The Hermetic Hour

Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. ”Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!” ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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Thursday Aug 17, 2023

On Thursday August 17th, 2023 we will announce and launch Enoch Adamson's candidacy for President in 2024 on the Hermetic Party ticket. His platform will be the same as it was when he ran in 2020 because the issues are largely the same. Gun control, immigration, race relations, student loan debt, health care, credit card debt, foreign entanglements, U.F.O. disclosure etc., etc. But in reviewing our 2020 platform it was pointed out that Enoch had not addressed the Homeless problem and now we have the Ukraine problem. Both of which Enoch now address in Orwellian and historical analogy. We should be reminded the Enoch Adamson is Hermetic in his political philosophy. He believes that the American Eagle should have both a right wing and a left wing. If he only had one wing he would fly in circles and get nowhere. So tune in and let's help make humanity Great Again.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

On Thursday February 27th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion of the mysterious Ideomotor effect which motivates such divinatory devices as the Ouiji Board, the Pendulum and the Golden Dawn Ring and Disc. It is also related to dowsing rods and our Zero Lite. Although the effect is considered a scientific rationale for the phenomenon, it in itself is miraculous and may be more complex and supernatural than the de-bunkers imagine.So if you want to learn how to contact your deep mind, tune in and hang out with the pendulum swingers.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

On Thursday February 20th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on the Lightning Flash or Flaming Sword on the Tree of Life and its relation to the Blasted Tower of the Tarot on the 27th Path. This is a remarkable synchronicity between Tarot symbolism and Qabalah. In this case it marks the dividing point of the united soul in its descent down the the Paths of the Tree Before the Fall. When the House of God is struck by Lightning Eve falls toward Netsach and Adam falls toward Hod. From then on the human soul is divided. The Goddess rules the Sphere of Nature on the pillar of Mercy and the Fool rules the Sphere of Knowledge on the pillar of Severity. From there on down to Malkuth they remain divided, united only in dreams. So if you want to know why you can’t find your Soul-Mate, tune in and we will tell you where to look.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

On Thursday January 30th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the beginning of magical training which we sometimes call "Franz Bardon for Dummies". We will certainly concede our debt to Bardon, and to Crowley but we will point out our improvements in their programs and explain the psychological and physical factors involved in conjuration to visible appearance, creative visualization, trance states, scrying and channeling and other skills and techniques the magician needs to master. So if you really want to know how to DO IT, remember the wisdom of the Sphinx who said: "In order for you to learn our teachings, we must first teach you how to learn." He also said:"He who doubts his powers, only lends power to his doubts."

Thursday Jul 20, 2023

On January 16th, 2020 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the controversial themes and symbols of the Medieval Holy Grail legend. We will first establish that the entire concept of “Lucifer the Light bringer” is a hoax launched in the Old Testament to cover-up Jehovah’s palace coup (the War in Heaven) and the subsequent exile of Elyon and his Elohim (the Fallen Angels). Next we will examine the Medieval Cathars, their origins and beliefs. We will consider the survival of Valentinian Gnosticism in Southern France and the Troubador Courts of Love. We will describe the Grail and its Hermetic-Sabian Celestial origin as set forth in von Eschenbach’s Parzival – and we will reveal what the physical Holy Grail really was. So if you want to know what those nasty French knights were hiding in their castle, join us on the quest.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

On Thursday November 21st. 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review Tobias Churton's "Aleister Crowley in India." This is another in a series of books by Churton covering portions of Crowley's life and work, We have already reviewed his "The Beast in Berlin" and will certainly get to last year's "Aleister Crowley in America," but Crowley's India adventures should probably have been first in the series. I personally found this book to be fascinating. In its pages I rediscovered Crowley and relived the excitement of his early magical experiences along with big-game hunting and mountain climbing adventures. Churton had access to many records and archives not available to previous writers. We have a more Crowley-favorable version of the infamous Kangchenjunga tragedy than previously reported. The primary theme of this book is magical yoga or yoga for magick. We start with Crowley and Bennett in Ceylon studying Theravada Buddhism together and then on to Crowley's discovering and adapting the Gnostic tantric system of Sabhapaty Swami. So if you'd like to return to the thrilling days of yesteryear, then join us and sit down, shut-up and get-out with Aleister Crowley.

Thursday Jul 06, 2023

On Thursday, November 7th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the scientific technology behind modern ceremonial magick and reveal for the first time a device he developed in the early 1970s for training students to make use of the "Troxler Effect" (facial reflection-distortion in a dark mirror; the "Bloody Mary" effect) for Magical spirit evocation. This device called "The Zero Lite" was based on U.S. Army battlefield research and it is so sensitive to human will power that it can respond to non-verbal telepathic commands in group practice. We stopped using it in the late 1970s but in recent years we have encountered students who subconsciously override the Troxler effect in the mirror, even when they consciously want it work for them, and so we are going back to Zero Lite training for Second Degree candidates. And so, if your spirit doesn't want to show up for you, then listen in and we'll tell you how to solve the problem.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023

On Thursday October 17th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will announce and open Enoch Adamson's campaign for President of the United States. As the Hermetic Party candidate Adamson is uniquely qualified for the office, having mastered the thirtieth and thirty-first Paths of the Tree of Life and attended a meeting of the Grand Council in the Library of Hod. He will outline his program to solve all the major problems and issues the country is facing. He has the solution for gun-control, social justice, race relations, immigration, education, credit card debt, foreign relations, the space program, climate change and UFO disclosure. So if you want a candidate who can really get it done, don't vote Republican or Democrat. Vote Hermetic. "Let's make Humanity Great Again!"

Thursday Jun 22, 2023

On Thursday August 29th, 2919 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss the new translation (2006) of the 15th century German Book of Abramelin attributed to Abraham von Worms, translated by Steven Guth and edited by Georg Dehn from Ibis Press. This new translation directly from the original German manuscript supersedes MacGregor Mather's translation of the French version in 1893 Which has been a cornerstone of magical libraries since the beginning of the last century. The new Abramelin is excellently introduced by my esteemed colleague Maestro Lon Milo Duquette. The old French version was poorly translated (from the German) and incomplete. The original has all four books and completes all the magic squares. This German version was used by Franz Bardon to name his solar spirits. It should go on the shelf of every magical library. So if you want to square-up with the Angels tune in and we'll run the numbers.

Thursday Jun 15, 2023

On Thursday August 15th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the ancient "Sibylline Oracles" created, or re-created, in Greco-Roman Alexandria in the first centuries of the common era.These prophetic verses, attributed to the Sibyls, or prophetic priestesses of ancient Greece were actually a hoax, written by Jewish and Christian Gnostics in an attempt to recast the legendary lost prophetic books of ancient Rome to include the Bible and predict Christianity. They were so successful and popular that the early Christian Church approved of them. They were accepted into the Hermetic tradition, along with The Orphic Hymns and the Chaldean Oracles.They became an influence on western magick and Fairy lore. We will refer to Jake Stratton-Kent's summary of the Oracles in "Geosophia" (2010) and Milton Terry's translation 1899. So, if you want to catch up on this often forgotten aspect of western magical lore, tune in and we'll lift the veil. 

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

On Thursday July 18th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour will review and discuss "American Cosmic" by Diane Pasulka. Again our guest reviewer will be Frater Dumuzi. Diane Pasulka is a professor of religious studies and approaches the UFO phenomenon from her academic perspective. She is a colleague of Jacques Vallee and shares many of his views. She quotes Carl Jung and cites the experiences and work of numerous "experiencers" (her term for contactees). She compares the UFO sightings and encounters to religious and mystical encounters such as the Miracle of Fatima and UFO artifacts to the Shroud of Turin. She also suggests that popular media feeds and perpetuates the phenomenon. Her approach is very subjective and impressionistic and her narrative is rambling and not well focused, but this, in and of itself, reflects the history of the activity she is attempting to describe. So, if you think "The Truth is Out There" tune in and we'll look in Dr. Pasulka's X-Files.

Thursday Jun 01, 2023

On Thursday July 11th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and his colleague Frater Dumuzi will present a review and discussion of the recent Graham Hancock books Magicians of the Gods (2015) and America Before (2019). These works are the latest in a series of speculative efforts to support the long-standing theory that our present civilization (especially Western Civilization) was preceded by an advanced antediluvian culture that might have been Plato's Atlantis. The survivors of which, according to Hancock, created the monolithic architecture of the late neolithic and passed on their knowledge of mathematics and astronomy to the Sumerians, and Egyptians. Recent discoveries such as the 12,000 year old temple complex of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey lend these ideas credibility but they are still resisted by the Cultural Marxists who believe that civilization must evolve from the simple to the complex. Hence Hancock's books are controversial. So, put on your fedora, oil up your bull-whip and join us for an hour of adventure.

Thursday May 25, 2023

On Thursday May 25th, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss "The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field" (2023)by Masonic author Richard Kretz. Who will be our call-in guest. This remarkable book is as Magical as it is Alchemical and the author teaches us how to create the Philosophers Stone within ourselves using the Hermetic elements and the electric network of the human nervous system. He draws on ancient Greek Pythagorean math and geometry arriving at a full seven chakra Hermetic Yoga arrangement on the Qabalistic  Tree of Life that is nearly identical to one we use. His cross-cultural training is in Native American Shamanism and his accounts of his apprenticeship under a modern shaman form one of the most moving and enlightening parts of the book. So if you'd like to learn the secrets of Alchemy tune in and meet a master of the art.

