decided to release it along with one of the advanced Pathworkings that uses The Soul Travel Boat. From Malkuth to Chesed via the 29th and 21st Paths. So if you want fly the skies of the Astral Plane with us tune in and climb aboard the Soul Travel Boat.

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