Thursday May 18, 2023

On Thursday June 20th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report on the modern versions of the 6th and 7th degree initiations of the 18th century Crata Repoa. This system was originally intended to replicate an ancient Alexandrian mystery school initiatory program. Manley Hall called it "Egyptian Freemasonry." It was created by a committee of German Masonic scholars who accessed the Classical pagan works of Iamblichus, Porphyri, Plutarch and others to create an outline for a system of Seven Degrees, intended to convey the secrets of ancient Hermetic magick to initiates. But it was far from complete. It was an outline. It declared what was to be taught without providing the actual lessons. When we adopted it as an initiatory structure in 1970 we updated it with additional source material extending from Classical times through the Dark Ages, Medieval times, the Renaissance and the Rosicrucian era. We made the Crata Repoa the repository of the Western Esoteric Tradition, from King Solomon to the Holy Grail, to Christian Rosencreutz. We have discussed the degrees from Pastophoris through Alchemia on previous Podcasts so tonight we will put the cap on it (the four-corned red cap) with the final chivalric degrees the 6th Astronomus, (At the Gate of the Gods) and the 7th Propheta (one who knows the mysteries). So tune in and we'll tell you how the modern Crata Repoa culminates.

Thursday May 11, 2023

On Thursday May 23rd, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a reading of Kiefer and Oren, the Story of a Tree by Merrick Rees Hamer. Merrick is a leader in Masonry, The Golden Dawn and the Church of the Hermetic Sciences. As a Librarian he is also a professional story teller. This particular story is about a boy and a Tree. The story is a beautiful expression of the rapport we can have with nature if we personify it, and the depth of meaning we can find in the loss of natural beauty. If time permits we will present another short story by our host from The Seventh Ray 1975, Daughter of the Oak, about a boy and a girl and a Tree. In this tale the Tree comes to a similar fate but the boy learns the wrong lesson. So if you want to visit the forest with us, tune in and have a seat on the stump.

Thursday May 04, 2023

On Thursday May 9th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on interdimensional alien phenomenon inspired by the book “Hunt for the Skinwalker” by Colm Kelleher (2005). Our guest will be Very Honored Frater Heracles of Avalon Lodge in Texas who will recount his own close encounter with UFOs and share his thoughts on this and the Skinwalker anomaly. The book describes the long lasting ordeal of a cattle ranching family whose Utah ranch was literally haunted by these interdimensional beings and/or machines. They encountered huge wolves that were impervious to gunfire, horrible mutilations of their live stock and inexplicable physical phenomenon. A team of scientists began observations on the property and were able to confirm the family’s incredible accounts. This haunted ranch was called “A Pathway for the Skinwalkers” by the local native Americans. This book is similar to “The Mothman Prophecies” by John Keel (1975) So, if you want to peek behind the curtain, tune in and spend an hour with us in the Land of Oz.

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

On Thursday April 18th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will air a discussion on the future impact of Artificial Intelligence on human creativity and individual expression. Will it serve us or will it dominate us? We will start with a recent article in the L.A. Times April 16th: "That Computer can call my Agent" which deals with A.I.s writing screenplays. We will look back at Asimov's "Foundation." We will visit "Drell Master" (2001) and its World dominating computer "Jaskamoor" and finally the final chapter of "Adamson's Quest" for the Hermetic perspective. So if you wonder whether they will serve us, or we will serve them. Tune in and make up your mind (before they make it up for you!) 

Thursday Apr 20, 2023

On Thursday March 21st, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the various traditions of the Underworld from the mythologies, religions and folklore of cultures around the world with our guest Very Honored Frater Solomon. Michael Johnson (Frater Solomon) is a Bible scholar with a background in Social Science. Mike has compiled maps of the underworld which locate the Hells of the major religions. Your host (Frater Thabion) will join in with references to Kenneth Grant’s “Tunnels of Set”, Shaver’s dero caverns, the underground kingdom of Agartha and the Shamanic under and over worlds and the proto-psychological Kabbalistic metaphore of The Nepesh, the Nechamah, and the Ruach. So if you want to take the E-ticket ride through the Great Fun house below the horizon, tune in and we’ll go below.

Thursday Apr 13, 2023

On Thursday April 13th, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on our new bookstore at Poke Runyon dot com. Opened last year and finally running full blast following the release of our long anticipated 450 page expanded Second Edition of our 1996 Magical Classic "The Book of Solomon's Magick." This is a beautiful hardcover, illustrated volume that you will be proud to own. Each copy signed by the author. Like our other Church website, this one was designed and is managed by the creator and producer of this podcast, The Hermetic Hour, Very Honored Soror Zandria, Lawren Freebody Runyon, my wife and business manager. The theme is Magick and Adventure and the website offers most of our published and produced books and DVDs in both genres. At a lower price than elsewhere because you are dealing with us directly. Also we have reduced prices on some titles to encourage circulation. Be sure and visit Poke Runyon dot Com and check us out.

Thursday Apr 06, 2023

On Thursday March 7th, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and comment on the 1948 science fiction novel by Stuart J. Byrne “Prometheus ll” recently republished by Armchair Fiction. This remarkable work, like so many early science fiction efforts was set in a future time, in this case 1970, and predicted a Third World War between the United States, its traditional allies and post Soviet Russia. Of course Russia did not become post soviet until the 1990s, but the Russian leader in Byrne’s novel seems and acts a lot like Putin. In this story the Russians are allied with China and they have conquered all of Latin America. They are on the verge of swarming our southern border. But their leader Nicholas (not Valdamir) has literally made a deal with the devil (the deros of the subterranean world) which has escalated World War lll into another dimension and brought in the forces of Agartha, the subterranean good guys and finally the Elder Gods (the original ancient astronauts) who arrive from hyperspace just in time to save the human race. Of course we have a pair of young Army officers and their sexy Army nurse girl friend, who team up with the underground good guys and Space Gods to help save America and humanity. It would have made a great Saturday Morning serial but at least it got its debut in Amazing Stories, March 1948.

Thursday Mar 30, 2023

On Thursday March 30th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on his new updated and expanded "The Book of Solomon's Magick, Second Edition." Just released and now available from This is the ceremonial magick classic which has been a best-seller since its original publication in 1996. The book has Finally been brought up to date with new equipment designs, more training methods and more research on spirits, angels, Qabalah and Yoga. We will be joined by Very Honored Fraters Solomon and SithMeth, (Mike and Max) who contributed research on the Goetic spirits. This is a big, 450 page hard cover, gold stamped volume profusely illustrated with 24 color plates of temple equipment and spirt portraits. We have actual operational log entries and accounts of actual exorcisms. This is the one Magick book you really must have in your library or in your temple. Available only from, sixty-nine dollars in the United States postpaid. Signed by the author. We have only fifty left in stock so order today.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023

On Thursday February 28th, 2019, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss "The Eighth Tower" by the late UFO investigator
John A. Keel (1930-2009). He was most noted as author of "The Mothman
Prophecies" (1975) and film (2002). Keel was more interested in monster
sightings, like the mothman and big-foot than he was in UFOs but he
believed that the two phenomenon were related and emanated from the same
source. He was an ardent successor to Charles Fort "The Book of the
Dammed" (1919) which was a collection of fantastic anomalies such as UFO
sightings, monster sightings and other fantastic events such as rains of
frogs and ghost ship sightings. Mostly newspaper clippings collected
from the beginning of the industrial age to the First World War. Like
Charles Fort, Keel was a journalist who continued the collection from
the 1920s, through the UFO era. The Eighth Tower is a Fortean book but
with an agenda that Fort was very cryptic about. What do all these
strange things mean mean? Fort concluded that "We" humankind, "Are
property." Keel expands on that. After continuing Fort's bizarre
collection he brings in Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious, the world
soul, universal mind and the Seven Demonic Towers of the Yazidis and
postulates an Eight Tower that is a sort of empyrean Godforce over the
rest. This is not an easy book to get through but it will take you down
the rabbit hole, so join us for some Fortean adventuring.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023

On Thursday February 14th, 2019 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the first Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
before Van Daniken, Sitchen, and the rest there was Richard Shaver and
Ray Palmer and the Shaver Mystery. In recent years more and more of
their fantastic 1940s revelations about Ancient extra-terrestrial Aliens
and their high technology and their continued influence on, and
interference in, earthly affairs (mind control and child trafficking
and madness) has been confirmed and exploited by later whistle-blowers
such as Tom DeLonge, Corey Good, David Wilcock and others. It seems that
Shaver and Palmer wrote their History Channel documentary scripts but
are never credited as the source. Are these Ancient Aliens still with
us? "Our original Ancient Astronaut theorists say yes!" So tune in and
let's return to the thrilling days of yesteryear and revisit The Shaver

Thursday Mar 09, 2023

On Thursday March 9th, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the philosophy behind his 2001 science fiction novel Drell Master and its forthcoming sequel Drell Mistress. The novel is set on a planet called Thoon which has suffered a human generated apocalypse dividing it into three eco-zones: Sky Islands, a poisoned surface world, and an industrialized cavern world. Its human population is divided into groups which inhabit these levels. A Secret Society strives to reunite them. It programs an artificial intelligence in the form of the three planetary gods with a prime directive to serve the best interests of Humankind, but the prime directive would relegate humans into a hive society. And the hero Brand of Valadeen and heroine Lira of Jhalimar as Master and Mistress of the drells struggle to save humankind from the living death  of a drell hivedom. Like all good science fiction this is metaphoric. Put your thinking caps on and tune in.

Thursday Mar 02, 2023

On Thursday January 31st, 2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will air a discussion on the life and work of Victorian Age British
artist and writer William Morris (1834-1888) on the modern Hermetic
revival. Morris was a Renaissance man of many talents. An Oxford scholar
who idealized and romanticized the medieval period and yearned to
recreate Camelot in the modern era. He was appalled by the pollution,
social misery and esthetic mediocrity caused by the industrial
revolution and he believed that Karl Marx held the key to creating a
utopia (although Morris admitted that he could not understand Marx) But
we need to understand Morris in order to fathom the continuing
fascination our cultural elite have for Marx's continually failing
system. So, come with us back to the Gas-light era and we will see where
a lot of today's progressive ideas got started.

Thursday Feb 23, 2023

On Thursday January 17th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review and discuss "The Cygnus Mystery" (2006)  and "The Cygnus Key"
(2018) by Andrew Collins. These recent books are in the tradition of
"Hamlet's Mill" (1969), "The Sirius Mystery"(1976) and Gordon White's
"Star Ships" (2016) and they all fall into the category of popular
celestial archaeology. Most importantly for us in the Hermetic community
they all seek to validate our ancient Initiatic Code which holds that
we descend from the Heavens and to the Heavens we shall return via the
Milky Way as our "River of Souls." Like so many of his predecessors in this
Collins locates the ancient Shamanic origins of this in old Hyperborea
in North Central Asia. He presents a good case for Cygnus the Swan
bringing down the souls like the stork brings babies. He suggests that
the  Paleolithic genius-giant Denisovan hominids recently discovered in
Siberia were the originators of of our Celestial mythology and that they
carried it all the way down to ancient Egypt. I am not sure I agree with
all his ideas but for the most part he seems on the mark -- so if you
want to follow the Starry Path to immortality, tune in and we'll fly
with the swans.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

On Thursday December 20th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Hermetic origins of the Holy Grail as presented in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Medieval romance “Parzival. This is a follow-up on an earlier broadcast from three years ago in which we read Janinne Rene’s Article on Parzival from The Seventh Ray issue number 19, January 1977. In the introduction to her article I stated that: “Much of the symbolism and the allegory of Kellner’s original O.T.O. derived from Parzival.” This and other fascinating secrets embedded in Wolfram's medieval masterpiece will be the subjects of tonight’s broadcast. So, if you want to find the Grail we have the clues for you. Eschenbach’s Parzival is like Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia. It's one of those old books full of secrets and magick. And our job on the Hermetic Hour is to dig them out for you.

Thursday Feb 09, 2023

On Thursday December 6th, 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss “The Spiritual Meaning of the Sixties” (2018) by Tobias Churton. This is a 653 page door-stopper of a book subtitled: “the Magic, Myths & Music of the Decade that Changed the World,” And it certainly lives up to its subtitle. Even though Churton’s previous books have been in the mystical, occult genre, this one should break into the mainstream and be read by every thoughtful reader interested in the present spiritual, philosophical and political divisions in what we call Western Civilization. Using the Music, films, television, and popular fads of the period as his mirror of reflection he leads us through the decade. The cultural impact of the Beatles, and rock music, the sexual revolution, psychedelics, the Bomb, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights, and the rise of feminism are all dealt with in turn. And the inability of established religion to cope with the spiritual challenges of the time is considered. The author was a child in England and Australia during the period and gives us a remarkable picture of the era from a growing child’s perspective. My one criticism of the book stems from Churton’s memory picture. I was a teenager in 1950s America. I recall that repressive era which preceded the social liberation of the sixties. I think Churton should have added “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.” (1956) to his list of media catalysts. So if you want to look back at the days of Flower-Power and Strawberry Fields Forever, turn-on, tune-in and give a listen.

Thursday Feb 02, 2023

On Thursday February 2nd, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon 
will review and Discuss the controversial 2011 book Caesar's Messiah 
by Joseph Atwill. The subtitle of this work is: "The Roman Conspiracy 
to Invent Jesus and Atwell presents convincing evidence that the 
Flavian family of Roman patricians with the help of renegade Jewish 
historian Josephus, may have done exactly that.Atwill purposes that 
the Gospels were written by members of the Flavian family to make the 
Jesus story correspond with Titus's conquest of Judea and Jerusalem. 
He presents quotes from Josephus "War of Jews" to back this up. This 
will be a hard book for fundamental Christians but not for Gnostic 
Christians. Atwill holds off presenting his Imperial time-line until 
page 302, keeping the casual reader unaware that Christianity was 
flourishing and perishing in Rome long before the Gospels were 
written. So even though he may be correct about Roman influence on the 
Synoptic Gospels, he is wrong in assuming that Christianity began in 
Rome as a False-Flag operation. Perhaps the most shocking event 
described in the book is the alleged origin of the Christian 
Eucharist. Josephus recounts a wealthy Jewish mother killing and 
eating her infant son and offering part of him to her neighbors. 
Saying that he will be "A myth to the world." Of course Atwill is nice 
enough to suggest that Josephus wrote the dialogue but it still sent 
me to my copy of Josephus to make sure he wasn't exaggerating. He 
wasn't. So join us for an hour exploring gaslighting and false news 
in the first century.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023

On Thursday November 15th 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review "Son of Chicken Qabalah" and interview its distinguished
author Lon Milo DuQuette. This 2018 book is a sequel to Lon's popular
"Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford" (2001). Lamed Ben Clifford
is Lon's fictional creation. Lon thought all of us Hermetic Qabalists
needed our own Rabbi, who would not sneer at our Tarot cards and pagan
correspondences on the Tree of Life. Ben Clifford's Qabalah was for all
of us and it was presented in a humorous style that made the otherwise
dry subject come alive. It became one of the best introductions to the
subject at least from a Hermetic perspective. The fictional Ben Clifford
has passed away but he has left a legacy: a three degree Qabalistic
initiation system based on the Sepher Yetzirah's Cube of Space and the
Golden Dawn's Hermetic Hebrew alphabet correspondences. Starting with the
Three Mother Letters in the first degree (the original tetragrammaton)
the candidate next internalizes the Seven Double Letters attributed to
the planets, and finally, in the Third and last degree, he or she,
installs the Twelve Simple letters internalizing the entire Hermetic
Qabalistic universe. This is all accomplished with mudras, flashing
colorsm a pitch pipe and geometric mandalas. What we did with a  yoga
system in "Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar" (2015) Lon has done
in a Temple initiation format. This little book of his is a treasure and
will make Hermetic Magick come alive for everyone who conscientiously
studies it.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023

On Thursday January 19th,2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss the 2016 book "The Ba'al Theory of Christianity" by author Glenn Young. This book is subtitled: "Exploring the Impact of Human Sacrifice on Western Religion." This subtitle and Young's insistence on equating Carthaginian child sacrifices with Palestinian Phoenician ritual practices is our only real complaint about this otherwise well-researched  and strongly presented book. The author touches all the bases in explaining the differences between Yahwehism and the original worship of El and the Elohim. He describes Ezra's rewrite of the Bible and even mentions Joseph and Moses as the possible leaders of the Hyksos. Although he is wrong in assuming that Sidon and Tyre practiced child sacrifice in Classical times he may be correct in assuming that Carthaginian practices might have influenced the Druids and the Nordics and later the witchcraft persecutions. It is unfortunate that he fails to consider that even though the Carthaginians were originally Phoenician they, like the ancient Egyptians, were also African. This will be a very thought provoking and controversial subject.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023

On Thursday January 12th, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review "Letters on the Royal Art" by 19th century German author J. B. Kerning.
Kerning was a musician, a mystic and a Freemason. The book is composed of letters describing the spiritual absorption of the symbols, words and signs used in the three degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry in the form of an internal awareness which purifies and sanctifies the whole body. This is similar to a yoga chakra system and may have had an influence on the Golden Dawn's Middle Pillar ritual. The book and other works by Kerning may have influenced Bardon's "Key to the True Qabalah." Kerning was a singer and teaches a magical Masonic Alphabet in the manner of a musical voice teacher. He is perhaps the first modern Western mystic to emphasize internalization of spiritual ritual. His concepts enabled the development of "Bringing Down The Light" in  20th century magick.

Review of the New Shows in 2022

Thursday Jan 05, 2023

Thursday Jan 05, 2023

On Thursday January 5th, 2023 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will present a sequential Review of the original new shows presented in 2022. Regular listeners should keeo their notebooks and pencils ready to jot down the one's they missed so that they can search for them in the archives. We started off the year with"Aliester Crowley the Gourmet Chef" on January 13th. We did the first two chapters of "The Tomb of Prester John" on February 3rd and more Prester John on February 24th and March 10th. On February 27th we presented "The Fort Worth Masons interview your host Poke Runyon." On Thursday May 26th Poke and Max (Fraters Thabion and SithMeth) did a review of Lovecraft's "Charles Dexter Ward" the book and the films. Which Max turned into a video that you can watch on-line. In August we presented a reprise of our "Hermetic Yoga lecture" given at the Mount Shasta Hermetic Mysteries Conclave. This again was redone as a video which can be viewed on the Ordo Templi Astartes You Tube Channel. On August 17 we reviewed "Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. And we finished the year by Presenting our "Hermetic Yoga for the Golden Dawn" and a preview of our forthcoming "Second Edition of The Book of Solomon's Magick." So, if you want to catch up on the good stuff you may have missed tune in and we'll fill you in.

Thursday Dec 29, 2022

On Thursday October 25th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the late Medieval astrologer magician Cecco
d' Ascoli who was burned at the stake by the Inquisition in 1327 a.d.
for publishing books connecting astrology with magick, necromancy and
demonology. In several ways he presaged the sad career of Giordano Bruno
who went to the stake 273 years later in 1600 for a similar offense.
Cecco expounded his magick on a geocentric universe model, whereas Bruno
paganized (or demonized) a later Coperican universe. Cecco d' Ascoli may
be considered the father of Solomonic ceremonial mirror magick. One of
his most heretical revelations was a description of summoning (evoking)
the demon "Floron", in a mirror of polished steel. Floron had fallen
from the Order of Cherubim and served under the Goetic king Amaymon.
Such a mirror was described in Picatrix and later depictions of it
reveal that it was in fact a hand mirror. After Cecco's execution
magicians no longer wrote of magick mirrors but their use continued
until the present day. We will draw primarily from Lynn Thorndike's
"History of Magic and Experimental Science", Volume 2 (1923) with
current material from Christopher Warnock. So if you want to find out
where this dark mirror magick got started, tune in and we'll pull
another Italian magus out of the fire.

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

On Thursday October 11th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review the classic study on Renaissance Magick by Dame Frances Yates (1899 - 1981), "Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition." (1964) This is a book that should be the cornerstone of any Hermetic student's library. Although the Italian philosopher and magician Giordano Bruno (1548 - 1600) is the main figure on which Yates centers her work, the book is in fact a broad study of Renaissance Hermetic Magick evolving from its Italian origins in the late Middle Ages and on through to Bruno's exposition of its post Copernican version. Hermetic Humanists accepted Copernicus but the Church refused to abandon the geocentric universe. Bruno, a Dominican monk was burned at the stake. Many considered him a Scientific martyr, but Yates contends that his heresies were Hermetic as well as scientific. So if you would like to explore the life and beliefs of Giordano Bruno, join us for a Hermetic Renaissance Faire.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022

On Thursday September 27th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review the new Collector's edition of Kurt Seligmann's 1948 classic
"The Mirror of Magic: A History of Magic in the Western World" and discuss Seligmann's career
as a surrealist painter,  a scholar of the occult and a practicing
ceremonial magician. This handsome new edition, published by Inner
Traditions, is a faithful reproduction of the original. Poke Runyon
inherited a 1948 copy Seligmann's  book from his late Master Frederick
Adams (1928 - 2008) with Fred's annotations. It was Fred's first book on
Magic and he treasured it. In his Introduction Seligmann wrote: "As an
artist I was concerned with the aesthetic value of Magic and its
influence on man's creative imagination." Fred Adams was also a very
talented artist and was inspired by The Mirror of Magic, as we hope a
new generation of readers will be when they discover this beautiful new
edition of Kurt Seligmann's Masterpiece.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

On December 8th 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss the forthcoming Second Edition of "The Book of Solomon's Magick" which we first published in 1996 following the release of our video "The Magick of Solomon" in the same year. It is fair to say that the video and the book launched a revival of  Solomonic ceremonial Magick which is still going strong in the twenty-first century. We followed up with more books and films but continued to reprint the original book for twenty-six years without updating or revision. We continued to promise a new edition but it was too easy to just insert addenda in the original which continued to sell well even though it was outdated. Now we have finally gotten the new over three hundred page hardcover 2nd Edition of Solomon's Magick ready to go to print, up-dated with new equipment designs, authentic operational log entries, exorcism accounts, essays and original art. We expect it to be available by February of 2023. Watch for it.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

On Thursday August 30th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and explore the almost one thousand page introspective
philosophical and spiritual journal of the late California
science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick. (1928-1982) This remarkable
documentation of a classic mystical experience and its ramifications in
and beyond the author's literary works. The exegesis is also a chronicle
of a genius battling for sanity and a true religious philosophy as he
lives and works through what is obviously and admittedly mental illness.
Dick is best known for his darkly paranoid  science-fiction novels and
stories. The novel VALIS (vast active living intelligence system) is the
fictionalized version of his 1974 vision and much of the exegesis
ruminates on its impact and significance. As a Roman Catholic Dick's
vision is Biblical, especially Christian, but he analyzes it as Gnostic
and Neo-platonic (Hermetic) and defines Christ as essentially female. He
later defines himself as a neo-Marxist philosopher and gives us insights
into the spiritual aspects of the 1960s and 70s counter culture that
continue to perpetuate the social and political divide in our society
today. So, if you want to spend an hour in the mind of Philip K. Dick
join us and we will inquire within. As Above so Below, As Within so Without.

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

On Thursday August 2nd , 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the alleged Parallel world or
trans-dimensional ariel Queendom of the Sylphs known as "Magonia" that
was documented in medieval histories and has recently inspired a fantasy
novel of that title "Magonia" by Maria Headley (2015) and was the main
theme for UFO authority Jacques Vallee's "Passport to Magonia" (1969-93)
which delt with the Magonian "close encounters" from the 9th century
and other supernatural visitations recounted in European folklore as
early examples of alien sightings, close encounters, and abductions, on
through to the mysterious "airship" reports from the American West in
the 1890s, comparing them with modern reports and investigations. Vallee
contends, and as Hermetic devotees we certainly concur, that most of
these events are inter-dimensional rather than extra-terrestrial; that
there are parallel worlds co-existing with us as near to us as our
furniture. This is also the main theme of our film Beyond Lemuria
(2007-14) and, as I mentioned last week, is set forth in the old
Hermetic book "Comte d'Gablis" (1760) -- So if you'd like to spend an
hour in the absolute elsewhere, tune in and we'll take you down the
rabbit hole.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022

On Thursday July 26th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
discuss the Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (Beinecke MS. 408) a late
medieval herbal, alchemical and astrological book written in an unknown
language and illustrated with pictures of plants and astronomical
arrangements that are not of this world. Authorship was originally
attributed to Roger Bacon (1214 - 1292) but carbon-dating placed the MS.
in the early fifteenth century. John Dee and Edward Kelley have been
suggested because of their similar Enochian language creation, but there
is no proof of their involvement. The mysterious MS has fascinated both
scholars and amateur researchers alike with solutions announced every
year since 1943 when the U.S. Government code-breakers attempted to
decipher it. A new solution was announced just a week before this
broadcast and has already been discredited. The main reason most experts
fail seems obvious to a Hermetic scholar. The Voynich MS was not written
in cipher. It was written in a language and in an alphabet that has no
analog on earth or in this earthly dimension. The key to finding the
origin of the Voynich material might be found in another mysterious
manuscript published in 1670. We will read this revelation as our
contribution toward solving the mystery -- so put on your Indiana Jones
fedora and listen in.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022

On Thursday July 5th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will be joined by author Stephen Flowers, Ph.D. to review and discuss the new revised edition of "The Fraternitas Saturni" (2018). This being the fourth version of the original copyrighted in 1990, and including previously unpublished material making this rendition sensational in occult circles. Flowers traces the FS from its beginning, with Crowley and the O.T.O. inspiring Gregor Gregorius in 1925, through its activities in the Wiemar era, its suppression by the Nazis, its revival after WW II and its eventual split into three bodies after Gregorius died in 1964. We are introduced to the "Adonism" of Franz Sattler (Dr. Musallam) a neo-pagan Venus-Adonis cult (!) that included Wilhelm Quaintscher and Franz Bardon who carried it with them into the Frateritas Saturni. We revisit the infamous FOGC black lodge from Frabato, and the Weida Conference in which Crowley attempted to take over organized occultism in Germany. Most importantly Dr.Flowers presents a detailed analysis of the Gnostic and Luciferian philosophies and doctrines behind the Saturian Gnosis. He outlines their cumbersome 33 degree system and their training program; much of it very similar to Franz Bardon's work. Of course the FS is most noted for its sex magick and we have one of those rituals provided. Quite frankly, this book raises as many questions as it answers, but It is well documented with references to works in German that some of us are going to want translated. So, if you want the answers to questions you had, and more questions you may want to ask about the Fraternitas Saturni then tune in and take notes. .

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

On Thursday June 14th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on The Holy Grail and The Round Table in Magick. To begin this subject we will review the history of the Grail as presented in our poem: The Cult of The Sangreal which we published in our journal The Seventh Ray back in 1975 and which has since become the prologue to our First Degree (Pastophoris) initiation. We trace the Grail from its origin in ancient Phoenicia in the days of Melchizedek around 1500 B.C. It began with the ancient Canaanite God Baal’s yearly death at High Summer followed by his resurrection via the Chalice of heavenly nectar brought by his consort, the Goddess Astarte in the Fall. We trace this event through a series of mythical evolutions until the Grail becomes the cup of resurrection for the last of the dying gods, Jesus the Nazareen, raised by his consort Mary Magdalene.
This is the secret of the Grail Tradition which was carried on through the Arthurian Romances. It is a genealogical bloodline and a symbolic ritual implement. One of Four Grail Hallows presented in the Tarot and related to astrology. This symbolism is carried forth in the structure of Arthur’s (or more properly Merlin’s) Round Table. So if you would like to know what qualifies an aspirant to become a knight of the Round Table, tune in and we will start you on your quest. And Adonia is coming up at Rivendell this coming Saturday.

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

On Thursday October 27th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will replay our 2013 Halloween performance of Sherlock Holmes and the Necronomicon a Gilbert & Sullivan style comedy from the pages of a 2011 issue of the Seventh Ray. This is highlighted by the The song "There ain't no Necronomicon"which infuriates the guardians of the evil book: "the invisible cannibal faries". Of course Holmes and Watson prevail against the villain Sebastian Crotchley, Crotchly.And the Loc Ness Monster returns to the Deep. During a seance in the play a medium channels The Queen of Sheba played by Soror Urania who, will again channel Lady Baltis at Mot Mass, our Halloween ceremony this Saturday night here at Rivendell in Silverado. So if you catch up on some Halloween nostalgia tune in and let us be your trick-or-treat.

Thursday Oct 20, 2022

On Thursday May 24th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review and commentary on the Hypnerotomachia of Poliphili (1499-1999) translated by Joscelyn Godwin. This is one of the most important esoteric books ever published and five hundred years after its debut in Renaissance Italy in 1499, written in stylistic Italian, it finally became available in a readable English translation by Joscelyn Godwin. The Hypnerotomachia of Poliphili, subtitled "The Strife of Life in a Dream" is a romantic fantasy novel which establishes a template for many similar works to emerge in the five centuries following its initial publication: The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz (1616) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1785) The Wizard of Oz (1900) The Club Dumas (1996) filmed as "The Ninth Gate" (1999) and the novel "The Rule of Four" (2004). The real secrets hidden in the book are not cryptic codes but rather allegorical and thematic. Like the one tale in the Arabian Nights that reveals occult and Magical secrets, the Chapter describing the Isle of Venus near the end of the book carries the true meaning and reveals the esoteric secrets. So if you want to learn what is really hidden in this marvelous old book tune in and we will visit Poliphili's magical dream-world.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

On Thursday May 10th, 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review two recent books: "Original Magic" (2017)  by Stephen E. Flowers and "Real Magic" (2018) by Dean Radin. These books don't have much in common. Original Magic deals with the ancient Persian Magi, whereas Real Magic focuses on ESP and those who have special talents and powers. Both books are of interest to Hermetic students for different reasons, The ancient Persian Magi have been largely ignored in the present occult revival and yet their beliefs and practices have had a strong influence on modern Magick. Real Magic champions the natural psychic and clairvoyant and presents the usual arguments and data to validate paranormal experience and suggest that it can be induced by shamanic techniques. Radin also deals with controversial Futurist issues such as the universal mind. Both books are subject to some philosophical and technical criticisms but both are well worth reading.

Thursday Oct 06, 2022

On Thursday October 6th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will chair a discussion on the recent discovery of the ancient Pagan origins of many Spirits in the Solomonic Goetia of the Lemegeton. This new research for the forthcoming Second Edition of our very popular 1997 The Book of Solomon's Magick has been undertaken by two of our senior O.T.A. magicians: Very Honored Frater Solomon, Michael Johnson, and Very Honored Frater SithMeth, Maximilian Paul. Both of whom will be calling in to discuss their findings. It is universally acknowledged that the Goetic spirits Bael and Asteroth are demonizations of the Canaanite God Baal, and his consort the Goddess Astarte. But assignment of the other deities of the Canaanite pantheon has proved difficult. Mike and Max will lift the veil and help us recover the lost companions of the Thunder God and the Queen of Heaven.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022

On Thursday September 29th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss our new book (magazine actually) titled Hermetic Yoga for the Golden Dawn. Which we have just published and is now available on Amazon. This document is a spin-off from our Hermetic Yoga books which are familiar to most members and regular listeners. But for newbies lets review: The O.T.A. and the Church of the Hermetic Sciences have developed (we like to say recovered) a straight-line, seven sphere Tantric Yoga chakra system similar to the Hindhu version but layed out Western style with Saturn at the top and the Moon at the bottom in Solar system order. The last survival of this was the Golden Dawn's Middle Pillar exercise for drawing down the Light into the body. We started by bringing down The Flaming Sword from the Book of Revelation and activating Da'ath the phantom sphere in the Golden Dawn's secret Eleven Sphere Tree design. Using other secrets from the old Cypher Manuscript we created a unique full seven chakra system within the Golden Dawn universe, with ancient Egyptian Gods and Rosicrucian Angels. So stay with us and we'll walk you through it.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022

On Thursday April 19th, 2018, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review a book titled LeMulgeton, Goetia and the Stellar Tradition by Leo Holmes (2013) a Brazilian author who has examined the 72 Spirits of the Goetia in relation to the earliest Zodiacal and fixed-star arrangement that we have, the Mul.Apin of the Babylonians, hence his title “Le Mul ge ton.” Holmes has also included references to the Egyptians, the Magi, the Yazidis, the Tarot, Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant. He has a complete sequence of sigils for the Behemian stars. Which is a valuable asset to any magician’s handbook. He agrees with us that Bael and Ashtaroth are Ba’al and Astarte and advances his zodiacal circle from the Age of Taurus to the age of Aries, as we have in our Master Mandala and he has also declared that Zagan (number 61) is the Canaanite God Dagon, which we will certainly consider. This is a small quarto book in limited edition published by The Fall of Man Press. Our copy, provided by Frater Damuzi, is number 260 of 300, so if you Goetic magicians want the book you should order it soon. 

Thursday Sep 15, 2022

On Thursday March 22nd, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the second part of the Legenda of the O.T.A.'s Second Crata
Repoa Degree, Neocoris. The Legenda is essentially the same as the
degree script with a few secrets deleted. It is the story of the degree.
This was the first O.T.A. degree back in the early 1970s and was moved
up to second when we began to do all seven of the Crata Repoa system.
Last week we covered the reception, testing, and the ordeals, in Section
One. Tonight we move through the obligation and on to the knowledge
lectures in Section Two. Our instructions in Solomon's magick are
delivered in a biblical style like Mather's used in some of his G.D.
lectures. So if you want to experience a magical initiation, tune in and
we'll give you a word picture of the process.

Thursday Sep 08, 2022

On Thursday March 15th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the first of a two part presentation on the Legenda of the O.T.A.'s Second Degree, Neocoris in the Crata Repoa System. This initiation was originally inspired by the French version of Crata Repoa from Paul Christian's 1870 History and Practice of Magic, called the Mysteries of the Pyramids. It has been performed here in Southern California since 1970 and is a very dramatic and challenging experience. A rite of passage one never forgets. A Legenda is the story of an initiation. It reveals the deeper meaning of the ritual while keeping things such as passwords, symbols and formulas secret. The Legenda gives you the meaning, so if you'd like to know about one of the oldest magical initiatory rituals, tune in and we will share it with you.

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

On Thursday February 22nd, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a discussion on the life and career of the 18th century
magician and alchemical adept who called himself  Count Alessandro
Cagliostro. He was perhaps the most colorful and adventurous character
in our Hermetic tradition. Vilified as a rogue, a scoundrel, and a
charlatan by the academy and the Church in Europe he was loved by the
common people for his healing touch and alchemical medicines which he
administered freely to the poor, and dearly to the rich. He claimed to
be able to create gold to support his charity work and lavish life
style. He and his glamorous wife Lorenza founded an androgynous 
quasi-Masonic Egyptian rite which allegedly involved nudity and sex
magick. Cagliostro was featured as an anti-hero in a series of novels by
Alexander Dumas, and depicted on film by Orson Welles in the (1949 )
movie classic BLACK MAGIC. We will consult Sax Rhomer's ROMANCE of
SORCERY ( 1914 ) for a more accurate version of the Count's adventures
than Dumas' novels and the screenplay offer -- so if you'd like to meet
the real Count Cagliostro, tune in and we'll follow him on his journey
as he invented himself.

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

On February 8th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the Legenda of the first Degree of Crata Repoa Reformado. Which we call the Fellowship of the Grail. A Legenda is the scenario of a esoteric degree. It describes the degree delivering most of the essential knowledge and symbolism but leaves out certain "secrets" such as grips, secret words and procedures. Crata Repoa is the oldest system of Magical degrees and is based on first century Alexandrian Hermetic writings and rituals. We will briefly outline the original 18th century system and explain some of our modern additions and inclusions. So if you'd like to find out what really goes on in a Magical Initiation tune in and be illuminated.

Thursday Aug 18, 2022

On Thursday August 17 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review and discussion of Robert A. Heinlein's 1959 science fiction novel Starship Troopers and the 1997 film version. Poke will be joined by Max Paul (Frater SithMeth)in the discussion of this controversial cult classic. Set in a future interstellar time period where Earth is the center of a Federation (similar to Star Trek) With a government which appears to be based on Plato's Republic. The Earth is attacked by a race of intelligent insects who control meteors as weapons of mass destruction. The Federation must fight to survive. The story of the war is told from the viewpoints of young people who join the military, serving in all branches. They come together in the climax in a final battle which turns the tide in favor of the Federation.The Federation is presented as an authoritarian state that appears superficially fascist, more so in the film than in the novel. Actually its concepts of Citizenship are more socialist than fascist. Heinlein was a liberal democrat who had come to believe that liberal democracy had failed. Like J.F.Kennedy he seemed to be saying: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country." As a former paratrooper, this is one of my favorite novels and films. I hope you enjoy our exploration of this Classic.

Thursday Aug 11, 2022

On Thursday January 25th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will re-visit and review the 1950 science fiction novel “Wine of the Dreamers” by John D. MacDonald (1918-1986) This was his first science fiction novel. MacDonald went on to become one of America’s best Detective Story writers. “Wine of the Dreamers” set twenty-five years in the future (1975) the story interweaves two sets of characters on two different planets. The director of an early United States space program Bard Lane, and his staff psychiatrist Sharan Inly on Earth and Raul Kinson and his sister Leesa on the distant planet of the Dreamers. The Dreamers are the decadent descendants of the original human race. Millions of years ago they colonized Earth and two other planets in other solar systems. They maintain contact with the colony worlds, including Earth, by the use of long-range telepathic dream-machines. They call themselves “The Watchers” and they have a prime directive: To keep the colony worlds from developing space travel. And the dreamers do this by demonic possession sabotaging space programs such as the one Bard Lane and Sharan are managing in New Mexico. But the dreamers have degenerated to the point where they no longer believe that the people on the other worlds whom they possess have any real reality. They think they are creations of their dream machines for their entertainment. Very much like our video games. So the dreamers can create mayhem and chaos for amusement. However Raul Kinson is a throwback to an earlier age. He knows the truth and wants to help Bard and Sharan. The end result of this alliance of the minds between the worlds makes for a fascinating sequence of what-ifs – so if you want to find out who is watching and listening between your ears, from beyond the stars, tune in and we’ll go back to a future that never was but might yet be coming.

Thursday Aug 04, 2022

On November 2nd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present a discussion on the Biblical mystery man Melchizedek who appears
in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and later in the New Testament.
Melchizedek literally means King and Priest or Priest-King. He was said
to have given the first communion to Abraham in the days before Joseph
became a leader in Egypt. Although legendary he was said to have
established an order of priesthood to rival that of Moses
brother Aaron. He represented the original Canaanite god El ("the most
High God") whereas Aaron's priesthood was that of Moses' Jehovah
(Yahweh). After the Babylonian captivity Ezra attempted to overwrite all
references to El in the Bible and make Jehovah the supreme being. The
New testament declares twice that Jesus the Nazarene is a priest after
the Order of Melchizedek -- We will look at this in relation to the
Egyptian and Phoenician situation at the time and later Gnostic
Christian writings. So if you want to do some Biblical detective work
tune in and we'll solve the mystery.

Thursday Jul 28, 2022

This last weekend, July 22nd through the 24th, The Ordo Hermeticus Mysteriorum held its long postponed (due to the pandemic) conclave at Mt, Shasta Resort, Mt, Shasta, California. Attending were nearly thirty officers of the Order (R.R. et A.C.) Led by worshipful Paul Clark and Gracious Lady Cindy Forbes. Guest Speakers were Right Worshipful Kevin Townley (author of 'The Cube of Space") Chic and Tabatha Cicero (noted Golden Dawn authorities) worshipful Merrick Rees Hamer (G.D. Temple Chief, C.H.S. Vice President and Phylos in BEYOND LEMURIA, which was shown on the 24th) and Carroll "Poke" Runyon (Frater Thabion, OTA Magister and President of C.H.S., writer and producer of BEYOND LEMURIA). Poke's Lecture "Hermetic Yoga" was assisted by "The Head" created by V.H. Frater SithMeth (Max Paul) which is shown above with the event coffee cup and the rose given to us by Wor. Paul Clark.
          The text of the lecture follows and will be presented on the Hermetic Hour this week and then, with the power point illustrations included became a video on the Ordo Templi Astartes You Tube channel.

Thursday Jul 21, 2022

On Thursday October 12th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and special guest Frater Soun of Ubar will discuss the mythical Labours of Hercules in relation to the Hermetic tradition. We will develop the background of the myth evolving from Babylon's Gilgamesh through Melqart of Phoenician Tyre into the ancient Greek hero myth so often seen in films and television. We will look at works by Manley Hall, Albert Pike, Robert Graves, Alice Bailey and especially the French author Charles Francois Dupuis (1742-1809) who seems to be the only scholar who
has sequenced the twelve labours in proper Zodiacal order. The labours of Hercules are a chart of the souls journey through a cycle of lifetimes. They represent the great wheel of birth and death and are considered one of the Keys to the mysteries. So If you want to follow the big guy with the lion skin and the club tune in and we'll go adventuring.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

On Thursday October 5th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon joined by Frater Soun, Magister of Ubar Lodge in Dallas, will air a discussion on the evolution of the the Solar Hero in mythology from the Sumerian Gilgamesh who was the model for the Phoenician Melqart, who in turn inspired the Greek Heracles. Gilgamesh is a four thousand year old epic adventure story which circulated throughout the whole Middle East with copies found among the Hittites and the Canaanites. Even as Ishtar and Tammuz were translated into Astarte and Ba'al, and subsequently became Aphrodite and Adonis. Gilgamesh like Hercules slays a lion, a bull, a giant and many-headed monster. His victories and Hercules' labours are seen as representing the sun's yearly progress through the signs of the Zodiac. So tune in and we'll go back to the  days of myth and legend and make our way through "The Circle of the Beasts" as the Zodiac was originally called.

Thursday Jul 07, 2022

On Thursday September 7th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present a follow-up to our previous review of "Sekret Machines"
(2017) by Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley. In this program we will look at
their major source work: "Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs &
Extraterrestrial Alliances" (2015) by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. and his
(2017) sequel "The U.S. Navy Secret Space Program & Nordic
Extraterrestrial Alliance." These books and the plot of Sekret Machines
are primarily based on the revelations of the age regressed whistle
blower Corey Goode and other former U.S. Navy and Air Force operatives
in a parallel secret advanced Space Program with alleged bases on the
Moon and Mars. We will also examine Tom DeLonge and Peter Lavenda's
(2017) book "Gods, Man and War" which establishes the historical and
anthropological validity of the Ancient Alien and UFO connection without
evoking secret space program conspiracies. So if you want to return to
the absolute elsewhere for another hour, tune-in and we will have both a
critical and a sympathetic look at this phenomenon.

Thursday Jun 30, 2022

On Thursday August 31st the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review of the recent best selling novel: "Sekret Machines - Chasing Shadows" by Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley. This book purports to be The Truth about "The Phenomenon" (UFOs, Ancient Aliens, the Nazi Bell et alia) presented as fiction. It is very effective as a Dean Koontz-Dan Brown style multiple-viewpoint thriller. Readers will at first believe that this is a novelized version of the "X-Files" t.v. series but the final chapter proves that the 1940s Shaver Mystery by Raymond A. Palmer and Richard S. Shaver was the real inspiration for this project. We do not say this to discredit Sekret Machines but rather to recommend it. So if you want to spend an hour in the Absolute Elsewhere, tune in and we will take the elevator down to the "deep utilities" and visit with the Deros who run The New World Order.

Thursday Jun 23, 2022

On Thursday June 23rd, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will reappraise and read from the Hermetic classic  "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, first published in 1533 in Latin. This master work has been the foundation study of Hermetic science, Magick and mysticism for nearly 500 years. It is divided into three sections, or books: 
The Natural World, The Celestial World, and The Divine World. The first, The Natural World dealt with The Hermetic Elements, the second The influence of The Heavens, Stars and Planets upon human affairs and events and the third the Divine World, dealt with the spiritual sciences of Magick and Qabalah. Unfortunately many students get these volumes as a reference work. Agrippa intended it to be read and studied from beginning to end as one continuous and contiguous work. The Hermetic Elements of the Natural World are reflected in the Celestial World, and spiritually empowered and directed from The Divine World. We will demonstrate this with selected readings from the first Volume. We will be reading from the newly translated 1533 Latin edition from Inner Traditions translated by Eric Purdue. So if you want an old fashioned introduction to wizardry, tune and we'll start you on the path.

Thursday Jun 16, 2022

On Thursday August 17th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon is
honored to present a review and discussion on the new book of magical
fiction "Stories of Magic and Enchantment" by William Mistele, with the
author as our guest. This book is handsomely published by Falcon Books,
a new publisher in the field. As regular listeners will recall, we have
supported Bill Mistele from the beginning of his writing and publishing
career, having had him on as a guest with his first book "Undines"
(2010). This was followed by "Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes, and
Salamanders" in 2012. As you might suppose Bill is very much into
Franz Bardon's Hermetic Elemental personifications. He writes from a deep
empathy for sacred nature and its spirits, encountering them in human
form as magicians often do. He favors the feminine spiritual
perspective. His stories are remarkably free from the usual horror and
conflict we associate with supernatural fiction. We might say they are
totally opposite to Lovecraft, while being lovingly crafted. Bill has a
degree in philosophy and has spent years studying and meditating with
Buddhist and Taoist teachers. He finally devoted himself to the
Bardonian system of magic and has more books in the works. So, if you
would like to meet a true magical maestro and learn about his visionary
work, tune in and be enchanted.

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

On Thursday July 20th,2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
present the dramatic conclusion of Shamgar, the Purple Dragon by Poke
Runyon. The first part of this Biblical adventure was aired on September
4th, 2014's Hermetic Hour and has remained unfinished until the original
manuscript was rediscovered. Now we can complete this Cecil B. DeMillish
Biblical epic from the Book of Judges. Shamgar's saga recounts how a
Phoenician Pirate who claimed to be descended from Pagan Gods, becomes a
Judge of Israel and battles the Philistines, slaying them with an ox
goad years before Samson used the jawbone of ass. Shamgar almost becomes
Israel's first King but his magical ox goad is passed down to a future
contender at the beginning of the common era. So if you want to enjoy
the Old Testament from a Canaanite perspective, tune in and join us as
Shamgar rides again.

Thursday May 26, 2022

On Thursday May 26th, 2022 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon and guest Maximilian Paul will review and discuss Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s tour-d-force horror novel “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward” written in 1927 and published posthumously in 1941. This macabre epic has influenced the works of Stephen King and Clive Barker and has inspired two film versions, which we will also review and discuss. The Charles Dexter Ward story deals primarily with traditional supernatural themes: Alchemy, Necromancy, Medieval black magic, vampirism and demonic possession. The central character Charles Dexter Ward is a young scholar in Providence Rhode Island in the 1920s who becomes fascinated with the history of his notorious 17th century ancestor Joseph Curwen. The wizard Curwen had moved from Salem to Providence to avoid the witchcraft trails in 1699. He was an alchemist fascinated with a necromantic version of palinogenesis; raising the dead from their cremated remains. He with two equally sinister European sorcerers began grave robbing; collecting the remains of dead sages and scientists to learn their secrets. They also discovered secrets of immortality. This worked against Curwen in Providence where he showed no signs of age for forty years. He did manage to marry so as to leave a bloodline so that he could return – which he did in1928 when he possessed his great-great grandson Charles Dexter Ward through a strange portrait in his old house which young Ward had moved into. Young Ward is possessed by Curwen and eventually finds his grave and brings him back to life. But Old Curwen then murders young Charles and usurps his modern identity. However the Ward family physician Dr. Willet, and Ward’s father have Curwen (believing him to be Ward) committed to an Insane asylum. And that is where the story begins. So stay with us for all the inner secrets of what many consider to have been Lovecraft’s best horror novel.

Thursday May 19, 2022

As most of our active and Associate Members know we are mainly focused on Solomonic Ceremonial magick, but we also use the Aethyr System from Dee and Kelly’s Enochian corpus, which provides us with an operative alternative when the Moon is not well aspected for Goetia. The Aethyr System, originally called “Terrestrial Victory” and was a thirty-level spherical model of the Universe with the Earth in its center and the Aeythrs or Heavens (Gnostic Aeons originally) surrounding and expanding from the terrestrial center like the layers of an onion with the lowest as number 30 TEX rising on up to LIL as number one enclosing the outer limit of the circular universe. All of these levels are related to the Four Elemental Tablets, called The Watchtowers which relate to the celestial sphere and are positioned around the magic circle. Each of these Aethyrs have angelic governors whose sigils are outlined on the tablets. This is derived from Kamea Magic. The Aethyrs themselves derive from Valentinian Gnosticism, and the Book of Revelation The Magicians who explore these astral realms will activate the tablets, with Enochian Calls, and then scry into an orb on the altar within the magic circle. You can see this in our introductory video “The Rites of Magick.” We have discussed this on the Hermetic hour before but tonight we are going to go much deeper into the mysteries and paradoxes of this powerful system of magic. So, if you want to learn how to open Pinhead’s (Choronzon’s) Box tune in and chant with us: Zacar od Zamran!

Thursday May 12, 2022

On Thursday May 12th, 2022, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will continue with a dramatc reading of Poke's Magical adventure novel The Tomb of Prester John reading Chapters Five,Six and Seven. This sequence is one of the most exciting and revealing episodes in the story. We follow Sophie and Doc in their exploration of the eerie catacombs under the Biblical Christian Church of Thyatria in Akhisar Turkey. From the museum where they meet Graduate Anthropology student Ioanna Erzan who guides them to the catacombs. They find the Tomb of Theodas Jezebel's bishop and Sophie is entranced by his mummified body. They find a huge gallery with a skylight that floods the vault with moonlight. Doc sets up the Lamp of Truth and Sophie Draws Down the Moon and performs her sacred dance in the nude with the Lamp of Truth illuminating the chakras tattooed on her body. At the climax of her dance she collapses in Doc's arms. And they hear applause from From Khalil ibn Iblis and his terrorists who have been watching the performance. They are holding Iaonna Erzan as a hostage. But before they can capture Doc and Sophie, a Flash Bang grenade announces the arrival of Colonel Renda and Turkish Special Forces rappeling down through the skylight. Using Ioanna Erzan as a hostage shield Khalil and his men escape.But Renda says "We fed her a cookie, so they won't get far." Unfortunately Khalil detects the cookie and Ioanna is murdered. Doc and Sophie return to their hotel to spend the rest of the night under guard, where Doc has to hypnotize her to recover the secrets she learned from Channeling Jezebel. They learn the real secret of Christ's crucifixion and the origin of Prester John's treasure. And Doc discovers the Secret of the Lamp of Truth. So join us for high adventure and some amazing revelations.

Thursday May 05, 2022

On Thursday May 18th, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will 
review and discuss "Astral Dynamics" (2009) by Robert Bruce. Robert 
Bruce is an Australian writer not to be confused with the Scottish 
"Robert the Bruce". In Astral Dynamics Bruce has delivered what may well 
be the best practical manual on Astral Projection (OBEs and similar 
phenomenon) since Ophiel's "The Art and Practice of Astral Projection" 
(1961). Of course I must admit that I have a special interest in this 
book because Bruce describes, validates and teaches methods and 
techniques that we use in our magical instructions and training. His 
description of the chakras (psychic centers) is virtually in-line with 
our Western Middle Pillar system and his Third Eye projection is very 
much like ours. He describes projecting into paintings and projecting 
from Lucid Dreaming states. His energy work techniques are very 
Bardonian and his description of the Astral Planes is in line with our 
experiences. All considered this is a great book and we highly recommend 
it. So Turn on, tune in and pop-out!

Thursday Apr 28, 2022

On Thursday May 11th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review "Lucifer Princeps" (2015) by Peter Grey.  This book is quite different in style from its predecessor "The Red Goddess" which, although well-researched, explored the background and origins of Aleister Crowley's "Babalon" in a popular style. Lucifer Princeps however is a scholarly work and might even be an academic dissertation or thesis edited for the lay reader. Being an academic work it suffers from the assumption that the reader is familiar with the material that the writer is working from. Fortunately this corpus is mostly Biblical and Apocryphal but he cross references other mythologies. Nevertheless the book is a wonderful resource and a great contribution to the Western Esoteric Tradition. He starts with Isaiah's lament and curse as the beginning of the Lucifer's Fall from Heaven story. This sets the stage for a parade of sources from ancient Sumerian and Canaanite mythology. We learn about the first ascent to Heaven by the Sumerian king Etana, and then the Canaanite god Athar who tries to sit on Baal's throne. We learn that the Yahwehists hated the pagan gods of the heavens and that the War in Heaven was actually Yahweh against El and the Elohim. Lucifer is finally revealed as our old friend Semyaza (Semhaza), the leader of the 200 Fallen Angels from the original Book of Enoch. The author concludes his work by offering us a mini-grimoire of Semhaza and his 20 officers, leaving us the job of obtaining their sigils -- which we will certainly do. So if you want get a head start on this project, tune in and give a listen.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022

On Thursday April 21st, The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of Chapters Five and Six of the magical adventure novel.  In these chapters we will follow Doc Roland and his beautiful lady archaeologist partner Sophie Iskandar as they continue their quest for the vast treasure of of the legendary Priest King. In these episodes they visit the museum in Akhisar, modern city of biblical Thyatria, and then explore the catacombs under the ruins of Jezebel's church. With the ancient magick lantern called the Lamp of Truth, Sophie dances under the full moon to channel Jezebel's spirit -- revealing her incredible secret. In the process Doc discovers the secret of the Lamp of Truth. They return to their hotel and again meet Colonel Renda of Turkish Security forces who informs them they are involved in the gruesome murder of a female Turkish college student. This is a magical tale on the James Bond and Indiana Jones model. Join us for High Adventure.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022

On Thursday May 4th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will
review and discuss "The Red Goddess" (2007) and "Lucifer Princeps"
(2015) by Thelemic magician Peter Grey. The Red Goddess is devoted to
establishing the history and mystique of the Thelemic composite pagan
goddess "Babalon", which he correctly derives from Ishtar and Astarte.
This evolution is for the most part well-researched and well reasoned
from a Thelemic perspective, although Grey is critical of Crowley and
seems to think that Babylon is too good for the Beast. Most importantly
he supports the Divine feminine in magical religion. In "Lucifer
Princeps" he does the same for Lucifer on the male side of the magical
religious pantheon. In this case he works from Isaiah back to the Book
of Enoch, correctly concluding that Lucifer was originally Semyaza and
of Canaanite origin. With the exception of his interest in Simon Magus
Grey seems to ignore the early Christian Gnostic contributions to Magick
but his books are nonetheless readable and thought provoking -- so tune
in and we shall look at our magical history through a glass darkly.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022

On Thursday April 2Oth, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon 
will continue to review and discuss the modern English (2004) 
translation of Otto Rahn's 1937 Lucifer's Court. This was Rahn's travel 
journal from Southern France to Iceland when he researched his personal 
quest to solve the mystery of the Holy Grail as described in the 
Medieval romance Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. Rahn believed that 
the Medieval Cathars -- the Gnostic Heretics who were wiped out by the 
Roman Catholic Albigensian Crusade in the 1300s, were the keepers of the 
Grail. In this instalment we will get into the possible Persian 
Manichean origin of Parzival (Aryan of course) and Rhan's fascination 
with Hercules and the Argonauts legends (also Aryan) We will also 
discuss Nigel Graddon's 2008 Bio on Rahn and his rundown on all of our 
favorite Nazi Spook Books influenced by Rahn's quest. So tune in and we 
will follow the shadow of the swastika from Southern France to Tibet and 
back again.

Thursday Mar 31, 2022

On Thursday April 13th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon 
will review and discuss the modern English (2004) translation of Otto 
Rahn's 1937 Lucifer's Court. This was Rahn's travel journal from 
Southern France to Iceland when he researched his personal quest to 
solve the mystery of the Holy Grail as described in the Medieval romance 
Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. Rahn believed that the Medieval 
Cathars -- the Gnostic Heretics who were wiped out by the Roman Catholic 
Albigensian Crusade in the 1300s -- were the keepers of the Grail and 
that they were devotees of Lucifer. He was very favorable to Nazi Aryan 
race theories and was invited to join Himmler's SS. Rahn's veneration of 
Lucifer as the God of the Medieval French and German heretics may be the 
main source of what has been called Nazi Satanism. Lucifer was actually 
another name for Semyaza, the leader of the Fallen Angels in the Book of 
Enoch. We will try to sort out the errors in Otto Rahn's work and give 
him credit where credit is due. In spite of his political incorrectness 
he was an intrepid anthropologist and folklorist and his book is a 
fascinating read for those interested in the occult history of Europe. 
So tune in and we will explore the castles and caverns of the lost land 
of the Troubadours in search of the Holy Grail.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022

On Thursday March 30th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon (or
Roygnon) will review and discuss the 1982 Bestseller "Holy Blood, Holy
Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. This is the
book that generated "The Da Vinci Code" and is the first mainstream
modern speculation on Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene and possibly
having heirs who become The Grail Family and, according to the author's
become the magical, holy bloodline of the Legendary Merovingian dynasty
of French Kings in the days of King Arthur. This bloodline is
perpetuated and protected by a medieval secret society that still exists
in modern France, The Priory of Sion (Zion). The book is a door-stopper
and not very well organized. They try to make it read like a detective
story rather than a straight forward documentary presentation. Unless
you are fascinated by the subject you may get bogged down with all the
mystery before you reach the solution -- but if you stick with it the
overall effect is convincing. And to devout Christians perhaps shocking.
There are some problems, not with the idea of the Grail family. That is
very well presented, but with the authenticity of the Priory of Sion
itself. Yes there was one back in medieval times -- but is today's
fraternity and its family leadership directly connected to the early
medieval Merovingians? In any case the book is a great introduction to
this fascinating subject. It certainly got me to looking into my old
French antecedents. I discovered the Merovingian "golden bees" on the
Roygnon family crest and began to wonder if I had a little of this
magical blood? I recall Hamlet said: "To bee or not to bee." I wonder if
he was Merovingian. Tune in and we'll explore the mystery of the Grail

Thursday Mar 17, 2022

On February 27th, 2022 The Host of the Hermetic Hour was the call-in guest of Masonic brothers At the Fort Worth, Texas Masonic Lodge's weekly Pod cast. Poke was interviewed by the Master, Worshipful brother Gabriel, who was very knowledgeable on esoteric subjects  and asked me some very provocative questions. We covered everything from my childhood, through, spearfishing, scuba diving, special forces, Novel and screen writing and the illness that got me into magick -- through self-hypnosis -- and on then into  anthropology, while doing the Golden Dawn and witchcraft, writing my Master's Thesis on Magick -- after which I did The entire Masonic program. Master Gabriel asked me: "After all those other traditions how did Masonry affect You?" -- "I'll be honest with with you, I Told him, I thought these Muggels couldn't show me anything; but they totally blew me away! The Third degree was awesome." I realized that I had been hit with the full force of a Three Hundred year old Egregore (collective spirit)Master Gabriel came in at that point for a Fuller more philosophical explanation of the term. We continued discussing magick,the nature of spirits,the Golden Dawn, astrology, Kabbalah and even reincarnation -- all in all it was a very enjoyable hour and a half with a lot of very stimulating conversation. I'll be responsible for what I said and nothing I said reflects official Masonic teaching or doctrine. Thanks to Bros. Billy and Wor. Bro. Gabriel for letting us rebroadcast it.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022

On Thursday March 10th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of Chapters Four and Five of his magical adventure novel The Tomb of Prester John. This will be of particular interest to those seeking to understand the origins of the Gnostic Mass and its roots in Valentinian and Simonic Gnostic traditions. Doc Roland's Lady archaeologist partner, a belly dancing former Scarlet Woman, channels both the spirits of Jesus's Mary Magdalene and Simon's Helen in their quest to find the Tomb of the medieval warrior priest king, while being stalked by her former lover Khalil Ibn Iblis, the Gnostic priest turned terrorist assassin. The Tomb of Prester John is a novel that delivers magical secrets in fiction form. In this episode you will discover that Gurdjieff's enneagram is the entrance to the Ninth Gate, that Jehovah is Popeye, and that The Gnostic Mass was originally Christian. So come with us on a quest for the Tomb of Prester John.

Thursday Mar 03, 2022

On Thursday March 16th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will review and discuss Joseph P. Farrell's 2014 book "Thrice Greatest
Hermetica and the Janus Age".This is a confusing title for a sometimes
confusing book, but it is still worth our attention. Basically it
outlines an historical conspiracy theory that goes this way: The
Medieval Knights Templar (the first military industrial and
international banking conglomerate) in collusion with the Republic of
Venice launch a Roman Catholic Crusade allegedly aimed at Palestine but
deflected to Constantinople to destroy and loot the Byzantine Greek
Orthodox half of the old Roman Empire. The Templars are okay with this
but when the greedy Pope sicks them on the Gnostic Christians (Cathars)
in their own home turf, Southern France, they back out.
The Cathars are destroyed. The Pope's buddy the King of France asks a
loan from the Templars, they refuse him, so he and the Pope turn on them
and destroy them in France. But they survive in Scotland, England and
elsewhere. and they are still allied with wealthy Venice. They are an
underground network, Meanwhile the Roman Church allies with Genoa,
Florance and Spain. The Venetians and the Templars make it to America
before Columbus (a Genoavian-Spanish agent) but Columbus plants the
Spanish flag. The Templars and Venetians infiltrate England with a
culture war -- infusing the English (Dee, Fludd and Shakespeare) with
Hermeticism and the proxy war for the New World is on. Drake, Morgan et
allia against the Spanish. What a plot! Sounds crazy but Joe has a PhD
from Oxford in Medieval Church history so he is worth reading on
subjects like this. Tune in and we'll check it out.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022

On Thursday February 24, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with Host Poke Runyon will continue reading his magical adventure novel "The Tomb of Prester John". Thus far we have followed archaeologists Doc Roland and Sophie Iskandar, working for the CIA think tank Myth Tech searching for the legendary Tomb of Prester John and the fabulous treasure it holds. In these new episodes they fly to Berlin to discover the coded secrets in Prester John's letter to Frederick Barbarossa. Then off to Turkey where they team up with Nuri Renda an agent of the Turkish MIT and are stalked by Sophie's sinister terrorist boyfriend Khlil ibn Iblis. So tune in for cloak and dagger thrills.

Arabian Nights Magical Novels

Thursday Feb 17, 2022

Thursday Feb 17, 2022

On Thursday February 17th, 2022 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will discuss and review the current trend in Fantasy novels involving themes and characters from The Arabian Nights mainly the Jinn which King Solomon imprisoned in his sealed jars. A few weeks ago Poke had been putting together a show dealing with The CITY of BRASS from Burton's version of the Nights, citing it as an inspiration for many classic fantasy adventure stories. But then he discovered that an American Lady author, Shannon Chakraborty,  had in fact published a magical novel called The City of Brass in 2017. So he decided to postpone the show until he had read her book. He then discovered another British author Jonathan Stroud who had a series of Jinn fantasies called The Bartimaeus Triology launched in 2003 which he needed to catch up on.  And while we are at it we might as well throw in the old Victorian classic Vatheck by William Beckford (1893). So, if you would like to take a ride on a magic carpet, tune in and we'll be off.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022

On Thursday March 9th, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review Paddy Chayefsky's Oscar Winning 1976 motion picture Network. Network is a scathing satire on the intellectual and moral corruption of American Television networks, especially their News Departments. Much of the corruption Network presents was just beginning to come about in 1976, but was fully in place by the 1980s according to Dave Itzkoff in his book “Mad as Hell” 2014, and is presently erupting in the Network News Media's efforts to actually support the overthrow of the elected government of the United States of America. The focus of the 1976 film is t.v. Anchorman Howard Beale who is about to be fired for low ratings. Depression and alcohol have driven Beale to madness and he becomes The Mad Prophet of the Airwaves preaching his mantra chant: “I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!” This drives his ratings sky high until the Network entertains a bid from a Saudi Arabian conglomerate. Beale urges his viewers to protest the Arab deal to the White House and is successful in delaying the procedure. The head of the Network's corporation Arthur Jensen confronts Beale and convinces him that the New World Order has made populist democracy obsolete. So Beale goes back on the air trying to sell the Globalist agenda. Telling his followers that democracy is obsolete and that they should accept dehumanization. Of course his ratings drop to the cellar. But Jensen won't let the Network fire him, so the executives convince the radicals of their documentary Mao Tse Tung hour to machine-gun Beale in the studio as he comes on stage for his show. This will up their ratings and pay for Beale's deficit. It's all a business. That's the gist of it but stay with us and we'll dig deeper into this masterpiece of American prophetic cinema.

Rosicrucian Yoga (re-broadcast)

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

On Thursday February 23rd, 2017 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon
will present the the modern yoga ritual version of the Chemical Wedding
of Christian Rosencreutz. This is the fully developed Rosicrucian
version of Hermetic Yoga Beyond the Middle Pillar as presented in volume
one of Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar. This advanced
version, draws upon The Naassene Document, the Gospel of
Philip, the Gospel of Mary, the Chemical Wedding itself, and the works of
Jacob Boehme and Johann Gichtel. This reveals that the Ninth Degree of
the O.T.O. and the Great Rite of the Gardnerians are both derived
from original Valentinian Gnostic Christian sources. So if you want to
experience some R-rated Rosicrucian yoga, tune in and we'll take you into
the mirrored chamber of the Sacred Marriage.

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